Chapter 565 Qingqing Heartbeat 22
A trace of coldness remained on the corner of his mouth. I don't know what that man was busy with. Before his mother was alive, he didn't fulfill his responsibilities as a husband. After his mother passed away, he still refused to offer a bouquet of flowers!If he didn't only know how to chase fame and fortune all day long and forget to accompany his family, his mother might not have passed away so early.In fact, he doesn't want much, and it's not that he doesn't want to understand forgiveness. Since Qi Fengxian married another beautiful woman, it has become a fact that his mother died with hatred. When this person confessed to him ten years ago , he didn't bother to forgive.

On that day, at the funeral, he clearly remembered that Qi Fengxian said with tears in his eyes: "Mu Xu, it's my father's fault. I shouldn't have hurt you and your mother. Please forgive my father, please? Everything to compensate you, as long as you ask for it, I will definitely give it!"

He thought it was sincere, but this person couldn't even meet his last bottom line request, calling him "Dad", Qi Muxu felt it was very artificial.If Qi Fengxian had been willing to accompany him to see his mother in the past ten years, maybe he would not have tortured and retaliated against him like this.Qi Fengxian is really good to himself, maybe it's just because Qi Fengxian only has him as his son, and he still counts on him to be outstanding, and he is proud of him.

Whether it is love or hate, it is obvious that watching him suffer from headaches, but pretending not to care about the pain in his heart, and supporting him to sprinkle salt on his wound.Qi Muxu believes that since Qi Fengxian owed the debt, he must settle it and get back justice and dignity for his mother!

An evil smile flashed across Qi Muxu's face, well, as much as you expect, you will be doubly disappointed!Absolutely can't let the chairman of Qi's Group go his way. He thinks that he is great because he has money, and he can turn his hands into clouds and rain?Hehe, joke!Then destroy your dignity, if his son is a evildoer who commits all kinds of crimes, then he will definitely be disappointed!It's very interesting. In the past ten years, he has matured and changed in this way.

Ben is the proud son of heaven, possessing a stunning handsomeness, a gifted wisdom, and what's more, he never forgets the principles of morality and ethics while being unrestrained and indulgent. (The biggest belief in this life is that he has always been able to resolutely walk life with his own understanding, no matter whether it is deviant or not, he persistently fights against fate based on his own principles, no matter what price he pays.

"Qi Muxu?" Lin Qingqing passed by the cemetery, saw this familiar figure, walked closer and saw that it was really him, and couldn't help but scream.

Qi Muxu, who was feeling infinitely emotional, heard someone calling his name, turned his head vigilantly, and saw Lin Qingqing's face that was still fresh in his memory.

"Lin Qingqing, why did you appear here?" Qi Muxu exclaimed, looking at her in astonishment.

"Why can't I be here?" Lin Qingqing hummed dissatisfied.

"I want to be alone, don't bother me." Qi Muxu's expression was extremely cold, and now his heart is extremely fragile, he just wants to pretend to be strong, afraid that the tears in the next moment will be seen by others.

Lin Qingqing looked at the tombstone, and there was a photo of a beautiful aunt on it. She felt that Qi Muxu was somewhat similar to the person in the photo, and asked him in surprise, "Is it your mother?"

"Go away, don't bother me, are you deaf?!" Qi Muxu couldn't stand the woman's continuous questioning, and yelled at her.

Lin Qingqing saw the tears in Qi Muxu's eyes that he tried to hold back. This arrogant and domineering prince actually had a fragile side.

"I..." Lin Qingqing felt aggrieved and scared, but seeing his pain, she couldn't help but want to take two steps closer to comfort him, "Everyone will experience life and death, and the living should be stronger, don't be too sad."

(End of this chapter)

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