Chapter 224 Unlimited Murder 3
"Tantai Qingyan, even if I am not human, you can only seek survival in my hands in this life. I want you to live...better to die!" Li Chongye sneered, feeling very helpless towards her, this kind of love cannot be hated The feeling of not being able to drive him crazy.

That night, the Imperial City of Beiping was brightly lit, General Qin Jianli sent people to search outside the city, and there were no idlers on the streets.

Qin Jianli stood at the gate of the city, staring at the surroundings. Tonight, all the soldiers gathered their spirits. They all knew that Qin Jianli's anger was on the verge of breaking out, and they didn't want to get burned, so they worked extra hard.

"Report to the general, the city has been searched, and there is no trace of the Southern Jin prince!" The leading guard replied.

Qin Jianli frowned, the reward was not satisfactory to him, and then he thought that they must have escaped from the royal city!You should take someone to arrest him as soon as possible! "Come on, immediately mobilize people to chase me out of the city!"


Qin Jianli thought about Li Junyi again. Although he had already made up his mind, he was still worried about him, so he asked, "By the way, do you know what's going on in Prince Yi's mansion?"

"There is nothing unusual about Prince Yi's Mansion."

"Very good, leave a team of soldiers and horses to guard Yiwang Mansion, and report to me immediately if there is any special situation, without delay!"

Then Qin Jianli gave an order and led the army out of the city.

In the darkness, a person in Tsing Yi turned around secretly in a corner, and slipped away in the opposite direction without anyone noticing.

Outside Yiwang Mansion, a few soldiers dressed as soldiers were sneaking and squatting in the corner, listening carefully and whispering.

"What kind of bad luck is this? It's wind and rain, and it's sent to monitor the palace... Originally..." Speaking of this, he let out a lewd smile. Xiao Cui from Yihong Courtyard had already made an appointment. There was a "bah" sound.

"Be content!" Another soldier said, "Others have to go out of the city in the rain to arrest people, tsk tsk, there are all muddy roads outside the city!"

"But what's there to see in Prince Yi's Mansion? There is no movement at all. Hey, the general really cares about the sixth prince!"

"You also know that it wasn't rumored that the general liked the Sixth Prince, hehe, it was a bit funny to think about it, and then someone heard that the Sixth Prince and the Southern Jin prince..."

The person who made the noise curled his lips casually, but turned around with a frightened expression on his face.

"you you--"

"What are you, what's the matter?" A person next to him looked intently, and saw that the gleaming silver tip of the knife passed through the abdomen of the brother opposite, and he stepped back softly and fell silently.

"Ah, kill..." The other person was about to shout, but felt a pain in his neck and lost consciousness.This group of people was quickly exhausted.

In the rain, only the man in Tsing Yi was left.The men in Tsing Yi wear the same costumes and swords, and obviously come from the same secret organization.

"It's a shame to dare to come to stay at this level!" A man in Tsing Yi shook his wrist and sighed easily.

"Liu Ying, you are still the same." Fang Yue, the man in Tsing Yi beside him, had a handsome face with a smile on his face. Although there were scars on his face, he was not ugly.

If Qin Jianli had been present, he would have been surprised. The little guard in the palace who was trembling with Li Chongye's anger had a chic and natural demeanor at the moment. This Fang Yue was exactly Li Junyi's eyeliner in the palace.

"Fang Yue, your moves were much slower than mine just now!" Liu Ying stepped forward and punched Fang Yue.

"Liu Ying, I just went back to the palace, and you're going to be so mean to me?" Fang Yue also punched him back. The friendship between the man was hard to describe, but it was deeply rooted.

(End of this chapter)

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