Chapter 219 Ruthless Exposure 7
Zhu Honglian endured the severe pain in her abdominal wound, and left a pool of blood, which also stained Li Junyi's white clothes red. Holding on to her strength, she asked word by word: "My lord, if... and... in the next life, would you still...will you?" marry..." She asked this sentence completely, but couldn't say a word.

"Honglian, if there is a next life, I, Li Junyi, would like to marry you as my wife, and join hands with you to spend the rest of my life together!" Li Junyi said this without any hesitation, and her tone was strong and powerful.

Zhu Honglian smiled sincerely from the corner of her mouth, the look in her eyes was slackened, and she couldn't see anything in the pitch black. She firmly grasped Li Junyi's hand, leaving the last comfort in her heart.

Praying for this man, wishing him a good life, Zhu Honglian's hand gradually lost strength, she let go of her fingers holding Li Junyi, closed her eyes, and fell asleep in his arms.

In this life, I have loved, hated, cried, laughed, and come, and that's all.To be able to leave in such a peaceful manner, she has already received special favor from the heavens, and she dare not pray too much.

"Honglian!" Li Junyi gently swayed her body, but she didn't respond. He knew she had left, and couldn't help crying bitterly. Did he do too much evil in his previous life, so he has this retribution in this life?
Several guards present were infected by Li Junyi's tears, and couldn't help sobbing in a low voice.

There is no need for an excuse to gather, and there is no need for a reason to disperse.In life, there is no choice; in death, there is no escape.

The thin line is so far away, before the love comes, they start to hate, before they get together, they are already separated, before they enjoy life and death, the God of life and death is already close...

The singing voice is delicate and crisp, and the dancing posture is light, like a fairy singing like a fairy Lingbo.

The slender eyebrows are picturesque, the hair is shooting stars, and in the hibiscus tent, the public is like spring.

She was panting delicately, if she was overwhelmed with emotion, her drunken eyes were bleary-eyed, captivating one's soul.

In the emerald quilt, the shadow and mist are blurred, the king asks for his wish to return, and the concubine's love is like water.

The sky is full of talents, and the talents are amazing.Relying on talent and arrogance, singing wildly while drunk.

The white silk was fluttering, and the entire Sixth Prince's Mansion fell into deadly grief.

Li Junyi dressed in filial piety and knelt in the mourning hall to guard Zhu Honglian's death. He had never done anything for this wife, and this was the only compensation he could give her.Between them, who owed whom, no one knew.

Li Junyi's eyes were bloodshot, and there was no blood on her flawless cheeks, and there was only a touch of melancholy and sadness in her eyes.

A maid came up to greet him: "My lord, you have been guarding for a day and a night, take a rest first, there are servants here to serve you."

"Go down, I want to be alone."

The maids were full of helplessness, seeing the brittleness of the stunning prince made them feel sad, she didn't dare to disobey the prince, so she had to retreat together with the other maids in the room.

Finally, he was left alone in the mourning hall, alone.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are originally a natural cycle, and there is life and death.Everyone lives in this world and has no choice in life, because whichever family God brings you to, you have an innate identity.Li Junyi grew up without any struggle. He was born in this palace where it is difficult to feel family affection. Here, there is only hatred and sorrow.

In this kind of life, life is a right, and he only fulfills his obligations and responsibilities for life.What about death?
His tragic fate cannot be escaped. He felt that his life was just a joke, and he left without leaving a trace.In this cold palace, would that elder brother who had loved him care about his life or death?

(End of this chapter)

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