Chapter 159 Inside Information
He thought to himself, Chen Zhihui has a grudge against sports cars, right?
The sports car always has to be crashed in less than a month in his hands?
Lin Jie comforted the other party. "I said Brother Hui, why don't you just buy a Mercedes-Benz e300 as a substitute for transportation like Brother Feng. Your sports car is in your hands for less than a month, and it has to be crashed. Isn't that a waste of money? ?”

It was comforting, but it was more like stabbing Chen Zhihui again.

Ou Feng also said: "That's right, I think Brother Jie is right. I lent him my Lamborghini calf, but he also damaged it. Before I lent it to him, I gave him thousands of instructions. As a result, he It hit me directly on the flower bed. Can you believe it?"

Chen Zhihui quickly explained: "At that time, I was trying to avoid a suspect who was poking around, and there was nothing I could do. If I didn't slam the steering wheel, I would have bumped into that person!"

A ghost probe is when a pedestrian suddenly comes out of a corner or behind some debts when the driver has no vision.

This situation is very dangerous.

Sometimes the driver can't react at all and hits directly.

Wang Zeqing also echoed: "Why didn't Xiao Ning play with us anymore? Isn't it because Brother Hui crashed his car?"

Hearing everyone's complaints, Lin Jie laughed again. "Hahaha! Then if you still play with Brother Hui, aren't you afraid that the car will also be damaged by Brother Hui?"

"Don't worry, we will never say that we will lend it to him!" Wang Zeqing and others said hastily.

They already understood that Chen Zhihui had a grudge against the sports car, how could it be possible?He is also willing to lend his car to the other party.

Even Ou Feng echoed: "Yes, I will not lend him the car again, my Lamborghini Maverick has been hit by him three times, not to mention ten or eight times. If I lend it to him again, I guess my calf will be lost.”

Lin Jie listened.He laughed again, this Ou Feng is too miserable as Chen Zhihui's good buddy, right?

At this moment, the surroundings were full of joy, and Chen Zhihui had a very good personality, and being told by everyone, his embarrassing things did not mean getting angry at all.

At this time, Wang Zeqing said again: "Everyone knows that Brother Hui and Che have a grudge against Che, but there is one more funny thing, you definitely don't know."

"Oh? What a funny thing, hurry up and let everyone have fun." Lin Jie suddenly regained his energy.

"Don't, Brother Wang! You are my own brother! Don't tell me about that!" Chen Zhihui hurriedly stopped him.

However, Wang Zeqing was obviously unmoved, and he continued. "Once I went out with Brother Hui to make skewers..."

"Fuck! Papa Wang! Stop it, stop it, please." Chen Zhihui begged for mercy.

"Get out, it's useless to call Dad! You forgot, the last time I posted the story of my nine-game losing streak in the Moments?"

"Fuck, do you remember this incident? Didn't you say that your 50-star king would take me to fly? Damn it, just lead me to a nine-game losing streak, so you don't want to complain about it?" Chen Zhihui said directly.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Lin Jie laughed again.

Then he asked: "Brother Zeqing also plays King?"

"Let's play! The king of the WeChat area has 50 stars! The record can be checked." Wang Zeqing said with some pride.

"Grandma, if you're really so awesome, how come you can lose 9 consecutive games when you come out and lead me in the diamond game? Are you playing me on purpose?" Chen Zhihui suddenly became even more angry.

"I really didn't play you. It was a complete accident at that time. After all, this game is not a game with one or two players, but a game with five people. Although I can lead one pit match, I can't lead four pit pits. "Wang Zeqing complained.

"Forget it, let's not talk about the glory of the king, let's talk about your business!"

The topic that Wang Zeqing retracted continued, talking about Chen Zhihui's embarrassing incident.

"Brother Hui and I went to have skewers together. We both drank some wine, so naturally we had to hire a substitute driver. Brother Hui also hired a substitute driver. She was a beautiful woman."

"Brother Hui, send me a message as soon as you get back. Don't want me to use WeChat, but transfer him [-] first, because his WeChat limit has reached the limit."

"I didn't think too much about it. I transferred 88 to him at the time. I only found out about it after I asked him about it. Fuck, it turned out that he spent 88 and [-] for a driver. The driver fee is [-], and the other Everyone understands [-]."

Lin Jie laughed out loud.

This guy, Chen Zhihui, was drunk and hired a substitute driver, but it turned out that the substitute driver drove his car, he drove the substitute driver?

This female driver is a bit expensive!

The others also understood what Wang Zeqing meant, and immediately burst out laughing.

Ou Feng teased the girls in the atmosphere group with an even more active atmosphere. "Jimei, have you learned it? This way of making money, a substitute driver can directly earn more than 2 yuan!"

After all, the girls in the atmosphere group definitely can't make that much money.

They also laughed and said that they had learned this new skill.

Only Chen Zhihui was depressed.

He couldn't help complaining himself. "That's 2 yuan. It's really diamond-encrusted? You can find a young model with 18 lines for just three to five thousand yuan, aren't you happy?"

Does it mean that girls who can drive are more expensive?
The relaxed atmosphere that everyone likes is very active. At this time, Lin Jie saw that the time was almost up, so he said to the girls in the atmosphere group.

"All beauties, please add a WeChat group temporarily, and I will send you some red envelopes."

Afterwards, Lin Jie set up a face-to-face WeChat group, and then other beauties from the atmosphere group joined in.

After all the beauties joined in, Lin Jie directly sent five random red envelopes worth 2000 yuan in the group, and then quit the group.

After sending away the red envelopes and sending away a few beauties in the atmosphere group, Lin Jie started talking about business.

"Brothers, let's talk about business in another place, how about it?"

Everyone nodded after watching it.

Afterwards, they left Mr. Thirteen together and came to a skewer shop.

Ou Feng went to click on the card, Lin Jie said to everyone.

"Brothers, I believe that I have heard from Brother Feng before that I have some serious business to invite you this time."

Everyone nodded, then looked at Lin Jie, waiting for him to continue.

Lin Jie looked around.

After making sure no one was paying attention to them, he lowered his voice and said.

"I don't know what everyone thinks about inside information in the stock market?"

This kind of person didn't open his mouth after hearing this sentence.

After all, the so-called insider information might have existed more than ten years ago, but now that the information society network is so developed, will there really be such a thing as insider information?
In the end, it was Chen Zhihui who asked, "Brother Jie, just tell me, what inside information do you have?"

(End of this chapter)

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