Chapter 515 Hold Your Hand 19
One day, a person entered a forest near the lake. Deep in the forest was a small wooden house. When he looked at it, he couldn't help but think of a person.When he approached, he saw a girl pulling weeds in the garden.

"Sichu, it's time to eat." A call came from inside the house.

"Understood, mother..., mother, come and see, the flowers are blooming. The flowers you have planted for several years are all blooming today." The little girl shouted happily.

She went out of the house to look at it. The flowers that had been planted for several years were really in full bloom. They were so beautiful. She smiled very beautifully.

"Xinning..." The man looked at her in surprise, and called softly.

Her smile froze, and she raised her head slowly, looking at him with blurred eyes.

"Mother, mother, is that uncle calling you?" The immature child's voice called.

She came back to her senses, stroked her head, and said softly: "Sichu, be good, wash your hands and eat first, mother, I have something to do."

"Xin Ning..."

"My lord, you have misunderstood the person, my name is not Xinning..." The voice was trembling.

He walked over and embraced her involuntarily, "Xinning, forgive me!"

"Forgive, whether to forgive or not, it's just a sentence, it has already settled in those years ago, and Liu Xinning has already died long ago." She said coldly.

He let her go, took out a dagger and handed it to her.

She retreats.

He stabbed the dagger into the atrium with his backhand, and blood gushed out.

(End of this chapter)

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