Chapter 206 Powerful.

The arrears of prizes is also an inside story in the live broadcast industry. Some anchors are extremely slow in distributing prizes after the prize draw.

Sometimes you even forget you won the lottery.

The water friends in the live broadcast room expressed their approval.

"Yeah, yeah, I've drawn a keyboard once before, and the anchor never handed out the prizes and kept procrastinating until the lottery draw was over, so I just cheated and refused to claim the prize!"

"I also won a lottery. Once I won a mechanical keyboard worth 500 yuan. The other party delayed me for three months. Although I got it in the end, I still feel very uncomfortable."

"Don't talk, don't talk, I got a mobile phone last month. It's been more than a month, and I haven't given it to me yet!"

Who has said that they have encountered such a thing?In the live broadcast industry, some anchors are such prizes. They just drag, drag, and drag, and sometimes they will be nothing in the end. As for those anchors who will eventually cash in, they are all conscientious anchors.

A considerable number of anchors will directly cheat in the end.

At this time, Zhou Keke parked the car in the service station, and the lottery also appeared at this time, the final result.

Lin Jie glanced at it.

It was found that the No.1 winner was a bronze number.The name is small well cover.

bronze number.It is the lowest VIP number on this live broadcast platform.

In other words, you can get a bronze logo with just ten yuan.

Lin Jie said directly: "Congratulations to Xiaojinggai for winning No.1. It is the first prize of the first round of the lottery. 99999 is given to this lucky viewer. I don't know if Xiaojinggai is in the live broadcast room at this moment, If you are in the live broadcast room, chat with me privately, give me your WeChat account, and transfer the money directly."

"As for the other three lucky winners, I won't name them one by one. After all, only No.1 is the real lucky winner here. The other three winners can also read the winning announcement and see Your own name, directly chat with my account in private."

Lin Jie asked again: "That's right, little anchor, can this award be redeemed directly? Is it considered a violation?"

Zhou Keke said: "Yes, yes, but you'd better not talk about redeeming prizes, it's better to talk about giving benefits."

"Okay, then I will give you benefits. I am particularly interested in the bronze number of the small manhole cover, so I decided to give him benefits. I admire this kind of bronze that only costs ten yuan a month. No., you can directly draw the first prize and get the treatment of the king number."

Afterwards, Lin Jie directly saw the WeChat account sent by the small manhole cover from the backstage.He transferred the money directly to the other party.

99999 to take home!
Never sloppy!

In just 3 minutes, he transferred all the money from the four winning lists.

This kind of speed and such a vigorous style immediately made him even more famous on the live broadcast platform.

Originally, many viewers were still holding a wait-and-see attitude. They were not sure that Lin Jie would really cash out so much money, and there was no time limit for cashing out. What if people said, one month later, ten months later, ten years later? What about cashing in later?
Other anchors have used this trick a lot,
They thought Lin Jie might be like this too.

But now it seems that the real local tyrants don't even bother to default on their arrears.

After Lin Jie checked out all the prizes.Zhou Keke's live broadcast room became popular again, and the number of his VIP guests went from [-] to over [-].

The broadcast started at this time, whether it was a big anchor or a small anchor, Cong Cong was in bad luck, and the popularity of their live broadcast room was all attracted by Zhou Keke's side.

And it spread more and more, Fenfen began to spread the rumor of this lottery in the live broadcast rooms of other anchors.

It even made Lin Jie's words miraculous.

They all called him the number one local tyrant on the entire platform.

In the service station, Lin Jie said to Zhou Keke: "I'll drive the car next, you can live broadcast by yourself, but don't take pictures of me during the live broadcast, and you decide for yourself."

Zhou Keke nodded: "Okay. Then I'll chat with the water friends!"

"Good!" Lin Jie said.Afterwards, he got into the cab and asked Zhou Keke to sit in the co-pilot's seat.

After sitting down, fastening the seat belt, and making sure that the camera would not capture Lin Jie, Zhou Keke turned on the camera.

"Hi everyone, audience friends, I am your little anchor Donghai Xiaoke." Zhou Keke greeted the audience in the live broadcast room.

However, the audience in the live broadcast room did not seem to buy it.

"Then what's going on? We want the supreme boss! We don't want the little anchor!"

"Quickly call the supreme boss to come up!"

"Without the supreme boss, we will unsubscribe!!!"

"Why did the supreme boss suddenly become a beautiful female anchor? Are we here to see beautiful female anchors? Are we that kind of people?"

"Hmph, women will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword!"

"We came to see Super God Supreme, not to see the female anchor."

"Although the female anchor is very good-looking, I feel like I have entered the sage's time. I don't have any interest at all. Now I just want to watch Super God Supreme. I only think about the lottery he set up. I only want to get No.1. I just want money! I don't want women!"

"Win the lottery, let me win next time!"

"That's right! As long as you win the big prize and have money, what kind of woman can't find it?"

"I'm a small manhole cover. I just swiped 188 light sticks and won [-]. Now the money has arrived! The super god is awesome! This [-] has directly changed my life! The down payment is enough, girl My friend won’t break up with me anymore! Hahahaha! Happiness came so fast, I’m a little excited. I’ve already got my beauty home, and I wish the super god and supreme boss can hit a home run with the little anchor as soon as possible!”


"Is it so beautiful?"

"Is this guy messing with color?"

"What the hell is the home run he's talking about?"


Zhou Keke looked at these bullet screens, and Xiao Li was a little red. He secretly glanced at Lin Jie, and found that the other party was driving the car intently, and he didn't seem to realize it.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he snorted coldly, and said to the water friends in the live broadcast room, "You dog audiences are getting too much. If you don't say good things about you, my mobile phone will run out of battery. I will download the broadcast directly. The next two rounds of lottery draws will also go to waste, you can figure it out!"

Faced with such a threat, if it was before, if Zhou Keke gave some vouchers, these water friends must have persuaded him to download the broadcast.

But now the gift is a full [-].

The bullet screen was full of people trying to curry favor with Zhou Keke and keep her.

This made her sigh that the power of money is indeed powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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