Chapter 204 has a lottery draw.

Lin Jie looked at the barrage and continued:
"Now the capital of my investment company is just as everyone said, only a billion or so, but I am confident that it will double within a year."

"So on this live broadcast platform, swiping some gifts is just pocket money. Tens of millions and just swiping casually?"

This sentence is a bit of a boast.

If it weren't for the goldfish b that the system gave him, it would be impossible for him to charge so much money.

Although Lin Jie is indeed very rich now, he will not spend unnecessary money.

And the audience was even more surprised after hearing Lin Jie's words.

"Double within a year?"

"The interest rate is kind of scary."

"Boss, may I ask, do you accept money from retail investors?"

"Yes, sir, we also want to invest in your company. It doesn't need to be doubled, and 10% a year is enough!"

"I have 20 spare cash, and I also want to invest in the investment company of the boss, and I only want 10%. If the boss can really double it, the big guy will earn, and I will only earn a small amount."





Lin Jie looked at the barrage, and then said: "Everyone, don't talk about investment anymore. I'm just telling everyone about my funds to tell everyone that I have strength, so I spend so much money. If everyone If the monthly salary is only tens of thousands of yuan, it’s best not to buy too many gifts. With a monthly salary of only tens of thousands of yuan, wouldn’t it be nice to save that little money to buy ribs?”

"In addition, everyone should not keep talking about investment on the live broadcast platform, otherwise, I might be accused of illegal fund-raising. My investment company directs large sums of money. You just make small troubles. gone."

"In addition, don't ask how big a large sum of money is to be called a large sum. I can only tell you that in my investment company, only those with an eight-figure start can join. You stinky brothers, you should wash up and sleep Bar!"

What Lin Jie said is indeed correct, his investment company usually only accepts investments from people with good relationships.

After all, this investment company has no risk, and the interest rate is guaranteed at 10%.

This is totally tantamount to sending money.

Under such circumstances, Lin Jie certainly wouldn't take any money casually.

"Today I showed you the things about my investment company, and everyone was more supportive. My live broadcast today also felt that the effect was not bad. Therefore, I decided to draw a prize for everyone according to the rules of the platform. What do you think? Like?" Lin Jie asked the water friends in the live broadcast room,

Of course, the barrage in the live broadcast room all supported it. After all, how could it be possible not to support something as exciting as a lottery draw?
Zhou Keke also asked: "Then what gift are you going to give?"

Sweepstakes are very common in the live broadcast industry.

In order to maintain popularity and give back to fans, some anchors will hold some lucky draws from time to time.

For example, some game anchors like to draw prizes, giving away game props, skins, etc., or giving away keyboards and mice for playing games.

The singing anchors like to send their own records and autographed photos.

Of course, there are still some unscrupulous anchors who like to draw prizes and send some unscrupulous photos.

Or some clothes that I have worn, socks or something.

Lin Jie asked Zhou Keke: "Little anchor, you used to draw a lottery, what did you get?"

Zhou Keke replied while driving. "I usually send discount coupons from Tandian stores, and some Overlord meal coupons. Or our special products from the East China Sea."

After hearing this, Lin Jie said casually: "Barely it's okay! But we don't count these things today, I decided to arrange a meeting for you."

He looked at his watch: "There are still 20 minutes before ten o'clock, and we will start the lottery draw on time at ten o'clock. In the first round of lottery draw, we will draw four spectators. No.1 will give 99 yuan. No. .2……"

Before he could finish speaking, Zhou Keke interrupted him. "Boss, our live broadcast platform is not allowed to send the thing you said. You'd better change the wording, otherwise it may violate the rules."

Hearing Zhou Keke's words, Lin Jie expressed a little surprise.

He also didn't expect that the live broadcast platform can't send this kind of thing?

However, according to Zhou Keke's reminder, just change the term. In fact, this live broadcast platform is just like that.It's just for show.

"Okay, if this is the case, then I will put it another way. We will draw four lucky viewers, and the lucky viewers who are drawn can get a red piece of paper that everyone loves. No.1 can send 99999 copies. No. 2, 99 copies, No. 3, 999 copies. No. 4, 99 copies.”

"There are only four places in total, and those who are drawn, we will send this kind of card through digital channels!"

After Lin Jie finished speaking, he looked at the little anchor and asked, "How about it, anchor, is it okay for me to say this?"

"Yes, no problem!" Zhou Keke replied.

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room began to explode again in an instant.

"The little red card that everyone loves?"

"Why do I always feel that the boss is messing around?"

"By virtue of my luck, No.1 has already been booked by me. You brothers, just fight for the second, third and fourth place."

"No.1, can get nearly [-], this is probably the biggest lottery draw in the history of the entire platform, right?"

"Stop talking, I can't wait to draw the prize."

Lin Jie said: "Let me study the setting of this lottery first. For the fourth prize, the setting of the lottery is a light stick, okay?"

A light stick, that is, worth a dime.

Zhou Keke replied: "Of course."

"The third prize is set to be ten light sticks. In this case, it's just one yuan, and you can harvest a wave of fan cards for you. Is that okay?" Lin Jie said again.

"This is very good!" Zhou Keke nodded repeatedly.

"For the second prize, I set it to 66 light sticks, and for the first prize, I set it to 180 eight light sticks, so that's okay," Lin Jie continued.

"You guy, have you ever been an anchor before?" Zhou Keke couldn't help asking.

Because the lottery light sticks I set up for this company are very similar to those commonly used by other anchors.

Lin Jie said: "There are reminders directly in the lottery settings, okay, I just followed the instructions and set it up like this."

Only then did Zhou Keke suddenly realize.

Indeed it is.

She was just a small anchor before and rarely drew prizes, so she was not very familiar with the process of drawing prizes.

"I've already taken care of the behavior. I've set up the lottery draw. The time for the lottery draw is set to 10 minutes. It should be ok?" Lin Jie said.

(End of this chapter)

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