Chapter 233 Crisis Time 6
"There is someone who can help us through the crisis, who is that person?" Tantaimu asked impatiently, as if he saw a ray of light before his eyes.

"If a predestined person will appear, he will naturally show up in times of crisis." Zhuge Ying replied.

Tantai Muzhen wanted to get angry at Zhuge Ying, but at this time he actually played tricks, but he couldn't care less.It feels like the opponent is surrounded by more than a thousand people from all directions.

Ying Wuqiu clenched his sword tightly, with a stern look on his face, as if he was determined to die.The team in front of them appeared, but the leader was Tsing Yi Liu Ying.

Liu Ying nodded to Tantaimu and smiled, "Prince Tantaimu."

Li Junyi stood alone on the top of the mountain, looking down at the Liushi Rock on the mountainside. This is a huge stone, and it is also a stone left by countless literati. Although it is just an ordinary stone at the moment, what is unusual is that it will record bloody despair today. scene!
The drunken poet and poet once had a lot of writing and thought, and with a swipe of a pen, there will be a splendid chapter handed down from generation to generation.While singing to the moon endlessly, who would have thought of the fallen flowers that withered early in the evening sun?
At this moment, Fang Yue walked over quickly: "My lord! Liu Ying is back, and he brought Tan Taimu, the crown prince of the Southern Jin Kingdom!"

Startled, Li Junyi immediately turned around, looked down in the direction Fang Yue indicated, and saw Liu Ying and the three of them approaching, among them was Tantaimu!

Tantaimu looked up and stared, and couldn't help slowing down, it was Li Junyi!He was a confidant, but this time he couldn't predict what Li Junyi's intention was. From Zhuge Ying's probing in Liu Ying's mouth, he already understood that Li Junyi betrayed Li Chongye, but he didn't know what Li Junyi's purpose was.

Because Tantaimu would never have thought that Li Junyi would not put his life above everything else, so spare no effort to help him!This love is indescribable!
Li Junyi looked at Tantaimu approaching, Tantaimu was already a very important person in his life, no matter whether it was false or not, he really put his heart into making himself happy, and all the things he experienced were vivid in his memory , is unspeakable bland happiness.

The first time they met in the bamboo forest, he played the piano and he played the tune with the leaves. The rare tacit understanding made them hit it off at first sight, and they also had the same experience of being infatuated with love.

Then, they met at a dinner party and discovered each other's identities in surprise, but they were very happy because they didn't just meet each other once.Later, whether it was playing the piano and flute or rafting on the water, or being in distress in the bamboo forest or talking after drinking, their friendship was sublimated in the dark, like a bosom friend and better than a bosom friend!

Li Junyi's actions are not only difficult for people like Li Chongye and Tantaimu to understand, but even he himself is very contradictory. He obviously thinks it's not worth it, but he still can't help doing it.He doesn't care about anything in return, he just wants to fight for his life, even if it costs his own life and reputation!He really didn't want to watch him die at the hands of Li Chongye, and the entanglement between himself and his elder brother must be resolved!

In the end, Li Junyi chose to make a complete break this time, not only for Tantai Mu, but also for Li Chongye, for herself, and even for Beiping!
We are about to reach the top, Zhuge Ying, Ying Wuqiu, and Liu Ying are no longer moving forward, maybe they need to talk alone at this time.Fang Yue also withdrew.

Tantaimu slowly walked in front of Li Junyi, hesitant to speak, he really didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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