Chapter 213 Take a stroll around the mall,
Zhou Keke was a little scared when he saw Lin Jie. This guy is handsome and rich, but he is still so strong in that aspect. Will he let other men live?

My small body can't stand the toss!

And still hungry.

Lin Jie nodded: "Okay, then I'll let you off, the little anchor, and let's go eat first."

So the two started to get dressed, and Lin Jie wore a Gucci summer dress.

Zhou Keke deliberately wore a white silk dress from Christian Dior that Lin Jie bought for her.

And those little white shoes.

These were bought at the International Finance Mall during their first live broadcast.

After putting on her clothes and shoes, Zhou Keke made a special turn in front of Lin Jie. The white skirt bloomed like a flower.

He asked Lin Jie, "How does it look good?"

I have to say that she is really pretty in a white silk skirt, because the texture of the silk skirt is very soft and very close to the body, completely outlining her figure, and even the vest line on the abdomen is a bit faintly visible.

"Little anchor, are you challenging my bottom line? Just now I saw that you couldn't take it anymore, so I ended it hastily. I'm not satisfied. Don't you want to eat?" Lin Jie stared, the little anchor glanced , warned her.

"Hee hee!" Zhou Keke gave a playful smile in satisfaction, and then walked over directly, took Lin Jie's arm very naturally, and walked out of the room together, then got on the elevator, and came to the food court on the 41st floor.

This food court is open 24 hours a day. Customers here can come here to eat at any time. Lin Jie walked around in the food court. Unexpectedly, he found fish roe, so he decisively ordered one.
What if eating fish roe here can also get the beauty experience card?
You know, a beauty experience card is worth more than 2 million, and you can even get special gift pack rewards.

Lin Jie said that this experience card is the best among all the experience cards she has obtained.

His back is still strong, let these experience cards bring some more!

The two ate very quickly, and it was over soon, and then returned to the room.

Sitting in the living room.

Zhou Keke expressed a little embarrassment.

Although they have just taken that step.

But she still felt a little embarrassed.

After a moment of silence, Zhou Keke asked him.

"Can I still broadcast live in the future?"

After all, in the past, many bigwigs took the anchor light speed and quit the Internet, and they have disappeared since then.

Zhou Keke was actually a little worried that Lin Jie would not broadcast the live broadcast to him.

After all, with Lin Jie's wealth, he can fully support himself without having to work by himself.

But Zhou Keke didn't want to be that kind of person.

She also needs to have her own job and her own hobbies.

After asking this sentence again, she felt a little uneasy in her heart, and directly lowered her head.

Lin Jie said: "Of course I don't care about you because it's your job. I'm not a macho person who likes to care about other people's lives, and your live broadcasts are not the kind of fancy live broadcasts. They are all live broadcasts. , It’s just some outdoor food, I’m relieved.”

"That's great!" Zhou Keke happily raised his head and said, "Then you can't give me any more rewards in the future!"

Both of them have this kind of relationship, is it still necessary to tip on the live broadcast platform?

Zhou Keke felt that it was a waste of money for Lin Jie to reward him.

"Of course there is a reward. How could I not support your live broadcast?" Lin Jie said directly.

In fact, he has too many goldfish coins, and there is no place to use them.

Now there are more than 2 million in the account!

And this system thieves like to reward whale coins.If you don't reward Zhou Keke in the future, where will your goldfish coins go?
"But... the money you gave me as a reward includes the platform's commission and taxes, and I can only get about [-]% in the end. This is too bad, right?" Zhou Keke said hesitantly.

"Little anchor, are you implying that I will give you money directly?" Lin Jie teased.

Zhou Keke rolled his eyes directly at Lin Jie. "I do not want it!"

"Isn't that all right? If you broadcast yours, I'll reward mine. If you don't reward you, should I reward other female anchors?"

"How dare you!" Zhou Keke immediately showed a vicious expression,
"Haha! Don't dare, I'm afraid I'll be killed by you!" Lin Jie joked.

Of course Zhou Keke knew that some characters could be read separately.

So she blushed again.

This guy is not implying me, is he?
After saying this sentence, Lin Jie stood up directly.

He walked towards Zhou Keke.

"You... what are you doing!"

Zhou Keke suddenly panicked. The girl was sitting on the sofa, and the guy standing up seemed a little...

Wouldn't it really be like what he said, to kill him?
Her face turned red like a monkey's butt.

Lin Jie looked at the other party's performance and knew that she was thinking about it again.

Walking in front of Zhou Keke, Zhou Keke has already closed her eyes shyly.

Unexpectedly, Lin Jie didn't take off his pants, but took her hand directly and said, "We've had enough food and drink, let's go, I'll take you shopping."

"Oh?" Zhou Keke was taken aback.

Then, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and stood up.

The two took the elevator, came to the underground parking lot, and then got into the Ferrari 488.

Then he took Zhou Keke to Tianfu's Guojin Mall.

The Guojin Mall here is the same as the one in Donghai City. It is a gathering place for high-end brands.

Moreover, there is also Donghai City in the Guojin Mall here, which is not available in the Guojin Mall, the Chanel brand,

In the underground parking lot of IFC Mall, two people got out of the car, and Zhou Keke came out very naturally holding Lin Jie's arm.

As he walked, he asked Lin Jie. "You want to buy summer clothes, right?"

"Let's take a look at all of them first. If you want to buy anything, you can buy it. Autumn and winter clothes are also available," Lin Jie said.

Lin Jie said again: "Do you want to start a live broadcast, and live broadcast this shopping?"

... "It's not open today, those dog audiences are really mad at me." Zhou Keke shook his head.

Obviously, Zhou Keke didn't even want to start the live broadcast because of the ridicule of the audience in the live broadcast room.

After the two came out of the elevator, Lin Jie said directly. "Let's go directly to Chanel's store and have a look. There is no Chanel store in Donghai City's Guojin Mall. By the way, do you like Chanel, this brand?"

"I like it very much." Zhou Keke replied.

"Then let's take a look at your clothes." Lin Jie said.

This time, Zhou Keke did not refuse.

After all, Lin Jie tipped her so much money, even if the commission and tax of the platform were deducted.She herself has earned millions, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a little rich woman.
You can spend your own money to buy some luxury goods.

(End of this chapter)

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