Chapter 17 Subduing the Snake 3
"Fire attack?"

"To deal with the fire attribute, you should use water, but the snake prefers water. In a strong confrontation, only the stronger can win. The most powerful weapon in our Southern Jin Kingdom is the artillery. Increase the horsepower to improve the attack power of the artillery. , there may be unexpected gains."

"This statement also sounds reasonable, use fire to defeat fire!"

"In order not to hurt the people of our dynasty, I want to lure the snake to the uninhabited area, set up an ambush, trap it temporarily with a net of heaven and earth, and then use the most powerful artillery to fire dozens of cannons at the same time." Qingyan said, "So I hope that my father will agree to let me go with you to conquer the snake!"

Calling "Father", King Jing woke up, only to realize that the person who told him these words was actually his youngest daughter Qingyan.A hint of surprise flashed in his pupils, mixed with panic.

The surprise is because this method may really be able to subdue the snake, but the panic is that she is young and has been staying in the Nanwang Mansion, seemingly innocent, why did she suddenly have such a scheming, could it be...

The nightmare from more than seven years ago flashed into his mind again. King Jing was extremely worried about the death of the fortune-teller. Could it be that Qing Yan was not an ordinary child as the fortune-teller said, and she possessed the evil spirit of destroying the world!

Seeing her father's rather strange expression, Qingyan asked in confusion: "What's wrong with my father?"

"How did you know these things about the Teng snake? Who told you?" Prince Jing asked sharply.

Qingyan was taken aback, not knowing what she had done wrong, her father seemed very angry, and explained: "My daughter heard that my father was going to the border to deal with the scorpion snake, but there was nothing I could do, and suddenly remembered some information about the scorpion snake I had seen before. , so read it carefully and realize the method. The daughter did this just to help the father, is there anything wrong?"

There was nothing wrong with her, it was out of filial piety, it's just that a seven-year-old girl shouldn't be thinking about these things, let alone thinking of so many things.

"Father, can you allow me to go to the border with you tomorrow?" Qing Yan asked, she really wanted to help.

"It's a fantasy for a little girl like you to go, save the palace to study, read more serious books, don't read those messy things!" Jing Wang frowned and stared at Qing Yan, "Don't just play tricks! "

"Qingyan just wants to help the father, and I hope the father will allow it." Qingyan insisted.

"Okay! Don't forget the promise you made to me. Stay at home obediently and don't go anywhere!" King Jing roared.

Prince Jing's tone was firm and there was no room for discussion, so Qingyan had no choice but to give up.

"Get out, you kid is getting more and more outrageous!" Prince Jing pointed at the door sharply.

Qingyan had no choice but to turn around and leave, then turned back to King Jing and said, "Father, I heard that the crown prince has a god orb for protection, and artillery is a mortal thing after all, so I'm afraid it can't deal with the snake. If you have the prince's fire spirit If you help each other, there is a chance of winning!"

The Fire Lingzhu, exactly, Prince Jing secretly praised in his heart, it was Qingyan who thought it through.Prince Jing thought again, why should he listen to what his seven-year-old daughter said, but what she said made sense, so he had to believe it.

"Do what you should do, don't talk nonsense here!" King Jing stared, the more unusual Qingyan behaved, the more uneasy Prince Jing became, worried that the fortune teller's words would come true, and that his beloved daughter was really a monster things.

(End of this chapter)

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