After playing the king for a year, I became the richest man!

Chapter 180 What's up with the two of you?

Chapter 180 What's the matter with you two?

After hearing Fang Shihong's words.

Chen Zhihui showed a contemptuous expression: "Xiaohong, I gave you wine because I thought highly of you, otherwise, who do you think you are? What's wrong? Are you still upset?"

"Are you trying to settle old scores?" Fang Shihong said coldly.

"Calculate old debts, what old debts? Didn't I just crash your car? But didn't I pay for the repair?" Chen Zhihui said.

"The repair fee is paid, but have you paid the depreciation fee? My car was hit by you for nothing, right?" Fang Shihong said with a cold snort.

"I thought why you blocked me. It turned out to be because of this. If you want depreciation, you just say it. I forgot about it. Okay! If this is the case, you just say it Okay, how much is the depreciation cost? I'll pay you directly," Chen Zhihui asked him directly.

Before the other party could speak, Chen Zhihui said again, "You are an old Ferrari, and you bought it second-hand. It only cost more than 200 million yuan, right? At that time, I was with a cyclist, and there was a little scratch. Your reflector is scratched off. I have already paid for the repair of the car, how much do you want for depreciation?"

Hearing what the comrades would say, Lin Jie realized that it was just a reflector scratched off, so he still has to worry about such a small matter?

Turning off a mirror, in fact, the depreciation cost is not much, because it does not affect the stability of the car body, and it will not cause much impact.

Fang Shihong did not speak.

Wang Zeqing said instead. "It turns out that the depreciation fee is only 1 yuan if you just scrape off a reflector and a reflector. I will help you with the 1 yuan. Brother Hui, just wait and drink more."

Chen Zhihui said with a cold snort. "Am I the one short of the 1 yuan? Do you still need to pay me?"

"Brother Hui, of course it's not the person who is short of the 1 yuan, but there are people who are short of the 1 yuan..." Wang Zeqing obviously meant something,
The two sang the oboe in unison, and satirized Fang Shihong again.

However, although the two of them have been mocking themselves, Fang Shihong has no way to refute it, because this is indeed the truth. If only one reflector is hung up, even if it is taken to a professional organization for testing, the depreciation fee will never exceed [-]!

Looking at Fang Shihong silent.

Lin Jie said: "Okay, okay, if that's the case, let's go over like this, let's go to the bar first, and Zhongli will come with us."

Hearing Lin Jie suddenly interjected, Fang Shihong was furious and couldn't vent his anger, so he decided to pinch a soft persimmon to vent.

So, he directly said to Lin Jie angrily. "Where did you come from, a country bumpkin? What are you? Do you have anything to say here?"

While speaking, he stood up directly, holding a wine bottle in his hand, and pointed at Lin Jie, looking very imposing.

Seeing this movie and the situation, Lin Jie was a little confused. Is this guy out of his mind? He just smoothed things over and asked everyone to go back to drink, as if he was offended?
This bastard can't say anything about Chen Zhihui and Wang Zeqing, so, are you going to throw a temper tantrum at me with a wine bottle?
Lin Jie began to wonder if this guy's brain is broken?
She has come to the imperial capital a few times, and she feels very good, especially when communicating with these young and old in the imperial capital, she also thinks that they are very interesting and have quality.

Even with Liu Meng and Zhang Longxing now, the relationship between the two is not as good as it was at the beginning, but he still feels that these two people give him a good feeling. After all, when they are racing, they can donate the money won by the race. Give to charity, and.He is also very polite when communicating.There is nothing arrogant or arrogant.

But the feeling Fang Shihong gave him completely broke this idea.

This guy, does he really think he is a crazy young man in the imperial capital?

This guy is definitely out of his mind, he is a complete idiot, otherwise, even if he really fell out with the other party, he still has to maintain the relationship on the surface, right?
And as far as the car crash was concerned, it was a trivial matter. He had already repaired the car for him. In addition, he still owed him a favor, but this guy didn't know how to behave, so he blocked the other party directly. Isn't this the same as saying that you don't want this favor, and you deliberately broke up with the other party?
Seeing that Lin Jie didn't speak, Fang Shihong thought that the other party was overwhelmed by his aura.

He suddenly became more arrogant.

He threw the beer bottle in his hand directly.It hit Lian Jie's shoulder and then fell to the ground.

With a bang, it smashed to the ground.

"Ah!" This move made Liu Yusi scream.

"What's wrong?" Lin Jie asked, then squatted down to check the situation.

Chen Zhihui was stunned by Fang Shihong's actions, and looked at Fang Shihong like a fool.

Ou Feng frowned, and asked the other party: "Fang Shihong, what are you doing?"

Wang Zeqing didn't speak, but gave the other party a thumbs up.

Back when he mortgaged his car, he had to invest in Sister Lin's investment project. Do you think it was because he was stupid?
But because he found more things.

He has absolute confidence in Lin Jie, so he dared to invest so much money,

Including Lin Jie's identity as the second largest shareholder of Tengfei Group, he has found out.

Ascendas Group has a lot of energy.

And now, Fang Shihong has provoked Lin Jie, do you think he will have good fruit to eat?

Liu Meng also said to him with an embarrassed expression on his face, "Shihong, what are you doing? Talk about something!"

He deliberately called the other party's name to show that he was not very familiar with the other party.

Zhang Longxing also said: "Yes, yes, we are all friends, is it necessary?"

Hearing that his two friends said that, Fang Shihong frowned suddenly.

Said a little unhappy. "What do I mean you two? It's just that a country bumpkin from other places has some money. Is it necessary to lick like this?"

He pointed to Liu Meng: "Liu Meng, I used to respect you as a young master. Your Liu family is also quite big and rich. Is it necessary to do this? What is he?"

Liu Meng said he was speechless.

Fang Shihong looked at Zhang Longxing again:

"Zhang Longxing! Don't you usually have a bold personality, why are you coy today? Like a woman. Is it necessary? Just because of this guy? What is there to be afraid of a country bumpkin?"

Zhang Longxing smiled dryly.He didn't say a word, he was going to watch a play beside him, anyway, he had already made his position clear with his words just now, and he basically disassociated himself from this guy.That's fine.

(End of this chapter)

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