After playing the king for a year, I became the richest man!

Chapter 176 Acquiring piano professional skills.

Chapter 176 Acquiring piano professional skills.

As a good man, of course, this kind of detail should always be paid attention to.

Sure enough, after seeing Lin Jie's actions, Liu Yushi had a smile on her face.

She picked out an ice cream in the box, and she chose the strawberry flavored one.

Then he smiled and said, "I like to eat strawberry flavored ones, do you want to try one too?"

"Okay!" Lin Jie nodded.

Zhongli and the other two girls in the piano room also chose one, and then Lin Jie took a strawberry flavored one.

While eating ice cream, he said to everyone. "Come on everyone, there are five more here!"

The amount of ice cream is not very large, one is only more than 70 grams, even if one person eats two, it is easy.

Lin Jie ate the ice cream with one hand, and pressed a few times casually on the piano with the other hand.

When Liu Yushi heard him press the piano, she immediately showed a look of surprise, and she asked, "You can also play the piano?"

At this moment, Lin Jie received another notification from the system.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining piano playing skills—professional level."

In an instant, a lot of knowledge about the piano flooded into her mind, and her hands started to play involuntarily, and kept playing, so the original chaotic piano sound gradually became orderly and organic. Get regular.

After 3 minutes, he finished playing a piece, and then asked Liu Yushi, "How is it? Can you play it?"

"It's okay!" Liu Yushi said, and then added another sentence. "Probably at a professional level."

When Lin Jie heard this sentence, he immediately raised his eyebrows. Liu Yushi really knows how to do it. As soon as he heard this piece of music, he knew that his skills had reached the professional level.

"Then I'll play another one for you." Lin Jie said, and started playing again.When the prelude to this piece of music sounded, Liu Yushi determined the name of this piece of music in an instant.

"It's a ****" lonely night. "" Liu Yushi went blank again, Lin Jie glanced at him, he always felt that this person was always playing tricks from time to time.

After Lin Jie finished playing this piece, Liu Yushi said: "It's not bad, it's at a professional level." After finishing speaking, she threw the finished ice cream stick into the trash can.

"Get up and I'll show you a demonstration." Then, he pulled Lin Jie up, sat in front of the piano by himself, and played a bit, "Lonely night."

After Lin Jie heard the other party's playing, he really felt that there was a gap.

For the same piece of music, Lin Jie could tell that the other party's skill was much higher than his own.

The lonely night played by Lin Jie is just a piece of music, but the lonely night played by Liu Yushi seems to be able to hear the feeling of loneliness from his piece.

It seems that the feeling of being rich is the same as in the song. This kind of situation is something that Lin Jie doesn't have. The two people's skills are superior.

After playing this lonely night, Liu Yushi played another piece, this one was faster and more difficult.It sounds completely different from the first two.

Obviously, this piece Liu Yushi is showing off her playing skills.

After hearing her play this hand, Lin Jie also said to the other party. "You also play very nicely, much better than me. What level are you probably?"

Liu Yushi smiled and explained to Lin Jie, "Professional-level playing skills in our piano department are completely at the entry-level level among younger brothers. Anyone in the piano department can reach this level."

"I have studied piano for four years in college, and the most basic thing is to reach the performance level. If you are talented, you can reach the teacher level, and you can become a piano teacher or a student in the piano department."

"The more talented people will reach a higher level of pianist or even the level of piano master. Of course, the level of pianist and piano master is completely based on talent. It can’t be achieved. Even talent requires a lot of hard work from an early age, and it’s basically impossible for us to achieve it if we only practiced in college for four years.”

When she said this, Ms. Liu had a look of loneliness on her face.

He even sighed slightly.

Musicians need talent. If you only work hard on average, you will never be able to reach the level of a musician. At most, you are proficient.

Practice makes perfect, this kind of thing can only be used at low ranks, and at high ranks, it is all about skills and talents.

Otherwise, how could only Mr. Yundi be able to enter the hall?
In the field of piano, the professional level is just the younger brother level of entry.

Of course, for ordinary people, the professional level is already very powerful, at least it can let you pretend to be aggressive at parties, it is completely possible.

When the system gave Lin Jie some skills, the scale was very complete, allowing him to pretend to be an expert, but it would not suddenly become an expert level, which would arouse suspicion from others.

After all, I have never mastered or touched the piano since I was a child, and suddenly became a master-level pianist. No matter who it is placed on, it will make people suspicious, maybe it is possible to be taken to slice for research !
"Although your professional level is the younger brother in our piano department, I didn't expect you to be able to play the piano, which is a bit surprising!" Liu Yushi said.

"I'm a little interested in performance, so I taught myself a bit. Isn't talent okay?" Lin Jie asked a little proudly.

"It's not bad, but talents like yours are everywhere in our piano department." Liu Yushi said with some exaggeration.

Lin Jie didn't care much about what the other party said?After all, just now, Xiaolu pretended to be a dick with one hand, so that the other party could understand that she and she had a common language.

He didn't want to become a piano master, what's the use of becoming a piano master?
I'm already worth hundreds of billions, is it still necessary?

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Jie received a WeChat message from Chen Zhihui. He sent Lin Jie the location of the restaurant and the time.Remind him to leave early, because the location of the restaurant is on the West Second Ring Road, and there is a very traffic jam during off-duty hours.

After receiving this news, Lin Jie replied, and then said to Liu Yushi.

"So we are leaving. Let's go to Tianyue for dinner first. Then we will go to Mr. Shisan."

I see, the two are about to leave, Zhong Li said with a smirk beside her. "Yushi, are you coming back tonight?"

(End of this chapter)

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