Chapter 193 cashback earned.

Although he and Gu Quande can be regarded as good brothers, but he still couldn't help but want to ask.

Brother, what kind of toad are you?Why do you always want to eat swan meat?

After eating for more than two hours, this time the fugu feast ended perfectly, and it was safe without any accidents.

Lin Jie, take the tablet and prepare to pay the bill.

He found that the total consumption this time was 21589.

And it's all the price of the dishes.There is no table fee or room fee, such random things, this point, Lin Jie, should be praised.

After all, many so-called high-end restaurants not only have various box fees and table fees, but also charge 15% or even 20% service fees.

Lin Jie could not understand this kind of behavior.

I go to your restaurant for dinner and you come to serve me, isn't it normal, and you still have to charge the service fee of the restaurant, I just don't know what to say.

Could it be that I go to a restaurant to eat?I have to go to the kitchen to cook and serve the dishes myself?
But this time, the owner of the puffer fish banquet came to entertain in person, and even tasted the dishes in person, without charging any service fees, which can be said to be very good.

"Mr. Lin, thank you for your trust in Binghe Island. I will give you a certain fraction of the fee this time, only 2.1 will be enough." Xiong Dapeng said beside him.

"Don't, don't, the boss tried every dish. Seeing you working so hard, how could I have the nerve to erase the odds? Not a penny is missing!" Lin Jie said directly.

After all, he has a hundred times bonus card.The more money you spend, the more cash back you get, and it's 100 times the cash back.

He doesn't want me to call a small change, although a small change is only a few hundred yuan, but if you save 100 times, it will be tens of thousands of yuan.

Although he didn't feel much about tens of thousands of dollars, it was originally his own money. Don't, isn't that stupid?

So Lin Jie paid the full amount directly without erasing the change.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin." Xiong Dapeng said to Lin Jie.

"Boss Xiong, the food here is very good. It tastes really delicious, and it seems to be quite safe. I will recommend friends to come here next time." Lin Jie said to the boss.

"Thanks again."

Afterwards, he left here with a few friends.

At this time, Lin Jie received another prompt from the system.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for having a very memorable taste. Reward the host with a "You are poisonous" trick card!"

"You are poisonous and tricky card: You can choose an object to use this card. After using it, the object will have sores on the top of the head, pus on the soles of the feet, and the whole body will be sluggish. Even the chicken will feel very weak."

"Duration: It will be judged according to the opponent's healing effect. If the opponent does not heal, then it will last forever."

After seeing this explanation, Lin Jie couldn't help sighing, isn't this you poisonous trick card too poisonous?
There are sores on the top of the head and pus on the soles of the feet. Isn't this implying that the other party is completely broken?
And even chicks can wilt?

Damn, if a man encounters this kind of problem, wouldn't he be completely useless?
After getting this card, Lin Jie thought about who he would use it for, but after thinking about it for a while, he couldn't think of it.

This card could have been used on Fang Shihong earlier or a few days later, but now the matter has been resolved.It seems that there is no suitable object.

He randomly put away a card and didn't pay much attention to it.

When someone provokes me in the future, I will give her a taste of the power of the card!
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for sharing a delicious meal with friends, and now we are drawing multiples of the cashback card."

"The draw was successful! Congratulations to the host for getting 100 times the cash back!"

"Assessing guest satisfaction!"

"Ding! The evaluation is successful, congratulations to the host's guests for being very satisfied!"

After seeing this, Lin Jie was a little surprised.

He also didn't expect that these good brothers of his seem to be pretty awesome. They actually gave a perfect score for this puffer fish feast!
"The cashback amount this time is 2x100x10! A total of 2000 million!"

"Do you want to start withdrawing cash?"

"Start withdrawing cash! Put the money into the investment company." Lin Jie ordered to the system.

Now his investment company has more than one billion yuan, and the annual interest rate is guaranteed to be 10%.

Naturally, as soon as he has money, he likes to invest in it.

After leaving Glacier Island, Lin Jie sent his brothers back to school.

Then he also returned to his residence, took out his phone out of boredom, and suddenly remembered the little anchor.

Have you gone to see that little anchor for a long time?I don't know if he has become a big anchor now?
So Lin Jie directly logged into his account and said to the Goldfish Live Streaming Platform.

At the beginning, its account was filled with a lot of money, and it is still a god-level supreme.

Naturally, as soon as you log in, there will be special effects that fill the screen.

Therefore, it has attracted a lot of people's attention, and the bullet screens can also start to appear one after another.

"Fuck, the Super God Supreme is here again!"

"Isn't this, the god-level supreme boss?"

"Little anchor, little anchor, come out quickly! Your emperor is back!"

"Fuck! I've heard of this live broadcast room before, there is a super god supreme, I didn't expect it to be true!"

"Oh, time flies. It seems that many people have forgotten the fear of being dominated by Rolls-Royce."

"A lot of people don't know the identity of the god-level supreme yet?"

"This starts with that little PK back then..."

"Boss, tell us about the legend of the god-level supreme!"

"I have a story, do you have wine?"


"The god-level supreme hasn't shown up for a long time, and now it appears again. Did the little anchor contact the god-level supreme in private?"

"Don't ask the little anchor, is it dignified too? I lost a streak in the PK, and now I have to call the god-level supreme to save face!"


Lin Jie looked at the barrage and smiled.

Then he scanned Zhou Keke again with the system.

He found that Zhou Keke's favorability for him was still 91 points.

In other words, even if you haven't contacted him for so long, your sensitivity still hasn't dropped?

"This little anchor seems to be so interesting!" Lin Jie said in his heart.

From this favorability, it can be seen that this little anchor is the kind of person who knows how to repay her kindness, not the kind who just throws it away when he runs out.

It's not the kind of fawning on you when it's beneficial, and kicking you out immediately if it's not beneficial.

Those white-eyed wolves are really unfamiliar.

After all, in the field of live broadcasting, there are countless white-eyed wolves like that. When you have money, you are the big brother of the anchor, and you are the boss.Who knows who you are when you have no money?
(End of this chapter)

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