Chapter 106 Tall beauty.

But before she opened her mouth to complain, the young girl next to her had already spoken first.

"Uncle, I beg you, don't say any more, I can't bear it anymore, it makes my stomach hurt from laughing!"

Hearing this girl's words, that greasy uncle was busy with your question mark, I really don't know what happened, did I tell a very funny joke?

I am not, is it just a suggestion to him to stay at the Four Seasons Hotel?
What's so funny about that, I can get the inside price, shouldn't you all admire me?
Why are you still laughing?

He really didn't know what he said wrong, or did he say something that made others laugh?
At this time the girl said again. "Huaheng Hotel is a very famous high-end hotel in the imperial capital! You haven't heard of it?"

But she was not surprised.

This middle-aged greasy man is obviously a complete jackass.

It can be seen from his conversation and the embarrassment he pretends.

"Because I'd like to add. A random room in Huaheng Hotel costs about 2000 yuan, and a slightly more luxurious room type even costs three or four thousand."

"And I believe this little brother didn't order an entry-level room. Because the cheapest entry-level room does not have class services." Said, the girl looked at Lin Jie.

Lin Jie also pretended to sigh. "Hey, now that I heard what this uncle said, I want to book the Four Seasons Hotel. After all, I can get the internal price. It's really surprising. After all, it's a little bit cheaper."

"Hahahaha!!! I laughed so hard!" The girl next to her held her belly and laughed again.

After the middle-aged man saw the conversation between the two, his face became cloudy and uncertain.

At this moment, he finally understood the situation in his heart.

It turns out that these two young people have been playing themselves like monkeys all along. ?
I just wanted to strike up a conversation with that young girl and try to help them.

How can you be treated like this?
The middle-aged man took a deep breath, then gritted his teeth and said. "Little brother, isn't it a little too much for you to say that?"

"I'm going too far?" Lin Jie showed a look of surprise.

Before the other party responded, he continued. "Uncle, it doesn't matter if you want to pretend, strike up a conversation, or flirt with girls. I can understand it. After all, everyone wants to express themselves when they see beautiful girls, but I have already told you You, I have booked Huaheng Hotel. You are still pretending to be here, so what can you do? Who told you that you don’t even know about Huaheng Hotel? "

Middle-aged man: "..."

He was a little speechless, and began to shut himself up.

Listening to what the other party said, it is indeed the same.

At the beginning, I pretended to be aggressive in front of the other party, but the other party just dealt with it casually out of politeness.Later, when he mentioned Huaheng Hotel, he probably just didn't want to chat with him anymore.

If he knew that Huaheng Hotel was a high-end hotel, then he would definitely not continue to pretend to be aggressive.

After all, I still know too little!

The middle-aged man sat next to him and shut himself up.

At this time, the beautiful girl typed a sentence in the memo with her mobile phone, and brought the mobile phone in front of Lin Jie.

"Hello little brother, thank you for helping me out, my name is Liu Yushi!"

Lin Jie simply took the other party's mobile phone and typed directly behind.

"Hello, Miss, my name is Lin Jie. Don't be too polite, I just can't understand this kind of middle-aged greasy man, who has no skills, and wants to tease my little sister all day long."

When he handed the phone to the other party, Lin Jie used the system to scan it for the other party.

"Gender name: Liu Yushi."

"Age: 19!"

"Height: 176!"

"Weight: 56kg!"

"Status: 98!"

"Purity: 95!"

"Favourability: 60!"


After glancing at the other party's information, Lin Jie expressed a little surprise.

My good boy, the other party's height has reached 1.7 meters six!
Wouldn't she be taller than herself if she wore a pair of high heels?
And the body score is even more exaggerated, reaching 98 points!
In other words, this kind of score can only be achieved by a devil figure with fair skin, beautiful appearance, thin waist, big breasts, and long legs!

Since the other party is the author, Lin Jie has not seen the other party's figure clearly, but the system's scan will never lie!

This 98 points, plus the height of 1.7 meters [-], is too high, right?

And the purity is also awesome, above 90 points!

In other words, it is still a flower waiting to be picked.

And the favorability score has now reached 60 points, that is to say, if you ask the other party to make a WeChat friend now, you will never be rejected.

Lin Jie simply glanced at the middle-aged man next to him.You scan him.

"Gender name: Wang Daxing!"

"Age: 43!"

"Height: 163!"

"Weight: 72kg!"

"Favourability: -20 (disgust!)"


Lin Jie just glanced at it and didn't read his information at all, but just reading the first few items is enough to make people feel sick.

Height 1.6 meters three, weight 72 kg?

Or forcefully flirt with a little sister who is 1.7 meters six and less than 20 years old?
Uncle, would you please take a pee and look in the mirror?
This middle-aged uncle is not a fan of Liang Jingru, is he?Have you sung the song "Courage" superbly?
Who gave him the courage?To strike up a conversation with such a tall and hot beautiful girl?

Lin Jie had to admire his thick skin.

As for the degree of favorability, Lin Jie can completely understand that the other party pretended to be exposed by him, and he was played like a monkey by himself once, so of course he would hate him.

It would be unscientific not to hate yourself.

But Lin Jie said it doesn't matter.

If it's just a stranger, just hate it, you hate me?I also hate you!
Anyway, after getting off the plane, everyone will go their own way, and they may never meet again for the rest of their lives, so do whatever you like!

The middle-aged man at Didu Airport, where the plane arrived soon, left first when he got off the plane because the author was sitting next to the aisle.It was a little rushed.

Lin Jie,

Seeing his actions, he sneered in his heart. It seems that this guy is still a little ashamed. This action is obviously made ashamed by his own pretense just now, right?

So as soon as the plane stopped, it immediately went to the front without stopping.Rushing to get off the plane?
Lin Jie couldn't help but secretly laughed in his heart.

It cannot but be said that the appearance of this uncle gave a hint of meaning to his boring journey.

(End of this chapter)

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