After playing the king for a year, I became the richest man!

Chapter 169 Doesn't fit with sports car?

Chapter 169 Incompatibility with Sports Cars

Hearing that everyone was going to race in the car park for two laps together, Oufeng directly joked and said to Chen Zhihui.

"Xiao Huihui, why don't I drive your Porsche 911 for you, otherwise, what if you lose your lottery on the first day you bought it?"

"Fucking, how could such a thing happen? I will be extremely careful this time. Brother Feng, can't you say something auspicious?" Chen Zhihui complained to Oufeng.

Lin Jie also reminded Chen Zhihui: "Drive slowly on the road, we will race after we get to the car park."

"Okay, no problem, I'm fine!" Chen Zhihui said.

Afterwards, everyone got into the car and started heading to the car park. As soon as Chen Zhihui got into the Porsche 911, he immediately accelerated and rushed to the front.

"You bastard, you just got the car, so excited?" After seeing Chen Zhihui's behavior, Wang Zeqing couldn't help complaining, but he didn't step on the accelerator to catch up with him, but kept about five or six speed of ten kilometers.

"Brother Hui, this guy is so fierce, so be careful." Lin Jie couldn't help but say something.

Oufeng drove his Mercedes-Benz e300 and followed at the end.

That guy Chen Zhihui hadn't owned his own sports car for several months, and now it seemed that he was suppressed, and he was released after a few months, so he became excited, so he kicked the accelerator and rushed to the front.

This feeling is like a man who hasn't seen a woman in months?Then suddenly saw a woman.

Then you have to go up and accelerate the sprint?

After getting into the Porsche 911, Chen Zhihui kicked the accelerator and enjoyed the long-lost feeling of pushing back. The whole person felt very happy at this moment, and finally had his own car, which was great!

Wang Zeqing and the others watched as the rear lights of the Porsche 911 disappeared from their field of vision.They can only complain in their hearts, but they have no intention of catching up, especially the money for playing, which was spent just after transferring 1500 million. He is full of hope for himself!Safety is the most important thing, otherwise, if the money is earned but not spent, people will be gone, so what should I do.

Although he didn't speed up to keep up, after they were driving for 3 minutes, they suddenly saw a Porsche 911 in front of them parked in the middle of the road with double flashing lights on.

Wang Zeqing couldn't help complaining. "Fuck, what's going on? Could it be that there was another car accident?"

Then, he leaned the car over and stopped on the side of the road.

Sure enough, I saw Chen Zhihui.

Lin Jie and Ou Fengye stopped the car.

After seeing the scene in front of him clearly, he was taken aback.

What the hell is going on with this guy?Really had a car accident?

Is it really metaphysics, supercar destroyer?
This guy, Chen Zhihui, is against supercars, right?
A newly picked-up car, hadn't been driven for 10 minutes, and then got into a car accident?
Lin Jie and Oufeng also hurriedly approached and found that this 911 had crashed into a shared bicycle, but no rider was seen.

Ou Feng asked: "Why is there only one bicycle here to injure the injured?"

Speaking of which, last time he got down on the ground and looked under the chassis of the 911 to see if someone was caught under it.

But there's nothing under the chassis either.

Wang Zeqing asked, "Brother Hui, what's going on with you? What kind of accident did you encounter this time?"

Chen Zhihui showed a loveless expression. "There was a stray dog ​​on the road just now. After I spotted him, I looked in the rearview mirror and found that there was no rear car, so I turned the steering wheel. I avoided it. I wanted to be proud of my god-level operation this time. But I didn't expect that there was a shared bicycle parked in the middle of the road ahead, and I was also drunk.

I didn't react for a while, so I ran into this shared bicycle. "

"I don't know what kind of shitty thing it is. Parking the car here makes me so mad. This is a motorway, and a shared bicycle is parked on the road?"

"Grandma, who the hell did such a vile thing?" Wang Zeqing also complained beside him. Although he said that there are no non-motorized lanes, shared bicycles are generally parked on the sidewalk and will never be parked on motorized roads. above the driveway.

Lin Jie reminded, "Why don't we call the police first."

Oufeng also nodded: "That's right, call the police directly, let the shared bicycle company directly check the number of this car, and then you can find out the last one used, and there are surveillance cameras nearby, and you can also ask them to call the police." Take a look at the video of the surveillance camera to see what happened."

"Ah, seems to be the bicycle I crashed into. I must have some problems, right?" Chen Zhihui said uncertainly.

"Just let the police judge when the time comes." Lin Jie said. "I suggest that this kind of thing must be investigated to the end, and this kind of person cannot be allowed to go unpunished. Otherwise, he will do this kind of thing again next time, and maybe he will kill someone."

"That's right! This kind of people who have no sense of public morality must teach them a lesson, otherwise, he will never have a long memory, and next time he might just leave the car in the middle of the road. At that time, someone will not pay attention If it hits, it may lead to a car accident directly, and the car is destroyed. Isn't that harmful?" Wang Zeqing also said.

For those people who have no sense of public morality, they must be given some punishment to let them know that it is wrong to do so. Otherwise, after they develop a habit, they will do more and more excessive things, even It may trigger a chain reaction, harming others and ourselves.

That's why Wang Zeqing and other talents suggested that it must be investigated to the end, and it doesn't matter even if the two people are equally responsible.

According to the price of a Porsche 911, even if it only crashes a light, I am afraid it will cost 10,000+!
After they reported the case, according to what they said, they first checked the serial number of the car, then contacted the company that shared the bicycle, and found out the last person who used it, including his name and contact information.

Of course, it was also because of the police that they could get this kind of information, if Chen Zhihui contacted him himself.It just occurred to me that this company would never disclose this kind of information.

That guy is called Zhao Jianguo.

The name is quite simple and real, but the person doesn't seem very real.

If he was a real person, how could he park a shared bicycle next to the motorway?

Although it is the side of the road, it is also a motorway.

If you are not careful, you may be hit by a motor vehicle.

A check went straight to this guy.

"Hello, Mr. Zhao Jianguo, this is the police station. My surname is Liu. You can call me Officer Liu."

(End of this chapter)

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