After playing the king for a year, I became the richest man!

Chapter 103 Let's Go to the Imperial Capital

Chapter 103 Let's Go to the Imperial Capital
Lin Jie pushed a total of two Australian lobsters. He first pushed one of them to Mo Ting, then took the scissors to break the shell, and started to deal with it. , Only then began to put it in the little bear's bowl.

"Thank you big brother for peeling the shrimp!" The little bear thanked Lin Jie obediently and politely.

Lin Jie nodded: "Eat slowly!"

Little Bear nodded obediently: "Yeah, I know! I'm going to start! My favorite is shrimp!"

Then Lin Jie glanced at Chen Mengting, who was sowing lobsters clumsily.

Then speak.

"Ms. Chen, how about I help you!"

Chen Mengting's face healed immediately, and then said a little embarrassedly. "No need, I can do it myself."

Looking at the other party with a clumsy look, Lin Jie insisted, "I'll do it, you're welcome."

Chen Mengting had no choice but to push the lobster over embarrassingly.

Lin Jie picked up the shelling shears and started to deal with them.

Boys have more strength, so it is naturally easier to deal with these things.

After peeling, he gave the meat to the other party, saying:

"Here. You can eat shrimp tails, but I can eat shrimp yellow?"

As he said that, he continued to process the yellow of the Australian lobster.

"Big brother, I want to eat it too, I want to eat shrimp roe too, I want to eat the same as you."

"Children can't eat it!" Lin Jie said to the little kid with a smile.

"No, no!" The little bear pursed his lips and began to act like a baby.

Lin Jie, carefully scooped up a spoonful of King Shrimp with a spoon, then blew on it to cool it down, and handed it to the little bear.Speaking of:
"Well, you can only eat one bite!"

"Yeah!" The bear child nodded, then opened his mouth, took a bite, and ate the spoon and the shrimp yellow inside.

"Wow! Delicious!"

After they gave away the two large Australian lobsters, an Australian crystal crab was brought up at this time, and Lin Jie started to crack the shell again.

He gave.Little Bear handles a giant pincer.

The other pliers were given to Chen Mengting.

In this way, after about an hour, they finally finished the seafood meal.

As soon as he walked out of the restaurant, the little bear child immediately held Lin Jie's hand, raised his head, and asked expectantly. "Big brother, where should we go to play in the afternoon?"

Before Lin Jie could answer, Chen Mengting spoke first. "Can't you go out to play? You have to practice the piano in the afternoon, have you forgotten?"

"Ah? No! I don't want to play the piano, I want to go out!" He shook Lin Jie's arm. "Big brother, let's go out to play, can you take me to the aquarium again?"

Lin Jie shook his head, expressing his refusal.

The bear child's bear child nature was exposed again.

He could only coax and lie. "Yiyi, go learn the piano well, study obediently, and when the winter vacation is over, the big brother will take you to the playground, okay?"

"Ah? Really? Isn't this great? I'm going to play in the playground. I like going to the playground the most, especially going to the playground with my big brother!" The little bear child immediately cheered.

I only remember to go to the playground to play, I seem to have forgotten, study hard, and there is a limitation of winter vacation.

"Big brother! When will you have winter vacation? Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?"

Lin Jie "..."

Immediately, he felt a little speechless. Isn't this little bear's way of thinking too powerful?

Beside her, Chen Mengting wanted to laugh a little bit when she was teased by her own daughter, but she was too embarrassed to laugh, so she had to cover her mouth and hold back.

Lin Jie had no choice but to snort, and then replied with a dark face. "Winter vacation is winter time. When winter is cold, of course it is winter vacation."

"Ah! Isn't it? We have to wait for winter? I know winter! How long will it be? When will it be cold?"

The little bear child suddenly showed a distressed expression.

"It'll be here soon! Little bear, hurry up and study, don't think about playing all day long. If you don't study hard, I won't take you to play in the future." Lin Jie said with a strong attitude, he understood Well, this little brat, as long as your attitude relaxes a little bit, he will push forward, but he can't.Pamper him too much.

This little brat is a smart little kid. Seeing that Lin Jie's attitude became tough, he nodded immediately: "Okay, okay! I'll study the piano hard, big brother, you should play with me earlier!"


After saying goodbye to this little bear, Lin Jie returned home.

Turn on your phone and get ready to read the news.

As soon as I opened the browser, I saw the advertisement on the first screen.

"Is there a car show in the imperial capital in two days?"

After Lin Jie saw this ad, he suddenly became a little bit tempted, and wanted to go to the imperial capital to have fun.

After all, when I was in Pengcheng.I met a young lady from the imperial capital, and I haven't contacted for a long time.

This time to go to the auto show, by the way, you can also contact that young lady.

the next morning.

Lin Jie sent a message directly to He Mengxue:
"Mengxue, tomorrow Saturday, I plan to go to the imperial capital, do you want to go with me?"

He Mengxue replied immediately: "No, I'm busy with exams recently, and I don't have time to go out on weekends!"

He knew what Lin Jie was thinking. If the two of them traveled to the imperial capital alone, they would probably have further intimate contact, right?
Lin Jie didn't force it either.

He Mengxue, if he goes with him, of course he doesn't mind a home run by the servant.

It's okay if you don't go.It's just a matter of time to go and see the young lady in the imperial capital.

Chen Ziyi.

People from the imperial capital.

20 years old, body and appearance are above 90 points.

Wouldn't it be nice to meet again?

Therefore, Lin Jie directly sent a message to the other party on WeChat: "Miss sister? Do you remember me? We met in Pengcheng."

Of course Chen Ziyi remembered Lin Jie.

So she replied: "Of course I remember, kid, what's the matter?"

Lin Jie: "????"

What kind of kid is this? Have you ever seen such a big kid?
This beauty seems to like it very much, call someone else's child!
She went on to ask:
"Little friend, did you come back from Pengcheng?"

"I'm back, and I plan to go to the imperial capital tomorrow. I don't have any acquaintances, and you are alone, so you have to cleanse me up when the time comes!"

"Why do you come to the Imperial Capital? The kid doesn't study hard, why do you think about running around all day?" Chen Ziyi asked tentatively.

"Of course I miss Miss Sister, so I want to go to the capital to play with her. Miss Sister won't welcome me, right?" Lin Jie said glibly.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in children." The other party returned mercilessly.

(End of this chapter)

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