Chapter 506 Hold Your Hand 10
Passionate Valley.

Ever since Ye Siyi told her that Ye Chuci was the owner of Passionate Valley, he never came to Nian Ningxuan or Bamboo Garden.

Liu Xinning slipped out while the guards in the bamboo garden were resting. She walked around the huge amorous valley for a long time, and came to a building named Guanya Building. She looked at this place, elegant and simple, hesitated for a while, and tiptoed softly. She walked in, it was very strange, how could there be no one guarding here, she went to the attic, and didn't meet anyone, at this moment, a pigeon flew by, Zilin, did you receive the letter?
At this time, someone came in from downstairs.

"Siyi, where did you... Xinning go? Didn't I tell you to watch her carefully?" A crisp male voice asked angrily. look around.

"Brother, Passionate Valley, you are the owner of the valley, why should I tell you the rules? Liu Xinning is an outsider, and you can't enter Passionate Valley at all. It's not like you don't know the rules set by your mother."

Brother, Siyi is actually his sister, what's going on, Siyi?If she was his younger sister, how could she be chased and killed without martial arts?Liu Xinyue thought.

"Mother said, either don't love, or love people in the valley!"

"I don't want to worry about so much, I just ask where did Xinning go?"

She looked at him, thought it was ridiculous, and said coldly. "I have no idea."

"You..." He raised his hand, wanting to hit him down.

"What, are you angry? Hit me! Ever since you met that woman in the drunken house, you have changed. Brother, you have never been like this before. Since you love her so much, why did you come back without a fight? Since you gave her Why didn't you fulfill her promise made by Huang Di that day!"

"Siyi, you've changed too. If I knew this, I shouldn't have let you go out of the world. You used to never talk back. That person spoiled you!" He said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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