Chapter 115 Take it directly
But Zhou Hao thought about it again, but found that it was not that easy.

What the other party said was to buy a car to send a car model.

Instead of sending the car to touch first, I will consider whether to buy a car or not?

This is the sequence of two,

In other words, the other party has to pay a price first for flirting with a girl, and the price is 600 million.

And Zhou Hao wanted to flirt with girls at the beginning, but he just wanted to add a WeChat, put some conditions on WeChat, and then consider whether to buy a car or not?In fact, he just wanted to have sex with the other party for nothing and not buy it at all.

So there is still an essential difference between the two, but 600 million is too much to flirt with a girl, right?
Don't goug the price, okay?

Zhou Hao frowned slightly. He looked at Lin Jie strangely. Could it be that this young man really wanted to buy this car?

At the beginning, he thought that the other party was just pretending to be aggressive, but now it seems that the other party's aggressiveness is not so simple, a bit like trying to be serious.

In this way, he couldn't help but looked at the young man carefully, and this time he finally saw the watch that Lin Jie was wearing.

As the general manager of an entertainment company, he considered himself an upper-class person, so of course he recognized it at a glance. It was a Patek Philippe watch worth more than 100 million yuan!

A person who can afford such a bitch cannot be an ordinary family at all. A watch can cost more than 100 million, so isn't it normal for a car to cost 600 million?

So at this moment, the other party may really be able to afford this car, maybe.

"I said uncle, why don't you leave? Do you really want to buy it? If you want to buy it, I will let you buy it. You don't have to stand by and look at me all the time. How can I not Excuse me. Make it look like I'm being loved."

Lin Jie continued to look at the middle-aged man suspiciously.

Zhou Hao gritted his teeth and said forcefully. "I'll just stand here and see if it's okay? Isn't your home running the auto show?"

Lin Jie said directly: "You just want to see if I will buy it in the end, right? If I don't buy it, you will definitely come out again, yin and yang are weird, and I'll give it a try?"

Zhou Hao was stunned and said nothing.

That's what he really thought in his heart, but it was exposed by the other party.

He didn't know how to answer.

So pretend to be dumb now.

Lin Jie looked at the other party and said, "Uncle, your Soulful Entertainment Co., Ltd. should be on the Jinyu Live Broadcasting Platform, and there is also a Soulful Guild, right?"

Zhou Hao was taken aback, "Yes, how do you know?"

"Hehe, it's nothing. Your guild is really a big guild, and its packaging skills are really awesome. Hehehe." Lin Jie smiled.

That little apple at 1.4 meters nine really left a deep impression on him.

"Could it be that the little brother also watches the live broadcast?" Zhou Hao asked politely.

He thought that Lin Jie liked to watch a certain anchor of their guild!

Lin Jie didn't answer, but spoke directly. "Let me buy a car first, in case you don't give up and think I'm pretending."

"If you want to flirt with a girl, you have to get in touch and come up with something, and you can't just talk about it with your mouth. I want to flirt with a girl, but I don't want to pay for such a good thing. How could it happen? I want to add a WeChat prostitute for nothing, how can I do that? possible?"

Lin Jie took out his own card as he spoke. "Beauty, swipe your card. I bought this car."

Liu Yushi looked at the card that Lin Jie handed her, and was a little stunned.

He originally thought that Lin Jie was just acting weird and wanted to disgust him, but he didn't expect to really buy a car?

Seeing the other party stunned, Lin Jie joked again. "Beauty, do you want to go back on your word? Why don't you use it? We agreed to buy a car and get a car model! You have to give it away."

Liu Yushi blushed immediately when she heard this sentence.She gave him a blank look:
"Are you really going to buy this car?"

"Isn't that nonsense? I came here from Donghai City to participate in the auto show. Is it just to see car models?" Lin Jie waved his hand casually.

"Do you really want to buy it?" Liu Yushi asked again.

600 million is not a small amount, and the other party just took it without blinking an eye?
Really don't think about it again?But don't be driven crazy by that middle-aged man, and spend on impulse for the first time!

"Really buy it! Oh, by the way, how much is this car?" Lin Jie asked.

Liu Yushi: "..."

She was instantly speechless.

After working for a long time, I didn't even know how much the car cost, so I just decided to buy it?

Brother, you are too casual, right?
Zhou Hao was also speechless.

Is this young man really full of arrogance here, or is he out of his mind?

Please, little brother, can you pay more attention to the car worth more than 600 million yuan?
"This Ferrari 488 is the most equipped, including the air suspension system. The co-pilot's electric seat, memory function, and carbon-ceramic brakes... The total price is 640, and we gave away ten big gift bags, include……"

"Wait, needless to say. I don't care much about other gifts. As long as you have gifts for this car model."

Lin Jie continued jokingly.

"If you really buy it, then we will really give it away!" Liu Yushi gave Lin Jie another look.

"Okay, okay, let's swipe the card, swipe the card, swipe it quickly, I can't wait." Lin Jie said and handed the card directly, with a serious look.

Ferrari's sales manager had already been waiting by the side. When Liu Yushi got the connection card, he quickly accepted it with a smile on his face, and said, "Mr. Lin, let's sign the contract first."

"Direct full purchase agreement or something, you can figure it out!"

Lin Jie said casually.

"Okay, Mr. Lin. We will finish the agreement and various procedures. We will also register you as a member of Ferrari." The sales manager said respectfully.

640 million, if you say it, you can do it. Isn't this kind of back wave too awesome?
After ten minutes of live broadcast, the contract was finalized.This kind of gift has also been settled, and the 640 million credit card has also been settled.

A luxury car that countless people would never be able to afford in their lifetime was bought like this.

When Lin Jie was signing the contract, the middle-aged man had already left here without a sound.

After Lin Jie signed the contract, Chen Zhihui and Ou Feng also came over.

"Congratulations Brother Lin Jie, happy to mention the Ferrari 488!"

When the sales manager saw these two people, he smiled respectfully again. "Mr. Ou, Mr. Chen, welcome!"

Lin Jie looked at the attitude of this sales manager, and it was obvious that these two people were also acquaintances.

It is estimated that it is not simple.It should also belong to the famous rich second generation.

(End of this chapter)

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