Chapter 182 Ask for help.

In fact, according to Wang Zeqing's idea, Lin Jie possessed such great strength, she originally thought that Fang Shihong's revenge would come even more violently.

"You don't understand. In fact, he did it more powerfully." Oufeng said: "This trick neither violated the laws and rules, nor would it cause trouble for myself. Instead, it was done in one step and captured the life of the Fang family." The door. Most of their family's profits come from high-end frozen products, and now there are problems with their products. They still want to make money? Hehe. This time, their losses may be very huge."

Oufeng continued. "Moreover, after these negative news appear in their family, they will immediately get into more troubles, triggering a series of chain reactions. The chilled products of other families, you know, the problems with their products will definitely cause problems. Grabbing their market will soon squeeze them out!"

"Does this operation require a lot of resources?" Chen Zhihui asked.

Oufeng said: "No way, judging from the surface, but at least we can know that he must have hired professional talents to deal with their family. At the same time, he used his own relationship to get them to be investigated .And in the comments of online public opinion, a lot of money should also be invested. Specially start to stir up their negative comments."

"It's not easy to do this. In addition to dividing up a lot of relationships, it also costs a lot of money. According to preliminary estimates, Lin Jie spent more than 1000 million this time."

"Spent so much money?" Chen Zhihui said in surprise: "Is it really worth spending so much money to get Fang Shihong?"

"What do you know? Does Lin Jie seem to be short of money? Just because we know that his assets have already exceeded [-] billion? Don't forget his status in the Tengfei Group."

"A mere 1000 million yuan is nothing to him, and the 1000 million yuan vacation will definitely cause more trouble than 1000 million yuan! It can even make their losses difficult to estimate and deal with, leading to a break in the capital chain. Bankruptcy is possible! "

Oufeng continued.

In fact, Lin Jie didn't spend as much as 1000 million at all.

Because his ten security personnel are talents in various fields.

The public opinion campaign was done by one of their almighty hackers.

The biological experts for Fanjia's frozen products are also from the security company.

The real investment is actually only more than 100 million, and the loss caused to the other party by more than 100 million is definitely more than ten times!
Lin Jie's operation was naturally known to both Liu Meng and Zhang Longxing.

After they learned about Lin Jie's operation, they also began to understand that Lin Jie's energy was so huge.

He regretted even more. When Lin Jie invited them to invest in the first place, they were too cautious and didn't get in the car.

Now it seems that I missed a chance to hug my thigh for nothing.

The Fang family encountered even bigger problems the next day.

Many dealers started to sue them for damages.

Including business losses, medical losses, and even reputational losses.

Such a problem directly caused the Fang family to be devastated.

Fang Shihong's father, Fang Fugui, was thinking about how to solve the problem, and at the same time, he was thinking about who wanted to build his own house, and even make it so big?Is there any deep hatred?

These kinds of behaviors, one after another, and one after another, seem to be planned for a long time.

It doesn't look like commercial competition, and commercial competition generally doesn't go to this level.

After a series of investigations.Fang Fugui finally found out that it seemed that his son had caused the incident.

According to Fang Fugui's investigation, this series of incidents were all caused by his son.

But at this moment, Fang Shihong saw that her family's business had suddenly become like this, and some people guessed the real situation afterwards.

But at this moment, she was already trembling, and she was stupefied. He never thought that Lin Jie's revenge would be so fast and so violent!
Lin Jie didn't target him at all, nor did he say whether he was looking for someone to beat him up or something?Instead, he directly attacked their family's business and made a mess of their family's business.

This time he really panicked,
If my family's business goes bad, wouldn't I change from a rich second generation to an ordinary spirited guy?
Although he wasn't very smart, he could tell that, according to this situation, his family's business would probably get worse and worse in the near future, and it would even end up dying.

Otherwise, the entire company may go bankrupt, and the family will be burdened with huge debts.

Faced with the situation at this moment, Fang Shihong didn't know what to do?He had no choice but to contact Liu Meng and Zhang Longxing.

I hope these two people can help me talk to Lin Jie.

But after he called these two people, they were both rejected.

When he was at Mr. 13, he drank some wine and was so awesome that he scolded both Liu Meng and Zhang Longxing.

Also said they licked Lin Jie like a pussy.

Now he has the cheek to ask others for help, but of course the other party will not agree.

On the contrary, both Liu Meng and Zhang Longxing looked like they were watching a show, wanting to see what Lin Jie would make of them in the end.

After all, there are always some people who think that they are the most powerful young master in the world, as if everyone in the world is my father and spoils me.

Zhang Longxing is like this.

The family is just doing a business of [-] to [-] million, isn't it awesome?

For ordinary families, it may be really awesome, but for these young and old men in the imperial capital.

One or two billion is really nothing.

When I was Mr. 13 before, I was so awesome.

It's like the whole world is yours.

A pair of awesome, defiant look.He even scolded Liu Meng and Zhang Longxing for not helping him.

Now he has the cheek to ask others for help, isn't this just a lack of strings in his brain?

"Fang Shihong, open the door, I have something to tell you," Fang Fugui knocked on the door of his son's room outside the door.

Hearing her father open the door, although Fang Shihong was very reluctant, she went to open the door.Asked a question pretending to be calm. "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Fang Fugui said: "Did you provoke something outside?"

Fang Shihong lowered his head and did not speak.

Fang Fugui, seeing his son's appearance, immediately understood that he must be the one who caused the trouble, and he became angry in an instant. He took a deep breath, and asked in a calm tone as much as possible. "Who exactly did you provoke? Make such a big deal?"

(End of this chapter)

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