Crazy Phoenix Royal Sky: Black Belly Little Devil Queen

Chapter 181 Xiaozhu drinking together 3

Chapter 181 Xiaozhu drinking together 3
Li Junyi saw mixed emotions of remorse in Tantaimu's eyes, they also looked at each other and smiled lonely, touched the bowls, and drank them all in one gulp.

"Good wine! Hahaha." After a few hearty laughs, they drank a few more glasses in a row. The wine was so intoxicating that both of them seemed to be drowsy.

Tantaimu stared at Li Junyi intently, was infected by his stunning face, even reached out to caress his face.Li Junyi stopped his hand and said softly, "What are you doing?"

"If Brother Jun Yi is a woman, I would even want to marry you." Tantaimu smiled.

"Prince Mu, you are drunk, why are you talking nonsense?" Li Junyi's face was slightly displeased.

"I'm not drunk, brother Jun Yi, you seem to be drunk, haha." Tantaimu drank the wine in the bowl again as he spoke.

Li Junyi poured wine for Tantaimu, and the two of them clinked bowls to do it. It was hard to avoid the situation, the drinking was just to forget the unpleasant memories, but the more they drank, the clearer their memories became.

Tantaimu's face was flushed, and he filled a bowl of wine for himself again, feeling sad and recalling the past. Tears glistened in his eyes, and he couldn't help asking: "Brother Jun Yi, have you ever felt heartbroken?"

"Hehe, you must have it." Li Junyi put her hand on Tantaimu's shoulder, the first time she saw him and heard him play a sad tune, Li Junyi knew that he was a man struggling in some kind of pain.

"That's right." Tantaimu shook his head. For the first time, the proud crown prince felt relieved of his dignity, and said with a mournful face, "There was once a woman who had a temperament like a daughter's red. She was lively and beautiful, but also gentle and gentle. I decided that she was the woman I loved and thought I could give her happiness."

Speaking of this, Tantaimu laughed at himself, and then said: "It's God's will to deceive people. In the end, I didn't know that she didn't belong to me. She loved another dead man deeply, haha."

"This is the so-called destiny, so what if you are not willing? Prince Mu, don't worry about the past." Li Junyi persuaded.

"Hehe, it's too late, she died, depressed and unhappy!" Tantai Mu looked at Li Junyi, "It's just my own wishful thinking."

Tantaimu's eyes are full of scars, the seven sufferings of life, birth, old age, sickness, death, resentment, hurt and parting, and what can't be asked for!
Li Junyi suddenly felt a little heartbroken for the man in front of him. He has always been strong and self-reliant, but who can he tell the pain in his heart?In fact, why was he not like this?

"Perhaps life is so incomplete." Li Junyi swung the wine glass, the mellow fragrance of green bamboo leaves filled his mind, his face began to feel a little hot, and he hadn't drank like this for a long time.

"I remember when we were very young, we children always had a lot of fun in the palace. He loved me very much, thought of me in everything, and always protected me from any harm." Li Junyi's eyes were confused, All the nostalgia for the past.

"This person must love you very much."

"I thought so too, but now he is the one who wants to kill me." Li Junyi looked up at the wine in the alloy cup and murmured, "How can life be like a song to wine? Like the moon, when can I stop? Worry comes from it, and it cannot be cut off..." The verses are intermittent, and I am afraid that my heart will be confused.

Tantaimu stared at Li Junyi, already a little drunk, his blushing face against the firelight showed a trace of happiness that he never had in normal times.

(End of this chapter)

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