Chapter 157 Starting a company.

The reason why what Lin Jie said was true was because he really didn't know the specific details, but he just knew that the arrangements had been made properly.

As for the specific details, he didn't need to be clear at all.

Because those subordinates are his confidantes, they can be trusted 100%, just give them the task, and don't need to ask them about the process of the task.

Lin Jie naturally didn't know how Chen Jun got to the United States.

"After that guy went to the United States, I'm afraid everything about him will be decided by you?" Chen Mengting continued.

"I'm not sure! I've never been to the United States." Lin Jie said casually.

Hear Lin Jie's words.

Chen Mengting smiled and said to him seriously.

"No matter how you say it? I still want to thank you."

In his heart, he had already judged that Chen Jun was brought to the United States by Lin Jie.

"Thank you? I didn't do anything." Lin Jie continued.

Chen Mengting did not continue to break the casserole to ask the end, but said another sentence. "Anyway, this time, thank you very much."

Lin Jie did not respond to this topic, but asked. "Where did Yiyi go?"

"Now he is learning the piano with his tutor. Recently, this brat has gone crazy. He needs to hone his temper well, otherwise there is no way to control him." Chen Mengting said with some distress.

Thinking about the appearance of that brat, Lin Jie couldn't help but nodded, and then she gave Chen Mengting a bad idea. "Little kid just needs to be serious. If you don't obey, you have to spank him. If spanking once doesn't work, spank him twice. If you spank a few more times, she will be obedient."

"I was beaten a lot when I was a child. I was also a brat at the time."

Lin Jie didn't lie, he was definitely a real brat when he was young, and his father didn't beat him for anything.

I'm a brat, but in the end, I was disciplined and turned into a good boy?

The reason why Chen Mengting's daughter is so naughty must be because she is too spoiled and lacks the iron fist of justice.

If you let him try the taste of Iron Fist more, he probably won't be so naughty.

After all, there is a saying that goes well, a filial son comes out of a stick.

Hearing Lin Jie's joking proposal.

Of course Chen Mengting would not accept it.

He changed the subject.He extended an invitation to Lin Jie. "Let's have dinner together tonight. Do you have time?"

"No, nothing. There are some things tonight." Lin Jie shook his head.

If you go to eat alone with Chen Mengting, the relationship will be a little unclear.

Lin Jie said he refused.

If it was to hang out with the bear kid, he might still accept it.

After all, liking children and having a younger sister is indeed not what he pretended to say, but the truth.

But if there is no child, it always feels a bit awkward to ask him to go out for dinner with Chen Mengting alone.

I'm not a thief.

"Well, okay." Chen Mengting didn't force it either.

Then the two chatted for a while, and Lin Jie left here.

At this time, Chen Mengting rang the service bell.

A waitress came over.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

Chen Mengting explained a few words to her.

It turned out that this very high-end teahouse was opened by Chen Mengting!
Afterwards, Chen Mengting also left, and when he returned home, his father asked him.

"How? What did the kid say?"

"I didn't say anything. Anyway, he didn't admit it." Chen Mengting shook her head.Then he asked, "Dad, did you find anything there?"

Chen Tian shook his head: "I didn't find out, the whole thing doesn't seem to have anything to do with him."

After hearing this sentence, Chen Mengting breathed a sigh of relief and said. "In that case, even if something happened to Chen Jun abroad, he wouldn't be involved, right?"

Chen Tian nodded with complicated eyes.

"Yes. There is no connection."

"Dad, does he really have that much energy, can he control Chen Jun abroad?" Chen Mengting asked again.

Chen Tian nodded again. "I'm afraid his energy is greater than we imagined, because just now, I received the latest news that Chen Jun has been arrested and thrown into prison."

"Recently, he entered the prison. When he can come out, he has the final say. Maybe he will never come out."

As he spoke, Chen Tian suddenly became nervous.Asked: "You don't think you still miss that dog, worry about him!?"

Chen Mengting showed some complicated eyes, and then said. "How is it possible? I wish he would disappear immediately! Anyway, let's leave this matter as it is. I'm relieved if Lin Jie isn't involved. Let's just pretend that he never came back after taking our 500 million."

"Well, it's best if you think like this." Chen Tian nodded.


After getting rid of Chen Jun the next day, Lin Jie's mood improved a lot, and he began to think about running his own investment company properly.

So he said to his system.

"Open investment company incentives, set up the company in the imperial capital, and invest 8.5 million yuan!"

8.5 million is the most money he can give at this time.

He invested all of it directly.

After all, now that he can get more than 100 million for just playing a game, is he afraid that he will have no money to spend?

"Ding! Congratulations to the host investment company that has successfully started. Get a senior management talent and a senior investment talent, and they will contact you within the next 48 hours."

The system gave a prompt.

Soon, two days passed.

Soon, both senior talents contacted Lin Jie.

Senior investment talent Wei Longfu.

Senior management talent Huang Xiancun.

Lin Jie granted Huang Xiancun, a senior management talent, the right to manage the entire company.

Let Weilongfu cooperate with Huang Video Memory Management.

Two people assisting each other can manage the company better and supervise each other.

Moreover, the loyalty of both of them to Lin Jie has reached 120%, that is to say, they are absolutely loyal and there is no possibility of betrayal.

Lin Jie was very relieved of the personnel assigned by the system.

This investment company is named Baili Investment Company.

Baili and no harm.

In other words, this investment company will only transfer, and will never lose money.

This is also the promise given by the system.Earn at least 10% per year.

Lin Jie believed in the promise of the system.

After another half month, the investment company has basically entered the right track.

Lin Jie also started to set off for the imperial capital.

Imperial International Airport.

As soon as Lin Jie got out of the airport, he saw Ou Feng and Chen Zhihui picking him up.

After seeing Lin Jie, Ou Feng smiled, then patted him on the shoulder and said. "Brother Jie, it's finally here again in the Imperial Capital! I've arranged a show for you at Mr. 13 tonight, and I'll cleanse you up. How's it going?"

Lin Jie smiled: "Brother Feng, is the arrangement ready this time?"

"Of course, this time they are all good buddies, and there will be no oolongs like last time. Don't worry, Brother Jie." Oufeng said while patting Lin Jie on the shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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