Chapter 142
Lin Jie flagged a taxi for Liu Yushi, sent him to the car, and asked him to reply a message when he got there.

Liu Yushi nodded.

Then got into the car.

About half an hour later, he returned to school, and as soon as he entered the dormitory, his roommate Wang Ping looked at her excitedly, held the phone in front of him, and said to him.

"Yushi! You're famous! Look, someone just took a photo of you driving a Lamborghini and posted it on the school's forum. Now everyone on the forum can see the school flower in the school blooming on the Lamborghini. Everyone feels very happy Surprised! Originally, you were our school's school belle, you were already famous enough, and now you are even more famous!"

"Also, someone saw you and another handsome guy in Time Bar! The two of you shocked the audience! You really look like a man and a woman, a couple of gods and gods!"

"Who is this handsome guy? Is it your boyfriend?"

Wang Ping came to Liu Yushi with an air of gossip, and asked her questions.

"What kind of boyfriend, this guy is the onmyoji I told you about last time I met on the plane!"

Liu Yushi gave her roommate a blank look.

"Ah, is he the onmyoji you mentioned?" Wang Ping was a little surprised, and then said: "As expected of the beauty of our school, you can meet a handsome guy driving a Lamborghini on the plane? What luck? That's great, right? So your boyfriend is an Onmyoji?"

Liu Yushi slapped Wang Ping's big butt directly.


"You rascal, why do you think about your boyfriend all day long? Are you crazy about your boyfriend! We are just ordinary friends!"

Liu Yushi was speechless towards this roommate.

"Not a boyfriend? Really? Why don't you introduce him to me?" Wang Ping showed an envious expression.

"Okay! I'll give you his WeChat right now, and you can add him." Liu Yushi said, and she was about to take out her phone.

"Hahahaha, I'm just kidding, people already know you, how could they still like me? You are the school belle of our school, it's called Zeng Chaohai, and said with a smile quickly.

She is self-aware, although she can be regarded as a big beauty with a protruding front and back, especially her buttocks are particularly plump.

Walking in the school will also attract the attention of many boys.

But compared with Liu Yushi, it was a bit worse.

That handsome local tyrant was obviously Liu Yushi whom he knew first, and he wanted to have an intersection with Liu Yushi.

What's the use of adding WeChat?Could it be that if you rob a boyfriend, you can still rob Liu Yushi, the school belle?
"It's okay. I don't think he has a girlfriend yet. You can try harder and chase after him. Women chase men's interlayer gauze." Liu Yushi said deliberately.

"Forget it? Forget it? It's not too bad if you go after it! But you don't need to chase someone as beautiful as our Colonel Liu, right? I'm afraid that onmyoji has already been fascinated by you? Tell me quickly Say, did he ask too much of you?"

Wang Ping said it on purpose.

"There's a fart! Stop talking nonsense with you, I'm going to take a shower!" Liu Yushi said, and went straight into the bathroom.

At the same time, she was also very puzzled in her heart.

Could it be that his own charm is really not enough?Why didn't he invite himself upstairs for a glass of water?
You have already arrived at the parking lot of the hotel, why don't you start the next invitation directly?
Is this man pretending to be a gentleman or is he really a piece of wood?

Do you really have to chase after me?

She shook her head.

Putting these strange thoughts to the back of his mind, he sent a message to Lin Jie on WeChat, reported that he was safe, and went into the bathroom to take a shower to cool himself down and calm down.

After Lin Jie received the news, he replied casually, and then he didn't think too much, took a shower and went to bed.

The next morning, at nine o'clock in the morning, Lin Jie got up.

He sent a message to Oufeng.

"Brother Feng, I'm flying back to Donghai City this afternoon, and I'll return your car to you. I'll treat you to a meal at noon. What do you think is the best food?"

Soon Oufeng replied: "Let's have something lighter today. I know a family, shredded chicken. It's good. I'll take you to eat it."

"Okay! No problem!" Lin Jie replied.

Later, he received a position from Oufeng.

Lin Jie got up, tidied up, played the game, and seeing that it was past 11 o'clock, he drove his Lamborghini towards Oufeng's location.

After arriving at the shredded chicken shop.

At the door of the store, three people gathered.Lin Jie handed the Lamborghini car keys to Oufeng.Speaking of:
"Brother Feng, thank you very much."

After all, I borrowed it for several days once I borrowed it, someone else's sports car.

Lin Jie also felt a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, we're all brothers." Oufeng replied, "Let's go, the shredded chicken here is delicious, I'll take you to eat it."


Lin Jie responded, and then followed Oufeng and the others into the store.

After taking a seat.Lin Jie noticed that Chen Zhihui seemed to be a little depressed all the time, so he asked a little strangely. "Brother Hui, what's the matter? You seem a little unhappy. Could it be that you were dumped by a girl?"

Oufeng replied: "This guy has been thinking about that Porsche [-] all the time, and he still wants a high-end one, but his family doesn't support him. He has no money to buy it, so he is very unhappy now. It's okay, don't worry about it." Never mind, he'll forget about it in a few days."

Seeing Chen Zhihui look so lost.

Lin Jie said, "Brother Hui, if you really want that Porsche 718, I have some spare money here that I can lend you."

Chen Zhihui shook his head: "It's okay, it's just that my family doesn't support me and don't give me money to buy a car. I just feel a little depressed. It will be fine in a few days. I don't have to buy that car, no. Thank you Brother Jie supports it, no need."

Ou Feng also said: "In this world, there are not many friends who can borrow money! Brother Jie is loyal!"

Lin Jie smiled: "Fuck, we are all brothers, say such things!"

Chen Zhihui said: "Thank you again Brother Jie, Brother Jie is loyal! I will remember this friendship, I'd better buy a second-hand car with my own money!"

Lin Jie nodded: "Actually, second-hand cars are not bad, and if you can find a second-hand high-quality goods, there is a feeling of making money. This kind of excitement is like unpacking a blind box, not buying a new car. Can be obtained."

Hearing this sentence, it seems to be true.

After all, a second-hand car, you don't know its real condition.

If you can really get a second-hand boutique for the beauty's own use, it seems to feel really good.

(End of this chapter)

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