Chapter 201 won the championship again,
Lin Jie said: "I can't help it. I didn't meet any strong opponents along the way. They basically chose to give up when they saw me. I didn't give the opponent a chance even if I wanted to fight."

Old dream: "..."

You are awesome, the boss is indeed a boss!
When Xiao Yu saw Zhou Keke, she felt desperate in her heart.

In fact, when he saw Zhou Keke in the semi-finals, he was already desperate, because he knew that Zhou Keke would definitely be able to enter the final.

Once they meet in the final, he has no capital to compete with the opponent.

Xiaoyu said aggrievedly: "Miss Xiaoke, is it too difficult for me? I saw that I entered the role and won the championship, but I didn't expect that Miss Xiaoke, who I met, would be out of play now."

Zhou Keke said: "Originally I planned to go to bed early today for a round trip, but I didn't expect to enter the finals directly. It is almost 12 o'clock now. It seems that I will go to bed late again tonight. I will return tomorrow You have to get up early, alas, it’s hard to even think about it!”

Hearing this sentence, Xiao Yu felt sore in his heart.

I would rather go to bed late, I would rather not sleep tonight!

As long as the wild king can lead me to win the championship once.

I can challenge 24 hours without sleep!
Of course, this is just thinking about it in his heart, Xiao Yu is still very rational, because he knows that Zhou Keke is the only favorite of the wild king.

Even if I don't want to sleep, people don't want me to win the championship!
"Miss Xiaoke? What does your wild king say?"

Xiao Yu asked.

Lin Jie replied: "Everyone is acquaintances, I only have 290 million left. After brushing, it's over. Of course, if it is only close to winning the championship in the end, I don't mind charging a little more."

The last sentence, of course, is to deter the other party.

Now that they have reached the semi-finals, of course it would be best to win a championship.

Zhou Keke was still thinking about how to repeat Lin Jie's words in a more low-key manner, but he didn't expect that someone had already copied Lin Jie's barrage into the other party's live broadcast room.

Xiao Yu saw this barrage.

Immediately complained: "Boss, please forgive me, don't recharge, we can't take your 290 million, you have to recharge. I am sour and I have turned into lemon essence."

Zhou Keke said: "Didn't you say you won't recharge?"

Lin Jie said: "Since we have entered the finals, we can of course continue to recharge when necessary. Let us lose the runner-up and win the championship with tears in our eyes!"

Zhou Keke: "..."

She said that she couldn't pay for this barrage, because she didn't know how to appear low-key and not pretend.

Other water friends also exploded.

"Awesome, awesome, awesome!"

"What a big boss who lost the runner-up is really awesome!"

"Boss is indeed Good Fortune Zhong Shenxiu!"

"I also want to lose the runner-up and win the championship with tears in my eyes!" Xiaoyu complained.

At this time, Jiumeng also asked in the live broadcast room: "Will the wild king still participate in the battle in the next few days? I also want to ask the wild king to raise his hand, give me a day, and let me help our family Xiaoyu win the championship!"

Lin Jie said: "If we win the championship today, we won't be able to participate in the competition. Let our little anchor struggle alone in this quagmire!"

Hearing this sentence, Zhou Keke quit immediately.Tucao said: "Who is the little anchor? You are only young. I am already a big anchor now, okay?"

What he said is indeed not bad, because his current weekly list has more than [-] gifts.

She was able to get half of it.

There is also 1 yuan a week.

The monthly income is [-].

A monthly income of [-] is definitely not considered a small anchor.

Compared with less than 1000 yuan in gifts a week at the beginning, is it a big difference?

Hearing Lin Jie's words, Jiu Meng said directly: "Thank you, boss! Then I'm relieved, we'll just admit defeat today, and the boss can just swipe two treasure maps to pass the level."

Lin Jie didn't say anything and directly explained it with his actions.

He had 290 million left, and spent 145 million directly on the treasure map.That is 290.

Brushed in once.

Xiao Yu quickly said: "I'm playing boss too, don't be impulsive, we won't resist. Just two treasure maps will pass the level!"

But at this time, some fans of Zhou Keke's live broadcast room had already entered the other party's live broadcast room, conveying Lin Jie's meaning.

Lin Jie said: It is useless to keep the money that has been recharged, it is better to just swipe it all at once.

At the beginning of the second round, Lin Jie had another 290 treasure maps.

The victory was directly locked.

Seeing this scene, even Jiu Meng couldn't help but sigh.

"The boss is the boss, the recharge money will be sent out directly, and there is no plan to save it for the next time!"

The money was given away by the system anyway, and Lin Jie could return it in cash after swiping it out.

Of course he wouldn't feel distressed.

And next he has a little plan.

Need Zhou Keke's help, if you help Zhou Keke win the championship now, the success rate will increase.

This time, he really won the championship again, and Lin Jie's reputation once again shocked the entire whale platform.

Even though the other party had clearly stated that they had surrendered, they paid close to 300 million in.

Such a heroic behavior directly made all the female anchors express their envy and deformed.

The next day, Zhou Keke, who was carrying a backpack, came to the Star Plaza on time to wait for Lin Jie.

They had already made an appointment, Lin Jie was going on a self-driving tour, and Zhou Keke was the surrogate driver to help drive.

Their goal this time is Tiandu, which is more than 300 kilometers away from Donghai City!

The two met at the entrance of the coffee shop in Star Plaza, Lin Jie said to each other, "Have a cup of coffee first?"

Zhou Keke nodded: "It's okay, I just didn't have enough sleep last night, so drink a cup of coffee to refresh myself."

"Lack of sleep, is there any problem driving today?" Lin Jie asked.

"No problem, I'm an experienced driver!" Zhou Keke said playfully.

Coupled with her charming expression, if there is no system to see the purity.Lin Jie really thought she might be an old driver.

A few minutes later, Lin Jie took a cup of coffee and handed it to him, then asked, "Did you have breakfast this morning?"

"Eat, it's not good to drive on an empty stomach, I know that," Zhou Keke said.

"Okay! Then drink your coffee quickly, and we will set off immediately after drinking. Try to reach Tiandu before noon!"

Lin Jie said.

Zhou Keke took two sips of coffee and said. "No problem, let's go now."

Only then did Lin Jie take her to the underground parking lot of Star Plaza, and then gave him the keys to the Ferrari 488.

Said: "Our place is about 300 kilometers away from Tiandu. Two people cross-drive, and each person changes after driving about 100 kilometers, so as to avoid fatigue driving."

Zhou Keke nodded, secretly moved in her heart, originally she thought she was just a tool who would drive the whole journey, but she didn't expect the other party to be considerate.

(End of this chapter)

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