Chapter 220 The trip is over.

After getting Lin Jie's response, Zhou Keke happily put away the flyer.

Carefully folded it and put it in a Chanel bag.

Lin Jie said: "When I check out of these things, I will let the hotel send them back directly."

After all, they bought a lot of things. There were more than a dozen handbags, even if they were put in the car, they would not be able to put them all!
Zhou Keke nodded happily.

"Okay! Thank you, Your Majesty!" She said with some emotion.

When Lin Jie heard the other party's address, he immediately felt that the other party was messing around.

"Little anchor, I warn you, don't seduce me again."

After Lin Jie finished speaking, he glared at her, obviously letting her go.

This guy is just too tempting.If you are not careful, it may lead to a big war.

Zhou Keke's face flushed immediately, and he said out of breath. "Your Majesty, you know how to bully my servants!"

Originally, Lin Jie planned to replace Zhou Keke, but she didn't expect her to say such a sentence again.

This guy is really too tempting.

And he already said that he bullied her, so he must practice it, otherwise, wouldn't he be wronged in vain?

So Lin Jie walked towards the other party immediately.

"Since you said that I bullied you, come on, let's practice it. I have a delicacy here, and I will let you evaluate it."

Lin Jie grabbed the little anchor again. After all, he just took a shower, so it's just right now.

Little anchor, where can I run?Although the live broadcast was not started, a food review had to be conducted.

After evaluating the food, Zhou Keke ran to the toilet again.

After brushing his teeth again for a few minutes, he came out of the toilet.

Lin Jie raised his watch to check the time, and then said to her. "Shall we go for a walk?"

Zhou Keke shook his head: "No, no, I'm afraid the king will bully him again."

Lin Jie smiled.

This little anchor seems to be really scared by me?

All right, let's check out then.

With that said, Lin Jie led the young anchor towards the lobby of the hotel.

As for the sheets, it was a bit embarrassing.

It's not embarrassing because of the 3000 yuan compensation for this leaflet, but because of the uncontrollable expressions on the faces of those staff who handled this matter, I'm afraid they have guessed the reason, right?
After spending about 10 minutes going through the formalities at the hotel, Lin Jie brought the little anchor with a flushed face to the underground parking lot.

On the Ferrari 488 in the parking lot, Zhou Keke whispered to Lin Jie.

“Next time we will change to another hotel.”

After hearing this sentence, the corners of Lin Jie's mouth turned up slightly. Didn't expect this little anchor to even think about the next room opening?
The two got into the car and started heading to Donghai City.

After returning to Donghai City, the two said goodbye and went back to their own residences.

Lin Jie directly ordered a batch of bedding online to deliver to Zhou Keke's address.

Not long after returning to the residence, Lin Jie received a message from Chen Zhihui and the others.

After the last time they invested in the company, they have joined a group and are now in the group chat.

Ou Feng, Wang Zeqing, and Chen Zhihui invited Lin Jie to visit the imperial capital.

Wang Zeqing: "Brother Jie, tomorrow Saturday, I have plans at Mister Thirteen, do you want to come over to play? It's been a while since last time, and I miss Brother Jie very much."

Chen Zhihui: "Yes, yes, let's get together in the Imperial Capital!"

Ou Feng: "I also think we should get together! And we have prepared a gift for you."

After seeing the information in the group, Lin Jie said that it is indeed possible to get together, because his last beauty experience card has been used up.

And the place to get the beauty experience card is in the fish grocery store in the imperial capital.

Is it time to try it again?Then see if I can get another one?
Lin Jie replied in the group: "Yes. I will fly there tomorrow."

Wang Zeqing said directly: "Come on, as long as Brother Jie comes tomorrow, I will arrange a Rolls-Royce to pick you up!"

Oufeng: "You just want to use the Mercedes-Benz e
There is no way to pick up the 300.

My Mercedes was borrowed by my cousin to drive it. "

Chen Zhihui: "It's as if you really want that Mercedes-Benz."

Ou Feng: "I'm not like you young masters. Rich people, how can they not want a Mercedes-Benz? And I like to be low-key the most. Mercedes-Benz can reflect my style very well."

Chatting started again in the group, but Lin Jie didn't want them to pick up the plane.

That guy Wang Zeqing came to pick him up?

He was afraid that the spirited guy would take him straight to drag racing.

Moreover, the space of his Lamborghini is too small, and Lin Jie still feels uncomfortable doing it.

Lin Jie replied: ... "Thank you brothers, don't bother everyone, I have someone to pick me up."

Wang Zeqing immediately reacted: "Understood!"

Chen Zhihui: "Will my sister-in-law also come to Mr. 13's party? If so, we will arrange it in advance to avoid trouble."

Lin Jie: "Just look at the arrangement, what does she dare to say?"

Wang Zeqing: "Brother Jie 666, in the group, I fight hard, but in reality I am submissive, right?"

Chen Zhihui: "Brother Jie 666, in the group, I fight hard, but in reality I am submissive, right?""

Ou Feng: "Brother Jie 666, in the group, I fight hard, but in reality I am submissive, right?""

Lin Jie: "..."

excuse me!

After finishing chatting with the brothers on these maps, Lin Jie began to check the air tickets online. At the same time, he was also a little curious in his heart, what gifts did these guys prepare for himself?

It won't be Mr. 13's top atmosphere group, right?
If it is really the top atmosphere group for the 13 freshmen arranged, and all the girls in the atmosphere group are all good-looking, figure, and pure, with a score of more than 90, then I can reluctantly accept it.

But before making the arrangement, Lin Jie wanted to eat fish offal a few more times.

Come and let yourself get more beauty experience cards, that would be even better.

If there is no beauty experience card, Lin Jie said that even the top atmosphere group, he can bear it.

Compared with the situation where you can earn hundreds of millions by sleeping with a young lady, when you sleep with a young lady when you have no money, you always feel that you are losing money.

It's like losing hundreds of millions in one sleep.

the next day.

Lin Jie arrived at the airport at 5:[-] p.m., ready to fly to the imperial capital.

After collecting the tickets, he directly dialed Liu Yushi's phone number.

"Hello? Who is it!" Liu Yushi at the other end asked intentionally.

Lin Jie said: "What do you think? You woman, you start to forget me after a few days, don't you?"

"What? I don't even know what you're talking about, who are you?" Liu Yushi was still playing dumb.

(End of this chapter)

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