Chapter 119 Ten people.

The extra young lady can still say it, but how many men does it mean?It's fine if someone else's young lady comes to the drinking game, but you, a man, also come to play, how shameless are you?

Inside the porridge shop.

Ou Feng's expression darkened.

He called out to a girl: "Liu He, come here!"

That girl named Liu He was actually invited by Ou Feng.

He purposely asked Liu He to bring another girl.

However, he did not expect that the other party brought three people directly.

The other two are still a man and a woman, and it can be clearly seen that the other party is in a relationship.

What the fuck is this?

I told you to bring a single girl over here, but you not only brought a single girl over, but you also brought another couple over for drinks?
Isn't this making trouble?
And the key point is that this wine game was not initiated by Oufeng.

It was Lin Jie's treat.

If it was his own treat, it would be fine if he was rubbed by others, but if I called someone to treat someone else, but I got rubbed instead, wouldn't this fucking smear my face?

So Oufeng is a little angry now.

Lin Jie also noticed this, but he originally felt that there were fewer people, but now that there are two more, he actually thinks it's okay.

This is a bit of a pity, why don't there be four more?
So after seeing Ou Feng's face, he said quickly.

"Brother Feng, what are you doing? What are you doing? Let's go quickly! By the way, Brother Hui. Brother Feng invited the hot-boiled mutton in the morning, and I invited the bar in the evening. Do you have to deal with this porridge meal?" one time?"

Lin Jie laughed and diverted his attention.

Of course Chen Zhihui also understood this.He hastily said cooperatively. "Of course, no problem, I'll pay the bill right away!"

After Chen Zhihui went to pay the bill, Lin Jie said to Oufeng. "Brother Feng, I'm new here. I don't know all the handsome and beautiful women yet, but you are friends of Brother Feng. That is to say, my friends. Brother Feng, introduce me?"

The girl Oufeng called was Liu He.Two people are in an intimate relationship, but not a couple relationship?It is the reality of being a couple, but not the name of a couple.

And the three people called by Liuhe.

That man's name is Chen Shan, and that guy's dress is similar to that of Lin Jie. They are all dressed in Gucci, but they are basically entry-level models, and the pair of shoes are very worn out and a little dirty. It seems that there is only such a pair of nameplate shoes so I wear them all the time.

And those two girls are Chen Yingying and Zhou Yu.

Lin Jie took a look at the two girls. Their favorability points towards him were more than 50 points, that is, the favorability points of passers-by, and their looks were all around 70 points.

It belongs to the kind of appearance that is more prominent among ordinary people.But not a big beauty either.

Among them, Zhou Yu and that Chen Shan are in a relationship.

After some introductions, Lin Jie also knew the situation between them.

In fact, Liu He and Chen Yingying are close friends.

He only invited Chen Yingying.

And Chen Yingying and Zhou Yu are also close friends.

So she invited Zhou Yu.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yu also called her boyfriend.

So Liuhe was also accidentally injured.

"Let's go, let's go now! Mr. Shisan, let's go!" Lin Jie greeted everyone to go to the bar!
Although it's still early, it's actually around seven o'clock, but the current atmosphere is a bit awkward. If you don't hurry to the bar to divert your attention, who knows if Brother Feng will explode?
On the road, Oufeng deliberately walked slowly.

Liu Yushi discovered this, so she deliberately took out her mobile phone and started playing, staying a little away from Lian Jie to give the two of them time to talk.

Ou Feng whispered to Lin Jie. "Brother Jie, I'm really to blame for this matter. You see, it's what happened. Or I'll pay the bill at night..."

He took the initiative to ask himself to pay the bill.

This move won Lin Jie's favor.But he invited them to the bar today just to use up his sharing cashback card.So if you rob me for the bill, isn't that just robbing me of a chance to make a fortune?

"Don't stop, Brother Feng, what do you mean by this? Let's agree, if I pay the bill, I will pay the bill, and there is nothing wrong with getting to know more friends. I said going to the bar is more lively! Besides, isn’t one more friend one more road?”

Ou Feng actually knew that the reason why Lin Jie said this was to save face for himself. After all, one more friend and one more way, this sentence is true, but what is the way to become friends with Chen San?

Judging by the guy's attire, you can tell it's just a show.

Will there be another way to make friends with him?

Didn't I see that the road was narrowed?
The reason why a network relationship is a network relationship is that it is called a network relationship when you are useful to others.

You can't provide any help to others, can that be called a personal connection?
That can only be called hugging the thigh!
Whether you can hug it is still a question, okay?
A group of people walked directly to Mr. 13's bar, after all, the distance is not too far.

Before leaving, Oufeng had already contacted the sales manager of the bar.

So when they came to the door of the bar, a man in a white shirt and trousers immediately went out to greet them with a smile.

"Brother Feng, Brother Hui! Welcome, welcome!"

Gao Feng introduced Lin Jie to him. "This one is Lin Jie, Brother Jie."

"Hello, Brother Jie, I am the sales manager of this bar. My name is Xiao He. Brother Jie, please let me know if you can help me."

As the sales manager of the bar, Xiao He naturally has a pair of piercing eyes, and he can tell that Lin Jie's net worth is extraordinary at a glance.

Not to mention a famous brand.

After all, ordinary families can afford tens of thousands of yuan of clothes even if they bite their teeth.

But the more than 100 million watches in hand are different.

That's not something an ordinary family can afford!

So he looked at Lin Jie with extra enthusiasm.

As for Chen Shan next to him, he didn't even look directly at him.

Lin Jie nodded: "Hello, Xiaohe, we have eight people here today, you can arrange it accordingly!"

"Brother Jie, please let me suggest that we book a big booth. In this way, firstly, we can watch our daily big show and feel the atmosphere of the bar. Secondly, it can reflect the dignity and luxury of Brother Jie. You can arrange girls from the atmosphere group to liven up the atmosphere." Xiao He said while watching everyone carefully.

Lin Jie nodded. "Okay, then arrange according to what you said, Xiao He. In addition, the atmosphere group said, two girls will come to accompany our brother Hui. Our brother Hui is very lonely now!"

In fact, he didn't think that Chen Zhihui was lonely and unbearable, he just wanted to make up ten people.

As for the girls in the atmosphere group, he didn't care at all.

"Oh, then I can thank Brother Jie for his kindness!" Chen Zhihui said hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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