Chapter 188 Delicious things.

Seeing Liu Yushi take the initiative to pick up food for Lin Jie, Zhong Li joked sourly beside him:

"Oh, can we still have a good meal? Are we eating or eating dog food?"

Lin Jie ignored this guy.

Instead, she tasted the fish roe that Liu Yushi gave her.

This time the fish roe is in the edge style, which is a little different from the dry pot style.

However, it tastes good too.

Then this second time without getting the beauty experience bonus card.

Lian Jie wasn't too disappointed, after all, according to the rules of that experience card, it's not certain when he can use it!

"It tastes really good!" Lin Jie boasted.

"Try that fish maw again!" Liu Yushi said.

But this time, she didn't grab Lin Jie directly, but just reminded him with her mouth.

Zhong Li next to him said again: "Hey, why didn't you pinch this time?"

Liu Yushi directly picked up a lump of fish roe for her, and said. "There are so many dishes, but you still can't stop your mouth! Since you are here to eat, please eat quietly and don't keep interrupting, okay?"

Zhongli suddenly showed a smirk, and then said. "Didn't he leave tomorrow? Don't go back to the dormitory tonight."

After hearing this sentence, Lin Jie secretly gave him a thumbs up in his heart, he is indeed a peerless best friend!
Liu Yushi looked at Lin Jie who was eating, as if she hadn't heard the words, her face blushed immediately, and she didn't answer.

After Lin Jie finished eating the fish maw, he said again: "It's delicious, very crispy. It feels very refreshing."

"Try that fish liver again." Liu Yushi said: "This fishing rod can only be found in the fish offal side, not in the fish offal dry pot."

Lin Jie nodded, and then she wanted to pick up the fishing rod, but accidentally clipped it in half.

Liu Yushi beat it back with a spoon.Put it in Lin Jie's bowl.

This time, her best friend Zhongli did not have such teasing.

Lin Jie had never eaten fishing rods before, so he didn't know what fish liver tasted like. Now after he took a bite, he found that it was very smooth and tender. It tasted as fresh and tender as tofu, and the taste was even better.

"It's not bad, it's delicious," Lin Jie praised.

In the pot, he also found that there are fat sausages and fried tofu. The deep-fried tofu is hollow inside. Now it absorbs the soup in the pot and it is very delicious. One bite and it bursts immediately.


"Congratulations to the host for enjoying an unexpected and delicious reward. The host has a gourmet cashback card."

Unexpectedly, at this time, he got another gourmet cashback card. He still has one card in the system warehouse. Adding this one is two cards. It seems that he has to find a chance to use up these two cards. , just rub the wool well.

After eating for nearly an hour, Lin Jie said to Liu Yushi:
"By the way, Yushi, there is one thing I want to ask you to help me with."

Liu Yushi looked at Lin Jie strangely and asked. "What's the matter, when you, an onmyoji, still need my help?"

"Hey, that's the way it is. Didn't I have to return the car? My Ferrari. Didn't I ask someone to borrow it?"

"Yeah, I know, it seems to be the owner of the Laborghini in the last race, right?" Liu Yushi said.

"Brother Zeqing, after hearing what you said, I would probably die of anger. We have gathered together several times, but you still can't remember his name." Lin Jie said with a smile.

Liu Yushi gave him a blank stare.

Lin Jie continued: "I originally planned to give him the car back, but when I gave him the car back, he refused to take it no matter what? He insisted on giving this car to me, and you can't talk about it." ?”

Zhongli, after hearing this sentence, he couldn't help complaining, "Lord, can you accept your supernatural power? Don't pretend to be aggressive in front of ordinary people like us, okay?"

Zhou Bingbing also looked at Lin Jie curiously.

Although he doesn't know how much the Ferrari 812 is worth, Ferrari is basically a representative of luxury cars. As long as it is a car with these three words, there will definitely be no cheap ones, right?
Liu Yushi also said: "Onmyoji, please stop pretending!"

"Where am I pretending? At that time, I really wanted to return the car to him, but he refused to ask for anything, and said that if I don't want it, he just dislikes second-hand cars. He has already said what he said For this sake, how can I have the nerve to refuse someone's kindness?" Lin Jie said helplessly.

"Then why did he send you a car for no reason?" Liu Yushi asked.

"It should be because we had a business cooperation, which made him earn more than 1000 million." Lin Jie said casually.

Zhongli: "..."

"Lord, please, don't say any more! I'm really about to vomit." Zhong Li hurriedly complained beside him.

Zhou Bingbing, who had been eating silently by the side, also spoke at this time.Her voice was a little cold. "I'm about to throw up too. Is this the world of local tyrants?"

Liu Yushi gave Lin Jie another look, and skipped the process directly, because he felt that if he continued to ask, there might be other uncomfortable words coming out.She asked directly, "tell me quickly, what do you want me to do for you?"

Before Lin Jie could speak, the other party had already said another sentence. "But I have to make a statement first. If you want me to help you return the car to the other party, then I will not accept it. I can't do it. I don't know him well."

"What are you thinking?" Lin Jie said, "How could it be possible that you were asked to return the car to him? This car has already been confiscated, so it is impossible to return it. It's just that I can't get a license plate in the capital city. Yes, so I want to put this car in your name first, it should be okay?"

"Huh?" Liu Yusi was stunned for a moment, why did the other party's meaning sound a bit wrong?

Lin Jie continued: "I'm not usually in the imperial capital, and I only come to play with this car occasionally. If I leave it all the time, it will probably break down, so this car is under your name. You have Just help me move it when I'm free and warm it up. Just don't let it break down."

"By the way, come on, brother Ka Zeqing has already prepared everything. You don't even have to pay for the postage. It's fine, and I won't cheat you." Lin Jie added.

Yi Negative looked very thoughtful, as if he was really asking the other party to do him a big favor.

Zhong Li beside him suddenly spoke. "Wait a minute, local tyrant, just wait a moment. I've heard it for a long time. You mean to send a car to Liu Yushi's name, and even prepare a gas card for her, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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