Chapter 56
Shi Feng, a family of magicians, a rare magic family in the world, has a high status. They have some kind of unfathomable spiritual power, they are tall and thin, and they always have a mysterious smile on their faces.No one knows the origin of Shifeng. He used his own strength to win the favor of the king of Dongshu.

"Please don't mention Tantaimu in front of me. Also, Shi Feng, I don't have any regrets, so you don't have to be too self-indulgent!" Chang Sun Xu responded with a smile. The biggest characteristic of Shi Feng is that he doesn't Self-knowledge.

"Your Highness, you are jealous again. Hey, I can't help it. I am born to be talented, a handsome magician who is admired by thousands of women." Shi Feng held his mouth and shook his head.

"Whatever you want to say, in short, no matter how beautiful a man in the world ranks, I can't do without me, but you, hehe, maybe you won't be on the list!" Zhang Sunxu has already adapted to Shi Feng's jokes.

"Oh my god, Your Highness, how could you hurt Shi Feng's young heart so much, I didn't expect you to be ruthless and cruel behind your kind appearance!"

"Shi Feng, don't be sad, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have said that sentence just now, because you didn't say that you can't be named on the list, but you must!"

"Your Highness!"
"Okay, let's pay attention to your demeanor, my hero Shi Feng." At the entrance of the main hall, Zhang Sun Xu made a look, and when there were people, he still had to show the majesty of the prince, and Shi Feng nodded knowingly.

The main hall is huge in scale and majestic, with gold and jade shining together, majestic and majestic.The scale of the palace buildings in the Southern Jin Dynasty continued to increase, which is worthy of a powerful dynasty. The typical characteristics of the palace buildings are huge brackets, covered with golden glazed tiles, gorgeous paintings, finely carved ceiling caissons, and white marble platforms. Foundations, slabs, beams and columns, and surrounding architectural sketches.

Court, dinner party.The decoration is very careful and elegant.

Tantai Tenggao, king of the Southern Jin Dynasty, sat on the dragon chair throne. ,
There is a special seat on the steps, where Li Chongye, the king of Peking, sits.

Below the steps are other distinguished guests who participated in the banquet.

At the first table on the left are Crown Princes Tantaimu and Zhilan, followed by Princess Pingning, Prince Jing Tantaijing, Qingyan and other members of the royal family.At the first table on the right is Sun Xu, the eldest son of the Eastern Shu Kingdom, followed by the important ministers of the Southern Jin Dynasty, and the attendants who came with the Emperor of Beiping.

The jade wine and gold cups were placed on the table, the banquet had not yet started, and everyone present was waiting for the Southern Jin King Tantai Teng to make an announcement.

Qingyan at the bottom of the steps seemed to be a bit lazy during this dinner party, but a pair of interested eyes looked at her straight, without any shyness, it came from Li Chongye, Qingyan felt disgusted, and kept casting her eyes to the side The head of the table, Sun Xu, bowed his head and smiled shyly.

Chang Sun Xu felt Qing Yan's radiant gaze, and smiled back.This scene was captured by Shi Feng who was standing behind Changsun Xu. Unexpectedly, when the boss of His Royal Highness Changsun Xu hooked up with a beautiful girl, he laughed secretly.

"Everyone! It's rare for the new emperor of Beiping Kingdom to visit, as well as His Royal Highness the eldest grandson Xu of the Eastern Kingdom. Today, the Southern Kingdom set up thin vegetables and light wine to wash away the dust. If there are any mistakes, there are still plenty of them." Tan Taiteng said, holding up his hands The exquisite gold wine bottle on the table paid respects to Li Chongye and Changsun Xu.

Then, Zhang Sunxu and Li Chongye returned their respect.

The corner of Li Chongye's mouth raised a proud arc, and he raised the wine bottle on the table: "Your Majesty, I am very grateful for the hospitality of the Southern Jin Dynasty."

Changsun Xu looked at Li Chongye and didn't like this domineering emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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