Chapter 242 Random dangerous missions.

After Xiao He left, staff soon came up to clean up the fragments of the glass bottle.

Lin Jie said: "It's past nine o'clock now, let's drink almost here today. Let's break up today? Let's get together again when we have time!"

Ou Feng said: "I didn't expect to encounter such a thing again when I came to drink today. It seems that we have caused you to be troubled, Brother Jie. That person Huang Ming has this kind of personality. Sigh..."

Chen Zhihui also said: "That's right, Huang Ergou's bastard is simply a cancer in the circle of our imperial capital, it's a disgrace to us!"

Wang Zeqing also said: "So it's not unreasonable that people in our Imperial Capital circle hate him."

Lin Jie responded: "Hahaha! It's just a trivial matter. Although that Huang Ergou is indeed a bit annoying, but that Brother Chun seems to be quite funny, he is simply a comedian."


"I also think that guy is quite funny, stupid and cute."

"It would be a shame not to be a comedian."

Everyone could also laugh, Chen Changchun's performance really made them feel funny.

Since Lin Jie drank, Liu Yushi drove the car when he left.

On the way back, Liu Yusi said to Lin Jie. "That guy from Shandong seemed to be threatening you when he left."

It is said that people who engage in energy in the north have their own way. If we go back 20 years, the people there are indeed very arrogant.

There are a lot of black coal kilns and things like that.

After all, those who can open coal mines in the north generally have a little background in their families.

That's why Chen Changchun was so arrogant.

Even in the imperial capital, he dared to open a beer bottle for others.

However, Lin Jie was not worried at all. He smiled and said, "It's just talking harshly. It's not a big deal. Isn't there a good sentence? A dog that bites doesn't bark. That guy probably just speaks." Go up and be arrogant."

Lin Jie has a danger perception ability. At this moment, the system did not use the danger perception ability to call the police. This shows that the threat from the other party is not a threat to him at all.

Maybe that guy is also a comedian, and he can't make any trouble at all.

As for Liu Yushi.

Lin Jie was even less worried.

During the last incident with Mr. 13, he had already arranged for people from the security company to secretly protect Liu Yushi, and he has been protecting her all the time now.

There will be no problem.

Although that guy said that the family is engaged in some kind of energy industry, but that is probably the case.

Besides, this is the imperial capital, not their Shandong, what kind of disturbance can he make?
When the time was about to reach ten o'clock, the two came to Chengfei's apartment.

Lin Jie wanted Liu Yushi to sit up for a while.

Liu Yusi originally planned to refuse, but Lin Jie directly used his trump card.

"It's not yet ten o'clock, why don't you practice the piano before you go back?"

Liu Yushi gave Lin Jie a direct look. She always felt that this guy must have some bad intentions. How could it be as simple as practicing the piano?
But he looked at the 198 million piano in the living room, and finally nodded. "Okay, then I'll practice the piano and go back."

"Okay, then you can practice the piano, and I will deal with work matters." Lin Jie said.

Liu Yushi nodded obediently. "OK."

So there was such a scene in the apartment. Ms. Liu was sitting in front of the piano, playing a beautiful piece of music, while Lin Jie was lying on the sofa, watching the information sent by the investment company on the mobile phone.

Then suddenly, a dangerous feeling appeared in Lin Jie's heart.

This feeling of danger comes from the ability to perceive danger, Lin Jie was a little confused.

what happened?Could it be that there was an earthquake?
Just when Lin Jie wanted to stand up, he suddenly received a prompt from the system.

"Ding! Due to the random mission triggered by the host being hated by the enemy, the idiot must be punished!"

"Mission: The system has detected that Chen Changchun has unruly thoughts towards the host. In addition, Chen Changchun was played by Huang Ming several times, which caused him to feel resentful and put all this anger on the host. It is likely that in a short time The host will take revenge on the host again, and this time the revenge may put the host's life in danger. The host must find a way to avoid the danger and punish the idiot who wants to take revenge on you."

"Mission success: get system rewards."

"Mission failed: no penalty."

"Reminder: Please host this task carefully, because it is very likely to put the host in danger."

After seeing this task, Lin Jie was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that stupid guy Chen Changchun to plan to take revenge on me after he went back.

This guy is full of shit.

what is the problem?For making him so determined, he must take revenge on me?
Lin Jie said that he should have been shot lying down, right?

Obviously Huang Ming did this to disgust Chen Zhihui and Wang Zhiqing.

Why did it seem that a dog skin plaster was pasted on me in the end?
The kind that you can't even shake off, and once again he thinks that Chen Changchun is really a complete idiot, right?
He obviously already knew that he was being used by Huang Ming.

But still willing to be the opponent's gun?
Lin Jie didn't hesitate either, he directly sent a message to the security company.

This task was issued by the system, and it was always emphasized that his life might be in danger, so how could Lin Jie be polite?If you have your own security company, of course you have to use it.

At the beginning, he used the security company to send the guy who was pestering Chen Mengting to a foreign prison forever.

Today he can use the security company to make Chen Changchun shut up forever.

And the other party has already started to retaliate against me, and it is a very serious retaliation, which will even cause danger to my life, so I should act first, and it makes sense, right?
Although he didn't know why Chen Changchun had to take revenge on him over and over again, Lian Jie didn't need to know the reason, he only knew that the other party had this idea and even took action.

Nothing is more important than your own safety.

Since you dare to threaten my life safety, then I will naturally clean up your thing that threatens my life safety in advance.

Time passed by second by second, and soon came to 11:[-], at this time the sound of the piano stopped.

Liu Yushi stood up and said:

"It's getting late, I should go back."

Lin Jie just received the news.Chen Changchun decided to take revenge on him, so how could he let Liu Yusi go back at this time?
What if that guy jumps over the wall in a hurry and is bad for Liu Yushi on the road?

(End of this chapter)

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