Chapter 368
Knowing that Qingyan was pointing at Wanting, Yulan deliberately responded, "I've heard a lot about such things before entering the palace."

Qing Yan said: "It's nothing, this is expected."

Xiang Wanting held back her anger, her face was as calm as ever, and she said with a smile: "Your Majesty, the weather is very nice today, why don't we go for a walk together!"

Wang Mingqing glanced at Xiang Wanting, this guy's endurance is indeed very strong, but fortunately she had a plan, otherwise she would not have the ability to win back the king's heart!

The four of them walked together, followed by several personal maids.The flowers in the Royal Garden are gorgeous, some are gracefully open, some are shyly holding their flowers, some are eye-catching pink, and some are elegant and indifferent white...the fragrance of the flowers is overflowing, and it oozes the heart.

"I heard from the maids that rare varieties were specially transplanted in the pond this year. The flowers are competing for beauty, which is a beautiful sight." Xiang Wanting said.

"If the queen doesn't mind, then let's go and have a look together." Wang Mingqing smiled, and suddenly thought of the time two years ago, which was similar to the current situation, except that there was one Lanmei missing.

"Okay, let's go and have a look." Qing Yan replied.

"Ming'er, you have to take care of yourself." Xiang Wanting looked at her with concern, "I'm pregnant now, don't be careless, maybe some people are just waiting to seize the opportunity."

"Thank you, Concubine Hua, for reminding me." Wang Mingqing smiled, their conversation was intended for the two foreigners to listen to.

"Sister Xiang Wanting has a kind heart." Qing Yan still had a calm expression on her face.In such a public occasion, she naturally would not understand Wang Mingqing's hair, so as not to get burned.

Yulan looked a little annoyed, maybe she was pregnant with a child, and she was so proud of herself.The villain succeeds!
Wang Mingqing stroked her belly very gently, Qingyan tightly clenched her fists, and smiled at Wang Mingqing: "Sister, taking advantage of your majesty's special liking for you, if you can give birth to the emperor safely this time Son, the blue sky is going straight up..."

Qingyan said affectionately, the vermilion rouge exuded a crystal color, and there was a soft smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Hehe, that's right." Yulan echoed, her brows were full of jealousy.

"Sister Lan Meiren's little princess is still the emperor's first child. The emperor seems to like children so much." Wang Mingqing laughed.

Yulan deliberately shook her head, smiled, and said to the other three people: "Yulan entered the palace too late, I don't think my sisters are such kind-hearted people, please forgive me for offending my sister before!"

"Hehe, my sister is so polite, we are all good sisters." Since Yulan is so good at pretending, Xiang Wanting bit the bullet and said.

"Empress, that lotus flower is the best and the biggest!" Wang Mingqing said suddenly, pointing to the distance, and an idea came to her mind, to fight a tooth for a tooth.

"Oh. Where is it?" Looking at the lotus in the pond.Qingyan asked doubtfully.

"It's that flower!" The imperial concubine pointed to the distance with a smile, pretending to be surprised, "Empress, didn't you see it?"

Qingyan didn't pay attention for a while, stood on tiptoe, bent slightly to look into the distance, Wang Mingqing smiled softly, "You will see it soon." After speaking, she stretched out her foot, behind her heel With a slight lift, Qingyan screamed and fell into the pond.

"Wang Mingqing!" At this moment, Qingyan realized that Wang Mingqing was plotting against her. She struggled to hit the water, sank again, and choked on a few mouthfuls of water.

(End of this chapter)

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