Chapter 171 The system does things.

Seeing Lin Jie walking in, Liu Yusi gave him a blank look, and then said. "The bowls and chopsticks have been scalded for you, come and sit down, have you ever eaten fish offal?"

After finishing speaking, she added: "This family's miscellaneous fish contains fish roe, fish maw, fish intestines and fish bubbles."

"Okay, I'm fine, I'm not a picky eater." Lin Jie said casually, and then sat down.

Then he noticed the person next to Liu Yushi.It is also very beautiful. Lin Jie took a look and even felt his heart beat a little faster.It wasn't that he was shocked by the other party's appearance, but because there seemed to be a familiar feeling on the other party's beautiful face.

Could it be said when we met?

He seemed to know no one else in the imperial capital except Liu Yushi and Chen Ziyi.

Could it be that this girl is from Mr. Thirteen's atmosphere group?

Don't let the other party reveal your identity as Sea King!

However, within a second, he searched in his mind and found no more detailed information about the other party.

Should not be too familiar with people,
So he asked Liu Yushi, "Won't you introduce your friend to me?"

However, before Liu Yushi introduced, the other party said directly: "Hello, Wristie, I didn't expect to meet you again so soon."

Lin Jie: "???"

What's the meaning?Although his body is strong and his fists are mighty, he shouldn't be able to be called a strong man, right?

How did I become a rich man?
Seeing Lin Jie's blind and bewildered expression, the other party said directly. "Did Mr. Lin forget me? We met before, in the VIP room of Patek Philippe. My name is Zhongli."

After hearing the other party's words, Lin Jie breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the other party was a member of Mr. 13's class.If it is really Mr. 13's atmosphere group, Lin Jie may remind Liu Yushi to keep a distance from the other party.


Lin Jie suddenly realized that he had indeed seen this beautiful woman in the VIP room of Patek Philippe back then, but at that time he seemed to be looking at his watch with a middle-aged man.

Could it be that it is not from the atmosphere group?But directly adopted?

"Hello, my name is Lin Jie. From now on, don't call me Jia Hao, otherwise, people will think I like beating women..." Lin Jie made a joke, and at the same time, he was thinking about who the other party was with. What's the deal with middle-aged men?
Zhongli responded directly: "I have already heard Mr. Lin's name. Yusi talks about you every day in front of us. How could he not be familiar with you?"

Liu Yushi also showed a surprised expression. "You two knew each other before?"

"Yeah. We did meet once." Zhong Li explained to Liu Yushi: "I was with my dad, Patek Philippe, and the guy who picked out watches came in and spent more than 200 million yuan to buy two watches in a few minutes. I didn't even blink. Think about it, how big is this guy's mine?"

Lin Jie waved his hand: "It's only more than 200 million... I want to taste this fish roe first. I like it very much, but we seem to sell less of this kind of food."

Lin Jie scooped up a spoonful of fish roe with a spoon and put it in his mouth.

"It's good, it's delicious." Lin Jie couldn't help sighing.

At this moment, he received a message from the system.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for tasting the unexpected delicacy."

"The host gets a beauty experience score reward card."

"If the host has a relationship with a beauty whose beauty and purity exceed 90 points, combined with the other party's satisfaction score, a reward of 1000 million multiplied by the average value will be obtained!"


"what's going on?"

After Lin Jie saw this reward, he was instantly full of questions.

This system is messing around!
Although he already has a lot of online dating friends.

Is he still a kid?

That's just pure online dating, and I haven't even run out of it!

This reward is actually a reward based on the premise of having a relationship with a beautiful woman?
Is this too violent?

Isn't this tempting me?
And the other party only said that only beauties with a score of 90 or above are fine.

Maybe not……

Limit the quantity?
If it is directly ten rows.

If ten people rate themselves, wouldn't that be multiplied by ten times?
I'm stupid, if there are 100, wouldn't it be multiplied by 100 times?

Although my physical fitness is very good, if there are more rows, I am afraid that people's satisfaction will not be high, right?
After all, beauties also like to enjoy themselves, right?

If the score is very low, if you come up with, 0.5, 0.1, such a score will reduce your reward by ten times!

And there is also a prerequisite, that is, the appearance and purity must reach more than 90 points. Such a beauty is originally one in a hundred thousand, so how could you agree to have more rows?
The purity is above 90 points, which has already prevented you from going to the sister of the special service to cheat for more rows.

But in fact, think about it, double row is already good.

After all, it can be fun and make money. Who doesn't like this kind of experience?

Do I also want to experience the pleasure of "laying down and making money" by the teachers of Benziguo?

And at this moment, Liu Yushi, who was sitting opposite her, seemed to be a very good choice.

After all, her purity and appearance have reached the standard.

Seeing Lin Jie looking at her, Liu Yushi blushed a little.she asked:

"What are you looking at me for?"

"I haven't seen you in half a month. You seem to have grown prettier again." Lin Jie said glibly.

Liu Yushi's face turned even redder.

"Come on! Eat a piece of fish intestine, don't just eat the fish roe." She said and put a piece of fish intestine into Lin Jie's bowl.

Lin Jie put it in his mouth and tasted it.

"Well, not bad, very crispy and delicious."

Zhong Li next to him couldn't stand it anymore: "I'm going, can you two stop giving me dog food?"

Liu Yushi immediately said: "Don't talk nonsense, Lin Jie and I are just ordinary friends!"

Lin Jie: Ordinary friends are good!As a good man, not taking the initiative to determine the relationship is the first rule!
Ordinary friends can also have a relationship, right?

And it can also achieve high satisfaction, right?
"By the way, Onmyoji, when did you come?" Liu Yushi asked Lin Jie.

"I came here a few days ago. After I came here, I have been busy with business matters. I only have time today."

"So when are you going to leave?"

"Let's play for two more days. You also met Brother Feng and Brother Hui last time. They plan to make arrangements with Mr. 13 in these two days. Are you free to go then?" Lin Jie said casually.

"Yes, yes." Liu Yushi nodded.

after all.

Lin Jie, if he went to Mr. 13 by himself, he might be called the young lady of the atmosphere group, right?
(End of this chapter)

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