Chapter 5 Little White Fox 1
Since Qingyan was born, she almost never left Prince Jing's mansion, and she was full of curiosity about everything outside. Seeing the bright smiles of the two sisters, Nie Shuang couldn't help laughing, and now he has no regrets about this decision at all.

"Sister, look over there, there seems to be a little white cute!" Qingyan took a closer look, and it didn't look like a rabbit, "But, look..."

"That's a fox, little white fox!" Zhilan smiled, this silly little sister is really pitiful, it's the first time she even saw a fox.

"Little white fox, you're so good!" Qingyan smiled brightly like a flower.

Since Qingyan likes it so much, Zhilan decides to get the fox and give it to her sister.Zhilan picked up the bow and arrow in the horse bag, aimed at the little thing, and prepared to shoot it.

Seeing that her sister was going to shoot the little white fox, Qingyan was afraid that the white fox would be injured, so she missed her hand the moment Zhilan shot the arrow: "Sister, don't, don't hurt it!"

The arrow hit the little white fox, and the frightened fox ran away.

"Run away!" Zhilan was extremely puzzled, and explained to Qingyan, "I didn't mean to hurt it, I'll catch it alive and let you raise it to play, okay?"

"Okay!" Qingyan nodded, she had misunderstood her sister.

"Nie Shuang, Nie Shuang, hurry up, catch that fox, I want to live!" Zhilan shouted to Nie Shuang.

When Nie Shuang heard Zhilan's words, she rode after her without saying anything.

Nie Shuang aimed at the fox, trying to catch it without hurting it. He had to shoot arrows continuously to jam it on the tree trunk, so that the fox could not escape if it was trapped by several arrows.

While Nie Shuang shot two arrows in a row, two other cold arrows came. The four arrows just pinned the fox to the tree trunk, and the fox was scratched by the cold arrows on one leg.


Hearing only the voice of a rather immature boy, Nie Shuang looked over and saw a boy who looked like eight or nine years old riding a horse with a bow.

"Did you shoot this arrow?" The boy was young, with gorgeous clothes and a handsome face, but he had the arrogance of a king.

"Yes." Nie Shuang replied. Although he didn't know the identity of the other party, judging from his words and deeds, he must be a person of noble birth.

"I beat this fox." The boy glanced at Nie Shuang, got off his horse, and walked over to catch the fox.

At this moment, Zhilan rushed over with Qingyan. Seeing a boy hugging the fox, Zhilan quickly got off the horse, kicked a small stone on the ground, and attacked the boy.

The boy dodged sideways, dodged the attack, his face was slightly annoyed, and he turned his head to look at Zhilan: "Who are you?"

"Hey, a young boy dares to snatch a fox! Obviously we saw the fox first, and the arrow that trapped the fox belongs to my subordinates." Zhilan walked to the boy and said proudly, "So, This fox belongs to us!"

Seeing this, Nie Shuang dismounted as well, holding Qingyan in her arms.

"Dare to talk to me like that?" The boy squinted his eyes, with a smile on his face, "Of the four arrows, two of them belonged to me."

This child has such a profound skill, he can hold a bow weighing dozens of catties, Nie Shuang couldn't help but sigh, this person must be a resounding character when he grows up.

It turns out that the boy is also pretty when he smiles. Qingyan walked over and stared at the boy's face carefully, there was always a familiar feeling, as if she had seen him somewhere.

(End of this chapter)

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