Crazy Phoenix Royal Sky: Black Belly Little Devil Queen

Chapter 240 Blood Stained White Robe 5

Chapter 240 Blood Stained White Robe 5
"General Qin, promise me...but remember...don't be deceived by Beiguo." Li Junyi's voice was almost dying, and he exhausted his last strength.

"Prince Yi." Qin Jianli's grief was so painful that it penetrated to the bone marrow. Facing his departure, he was at a loss. At this moment, he could only stand upright with the support of his long sword.

Li Junyi's blurred eyes gradually shifted to Li Chongye, his eyes were filled with infinite nostalgia. He never had the memory of his elder brother's cruelty to him, but only the memories of his innocence. Those were the days when he was the most innocent and happiest: "I... never... really"

Li Chongye felt a little ashamed, and felt a strong sense of frustration spontaneously. Li Junyi's words and eyes were finally deeply imprinted in his mind.In the vague pain, Li Chongye still remembered the Wood Lingzhu. Once Li Junyi died, if he didn't tell the whereabouts of the Wood Lingzhu, then he would never get the Lingzhu. This is his last chance!Thinking of this, Li Chongye asked, "Sixth Brother, where is the Wood Lingzhu?"

Suddenly hearing Li Chongye's question, Li Junyi smiled sadly, Qing Yan and Qin Jianli also looked at Li Chongye angrily at the same time, their eyes were full of contempt for vulgar people.

Li Junyi actually planned to donate the Wood Lingzhu, and it was meaningless to stay by his side, but facing Li Chongye, he finally changed his mind, and this person might no longer be worth paying for him.He just smiled faintly, and slowly closed his eyes in a stunning smile.

"Six Princes." Qingyan let out a soft cry of nostalgia in her heart, her eyes gleamed like a pool of autumn water, filled with endless resentment, in the end she couldn't help him, she was powerless, there was too much helplessness in this world.With tears streaming down her face, she watched Li Junyi gently close her eyes, never waking up again.

Fang Yue has been very calm, he barely moved his lips before making a very soft voice: "My lord, Fang Yue will take you away right away, hold on!" Then the more calmly picked up Li Junyi and walked towards the ruined temple, regardless of the surroundings Surprised eyes.Everyone saw that Fang Yue carried Li Junyi into the ruined temple. For some unknown reason, a raging fire ignited after a while. The fire burned wantonly, and then swallowed the entire ruined temple and the heart of General Qin Jianli.


The terrified eyes left only a breathless lament.

A lifetime of wandering, a lifetime of lies, a lifetime of loneliness, and a lifetime of grudges.

Love and hate, togetherness and parting, life and death, often this thin line will make people lost, blind, even insensitive, and regret for a lifetime!
"I've never really hated you." These were the last words of the sixth younger brother Li Junyi before he killed himself when he was looking at Li Chongye, and it has been echoing in Li Chongye's mind.

After dismissing all the guards, Li Chongye sat on the throne and clenched his fists. In the end, all three younger brothers died in his hands, and he had no relatives around him.But at the end of his life, Li Junyi never said that he hated him, and his heart ached even more.

The soul has been corrupted by the royal power, tears are rolling in the eyes, but the proud Li Chongye doesn't want it to flow, he is a strong man, and the strong will not cry.Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains are in his hands, and the king is invincible is the eternal truth in his heart.

The lobby was very quiet, when a person walked in, Li Chongye looked intently, but it was her!There was a meaningful smile on Qingyan's face, her purpose of coming here was to laugh at him, this cruel emperor was ridiculous, he killed his younger brother because of inner speculation.

(End of this chapter)

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