Invite me to dinner
After buying this Porsche Panamera, Lin Jie left the Porsche booth and found the Ferrari booth.

At this moment, little salesman Liu Yushi was already standing in front of the booth.

Since Lin Jie had already bought a Ferrari 488 at the beginning, the sales manager of this Ferrari booth knew Lin Jie, and when he saw Lin Jie, he immediately greeted him with a smile.

"Hi Mr. Lin!"

Lin absolutely nodded at the other party.

Then he looked at Ms. Liu and asked, "Little salesman, what car are you selling today?"

Liu Yushi smiled and replied: "Of course all models are sold! After all, I am the only one who sells the entire booth! Tuhao, do you want to buy another one?"

Lin Jie smiled and said teasingly, "If you want one, then I'll just buy another one!"

Liu Yushi gave Lin Jie a direct look.

He knew that the other party was just joking, what kind of car would he buy if he was not a relative?

She changed the subject and said, "Just now, I saw that you signed an order at the Porsche booth."

"Yeah, Porsche's handling is too strong, so I'm going to buy a person to play with. After all, it's a bit bad to borrow someone else's car every time I come to the capital, right? Look, I've been here for three days. It's been three days since I occupied the European style Lamborghini, although I have a thick skin, I don't want to keep occupying other people's cars like this." Lin Jie said casually.

"Really? But you're not from the imperial capital either. Don't tell me you bought a car and didn't bring it back to Donghai City?" Liu Yushi was a little surprised.

Lin Jie is not from the imperial capital, even if she bought a car, it would be difficult to get a license plate, and she is not usually in the imperial capital, so if you don't bring it back to Donghai, it is your car, who will take care of it for you?
"That's right, so I can only ask my friend to help me get the license plate. This car will definitely not be brought back. Otherwise, when I come to the imperial capital next time, wouldn't I have to borrow another car?" Lin Jie replied.

"Oh, do you want Ou Feng or Chen Zhihui to help you with the cards?" Liu Yushi asked curiously.

"It hasn't been decided yet, let's talk about it when the time comes!" Lin Jie laughed.

"Did you buy a Porsche 718? The handling of the 718 is really good." Liu Yushi asked again.

"I also wanted to buy a 718, but the optional configuration of the 718 is very expensive. Originally, the car cost RMB 70 million, but the optional equipment was more than 100 million, so I didn't buy it. I bought a sports model. The Panamera. After all, when I come to the imperial capital, I will not only drive for racing cars. If I usually travel, I should buy a car with a larger space, which is more comfortable." Lin Jie said.

Liu Yushi works part-time as a car salesman, so he naturally knows some models.

He knows that the price of Panamera is more than 200 million.

Hearing Lin Jie's words, he couldn't help complaining. "You disliked the price of a car worth more than 100 million yuan, so you turned around and bought a car worth more than 200 million yuan???"

"It can't be compared! The Porsche 718 has added more than 100 million yuan. I always feel cheated, but I am afraid that the price of his Mera is more than 200 million yuan, so I think it is very beneficial not to be cheated." Lin Jie Speaking of.

Liu Yushi: "..."

He felt that this sentence was quite reasonable, and there was no way to refute it, after all, the world of local tyrants was like this.

And the two cars are really different, the performance of the Panamera, of course, is much better.

"By the way, big beauty, I'm going back to Donghai City tomorrow. Didn't you say you want to invite me to dinner?" Lin Jie asked teasingly.

"Of course I still remember, but didn't we make an appointment? On the last day you go back, I will treat you to dinner." Liu Yushi replied.

"I'm going, so you don't want to invite me to dinner, I understand!" Lin Jie finally understood, the other party said that.In fact, history is just perfunctory, and there is no real intention to treat myself to dinner.

Facing Lin Jie's words, Liu Yushi showed a look of embarrassment.

"Damn, you're still blushing. You really hit the spot. You didn't want to invite me to dinner in the first place?"

Seeing the other party's embarrassed expression, Lin Jie complained again.

At that time, when they met, it was just a chance encounter on the plane, and they didn't expect any in-depth communication.

So when she agreed to invite Lin Jie to dinner, she just said it casually. When the time came, he just wanted to find an excuse to shirk it.

Who would have thought that there would be so many intersections between the two people, and the relationship would heat up sharply?

Lin Jie continued jokingly said: "Oh, your women's mouths are really deceiving. I regard you as a good friend, but you treat me like this. My heart hurts. Mom is right. The more beautiful a woman is, the more deceitful she is."

"Okay, okay, don't pretend to be pitiful, I'll treat you to dinner tonight, okay? But please forgive me, a big local tyrant like you wants to drag me to eat, you don't know me Is it hard to make money?" Liu Yushi complained.

"Haha, I didn't tell you to invite me to eat delicacies from mountains and seas. I'm tired of delicacies from mountains and seas. If you invite me to eat special food from the emperor, even if it costs a few yuan, I can do it!" Lin Jie said with a smile arrive.

Then the two parted ways, and Lin Jie returned to the hotel.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, he came back to the auto show center, ready to pick up Liu Yushi.

At this time, Liu Yushi was negotiating salary settlement with Ferrari's sales manager, and Lin Jie was waiting patiently beside him.

The salary settlement is very smooth, and there is no deduction.After paying the wages, Liu Yushi walked towards Lin Jie and the Lamborghini parked next to him. Seeing the other party coming, Lin Jie handed her the car keys.

Then he looked at the other party and asked curiously. "For part-time salesmen like you, how much commission do you get for selling an order?"

Liu Yushi replied: "Part-time jobs like ours are only 0.2%. And it's not the price after the installation, but the price of the naked car,"

"Such a low commission?" Lin Jie was a little surprised.

"For the order you bought the car, I raised more than 8000 yuan. But I worked part-time for a few days, and it was just that order."

"In addition, if you are a regular employee, the commission can generally reach 0.3% to 0.5%. And if you pay by installments, there will be some financial procedures, the above commission."

Lin Jie nodded.

Sitting in the car, Lin Jie naturally sat in the co-pilot's seat.Then he asked Liu Yushi, "What shall we eat?"

"You'll find out later, it's a food I like very much, and it's a secret base! I don't take ordinary people to eat it." Liu Yushi put it off, showing a mysterious expression.

Then he drove his Lamborghini to his mysterious base.

Although it is the rush hour for getting off work, the road is not considered a traffic jam, and.Usually, you will be more careful, and walk around this car without blocking it.

(End of this chapter)

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