Chapter 561 Qingqing Heartbeat 18
The next stop is the final stop, thinking that the next stop will never come, Lin Qingqing feels very peaceful at this moment.Only his back was seen in the car, and General Qi Muyu's tenderness flashed before his eyes.Huh, I suddenly discovered something, Qi Muyu, Qi Muxu?These two names sound too close!Is there any connection between them?
Lin Qingqing shook her head in fear, and hurriedly shook her head. Thinking of that philandering radish in such a wonderful mood is really a sight to behold!The difference of one word makes a world of difference!

How can that self-righteous, domineering and evil Qi Muxu compare with the affectionate, gentle and consistent General Qi Muyu?The more she thinks about it, the more she feels that Qi Muxu is humble and insignificant, while Qi Muyu is tall and majestic. It seems that Lin Qingqing has completely fallen in love with the general in her dream who is sincere to her!
Thinking about the terminal has arrived, to get off!But the rain was getting heavier and heavier. Bai Yi got up and walked to the car, opened a green umbrella, and got out of the car.

This action is so elegant and handsome!Lin Qingqing went there in a daze, staring at the white clothes crazily, and then heard the driver shout: "Hey, we've arrived at the terminal, get off!"

"Oh." Lin Qingqing came back to her senses. She and the driver were the only two people in the car. She looked at the door and saw that the white clothes were nowhere to be found. She was extremely disappointed. Lin Qingqing got out of the car slowly. It was raining heavily, but there was nothing she could do!

Like taking a bath!As soon as Lin Qingqing got out of the car, her whole body was drenched. She gathered her eyes and saw a small tent in front of her. She felt as if she had grabbed a life-saving straw to shelter from the rain, so she planned to rush over quickly. Halfway through, she was unlucky to get home. She slipped, felt her body lost her balance and fell down, and struggled a few times. This movement completely broke the half-lady image she had painstakingly cultivated over the years. She thought it was over, Falling into the mud in the rain, how can I go back with dirty clothes?

In the midst of infinite depression and body decline, she suddenly felt a strong hand wrap around her waist, supporting her.

Before she had time to think about it, Lin Qingqing instinctively grasped the corner of his clothes with her hand, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. She subconsciously raised her head to stare at this person, and in front of her was the white robe with a soft smile on her face!Imposing and haughty, it was the first time she got so close to him, seeing such a cool and handsome face clearly, her smile was as bright as a summer flower.

On the head is a green umbrella, this green umbrella is very beautiful and very retro, it does not look like a modern umbrella type.Although the green umbrella is a bit old, it is very chic.

Lin Qingqing's bewildered eyes, pure and clear eyes, feel so close to a man who can be said to be a stranger, but it feels kind.Looking carefully, she saw his faintly sad expression in his blurred and warm eyes.

He could feel her tightly tugging at the hem of his clothes, and her rapid breathing. (Bai Yi asked softly, "Are you okay?"

She still just stared at him and could not hear other voices, including his questioning. Brother Mu Yu, who only appeared in dreams, would be so close in reality. disappear.But she could hear her heartbeat, he was not a dream.

At this moment, he read the indescribable affection in her eyes, and they looked at each other affectionately and affectionately.However, Bai Yi was not so devoted, and after Lin Qingqing's body was balanced, he withdrew his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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