Paranoid he embraced me

Chapter 94 My little cousin gave it up

Chapter 94 My little cousin gave it up

Because Bai Ning doesn't know what this mess is.

But Su Luo didn't hand over these things to Bai Ning, and ended up staring at him with one hand on the door frame.

Bai Ning saw that Su Luo didn't intend to take what he had in his hand, so he also said what he had prepared before he came.

"Hurry up and take it. I didn't give you this, but your brother asked me to pass it to you. I just went downstairs to talk to the teacher, and the teacher originally planned to pass it to you. Seeing me next to me, I handed it over."

When Bai Ning said these words, his face didn't blush and his heart didn't beat, as if what he said was true.

Because Bai Ning's expression is very calm now, and it seems to be mixed with a little bit of unhappiness, and this unhappiness may be because he is an errand runner for no reason, so he is unhappy.

Su Luo pursed the corners of his lips, but finally took the thing over.

"Thank you."

Bai Ning twisted his wrist, and quickly waved his hand.

"It's okay, I'm just running errands anyway, so you don't have to thank me. If you want to thank me, go thank my little cousin."

After Bai Ning said this, he ran away without a trace, and also closed the door of his own room, as if he was afraid that Su Luo would suddenly break in and return the things to him.

Su Luo didn't react for a while, but now he just stared at the things in his hand in a daze.

Although Bai Ning didn't say who his little cousin was, Su Yu had a very absurd guess in his mind.

There is only one possibility in total.

Su Luo thought about this, and the hand holding the thermos and the bag of messy things was too hard to tremble.

Su Luo didn't put these things into his room, but directly threw them into the trash can in front of the door.

Su Luo didn't want to see these things happen, and he didn't know why there was such a relationship between Lin Yuan and Bai Ning.

Although Su Tuo didn't have any evidence to prove all of this, he was able to guess nine points. It was because Su Tuo didn't know many people, and there were not many people who were close enough to be able to ask people to give things.

The so-called not many, in fact, there is only one person in total.

If it was in the past when that incident didn't happen, then Su Luo wouldn't refuse the thing like this now, and he would definitely say thank you after that.

But after that incident, it is impossible to return to the past, so these things can no longer be received, even if it is just some of the most common things, they should be thrown away as soon as possible.

Su Luo had already thrown this thing into the trash can, but after closing the door, he opened the door again and took all the things out.

Su Luo put the things in front of Bai Ning's door.

Because this thing was originally given to Su Tuo by Bai Ning, if he just threw it away like this, it might be regarded as a debt of favor.

But Su Luo didn't want to, so the best way to deal with it was to return the property to its original owner.

Bai Ning originally thought that he had done this matter very successfully, and that he would have an only sister-in-law in the future, but he didn't expect that this matter would be messed up by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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