Chapter 231 Crisis Time 4
Looking at his purple face, Qingyan felt somewhat happy in her heart. Seeing his pain, she was inexplicably happy, maybe it was because of too much hatred!She didn't give him a chance to breathe, and continued: "Actually, the emperor killed him at this time, which is a kind of relief for him, so that he will not taste all the despair and pain in the future, and he will turn his hands into clouds." There is no one who truly loves him when he is alive, and no one who truly loves him will shed a single tear for him after death. Hey, actually, thinking about him dying like this, I am really unhappy!"

"Tantai Qingyan, you are so vicious!" Li Chongye couldn't bear her ridicule and curse, her words greatly disturbed her heart, it was so confusing!
"Hehe, it's really nothing if Tantaimu died. It's just that it's not worth it to have Li Junyi as his company. Although I don't have a close relationship with the sixth prince, he is an excellent person, and the feelings are in his heart. Eternal number one."

"Don't mention this traitor to me, he is trying to replace him right now and sit on the throne of the emperor of Beiping!" Li Chongye roared angrily.

"Your Majesty, General Qin has led heavy troops to arrest Tantaimu, and the Imperial City is lacking in guards. At this time, Li Junyi's family has three thousand guests, and with the strength of the Tsing Yi Gang, I am afraid that if he really intends to capture the Imperial City, he will not leave the city to set up camp. Unless the sixth prince is mentally retarded, he will go out of the city and wait for the opportunity to rebel instead of overthrowing the imperial city overnight! Even if Li Junyi is a big fool, but all his followers are not fools, or why the emperor's eyeliner is in Prince Yi's Mansion has been completely cleared?"

Li Chongye's eyes fixed on Qingyan, her words woke him up quite a bit, Li Junyi clearly wanted to protect Tantaimu from fleeing, and did not pose any threat to the throne.Li Chongye asked suspiciously: "Why did Li Junyi do so much for a Southern Jin prince?"

"Hasn't the emperor heard of 'a scholar dies for his confidant'? But it's not surprising, the emperor will never have such an idea, hehe, the sixth prince is a man of temperament, and what he naturally does makes the emperor unimaginable."

"..." Li Chongye fell into deep thought without saying a word.

Qingyan smiled slightly: "The emperor seems to be in a bad mood, why not Qingyan sing a song for you."

Li Chongye looked at Qingyan with weird eyes: "You don't really have the mood to sing at this time, don't you?"

"Hehe, then I won't show my ugliness. I don't know much about melodies, so I can't compare to Li Junyi. I heard that he was ordered to enter the palace to perform music that day, and healed the emperor's headache." Qingyan tried to remind Li Chongye, The last trace of brotherhood with Li Junyi.

Sure enough, Li Chongye's face changed in shock, and the sound of Li Junyi's piano rang faintly in his ears, and he slowly and softly recited the poem: "Cooking beans to burn Osmunda... why is it too urgent to cook?"

Qingyan looked carefully at the change in Li Chongye's expression. In his eyes, she saw a trace of affection. Li Junyi was his last relative. Qingyan didn't believe that there was such a heartless person in the world. In the end, even the brother she loved since childhood Don't let it go!

The sky has cleared up, but after the rain, the jungle is still surrounded by mountains and mist, and the vision is not clear.Qin Jianli ordered people to go into the mountain to do a carpet search, and he waited for the results outside the mountain. Lao Fengshan said that he would not fight, that it was not small, Qin Jianli ordered people to guard all the exits.

(End of this chapter)

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