Chapter 244
At this time, Liu Yushi also came out of the bathroom.

She asked Lin Jie, "Are you still working on your work?"

Lin Jie turned his head to look at the other party, and was a little stunned.

Because he didn't expect that the pajamas Liu Yusi was wearing turned out to be short and close-fitting silk pajamas.

It completely highlights the outline of her figure.

Originally, Liu Yushi's figure reached 98 points, with fair skin, long legs and big breasts.

At this moment, the silk pajamas on the bed seemed like they were not wearing them.

For beauties with big breasts, there is usually a distress.

But this distress did not manifest in Liu Yusi's body at all. She seemed to ignore the gravitational force of the earth, and she was so tall and straight!
Fuck, are you going too far?
Why are you able to do this?Do the other girls still live?
This really shocked Lin Jie.

Because the silk pajamas are too thin, very close to the body, every line and every outline of the body can be seen clearly.

That's why Lin Jie was so surprised.

So here comes the question.

Do you want to be a hero for five seconds or a coward forever.

Cough cough cough...

Sorry, sorry, I went to the wrong set.

Should it be that you want to be a beast, or is it better to be a beast?
In this case, it is not as good as a beast, it is much better than a beast.

Lin Jie swallowed: "Yu Shi..."

Seeing Lin Jie looking at her so affectionately, Liu Yushi blushed suddenly and lowered her face to her chest.

She was so shy at this moment that she dared not open her eyes.

Lin Jie sighed and said, "You are so beautiful tonight. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen! It's a pity that I said, I want to sleep on the sofa."

Liu Yushi raised her head, but before she could speak, Lin Jie spoke again.

"But after seeing you, I decided to go back on my word. Between a beast and a beast, I chose to be a beast!"


Liu Yushi was stunned for a moment.

Sure enough, I don't know what to do?We can only wait for it to be done.

Lin Jie stood up, pulled Liu Yusi to the sofa, let her sit on his lap and said. "All the pajamas in our house are made of real silk. One advantage of real silk is that it is very close to the body and feels very smooth and soft."

Liu Yushi: Are you touching your pajamas, or what?
Liu Yushi's breathing became a little heavier.

If you introduce pajamas, introduce pajamas, but don't touch my pajamas, okay?
However, the introduction of pajamas was just a brief introduction, and soon, Lin Jie began to taste the taste of rock candy Sydney on Liu Yusi's mouth.

Then he found another problem.

Why are giant pandas called giant pandas?
Obviously everything is for nothing!As white as snow, why is it called a black and white panda?

After interacting with giant pandas.

Lin Jie lay on the bed, raised his eyes and looked at the ceiling.Became a salted fish.

Liu Yushi took the initiative to be busy.

Don't ask what happened, at this moment, Brother Jie has become a salty fish that is so refreshing that he can't breathe.

After more than ten minutes, Lin Jie stood up directly, hugged Liu Yushi, and walked to the bedroom.

At this moment, Liu Yushi had already resigned to her fate.

Of course he knew what was going to happen next. As a college student in the 21st century, how could he not know anything about that aspect?

The current sex education is quite up to date, okay?

Besides, don't you know how to watch all kinds of tutorial films?
Anyway, Liu Yushi said that although she is a girl, she was curious to see it.

She knew that if she didn't go back to the dormitory, she would be doomed if she stayed here. After all, her charm was not something ordinary men could resist.

As for the man's guarantee, just treat it like a fart.

How to tell if a man is lustful?

You just put your finger under his nose and see if he's breathing?If there is breathing, it means that he is a lustful man, if there is no breathing, then it means that he is too astringent.

In the bedroom, Liu Yushi asked Lin Jie:

"You guy, have you already planned it?"

Without premeditation, how could there be such sexy pajamas in the closet?And it's so snug, it's perfect for me.

Lin Jie said that he was really wronged, he had no premeditation at all.

If it wasn't for the danger perception telling him that Chen Changchun might be against him, he wouldn't be able to keep Liu Yushiqiang here.

And even if Liu Yushi is forced here, he really intends to sleep on the sofa.

But he really didn't expect that Liu Yushi would be so sexy in her pajamas after taking a shower.

As long as this fucking is a normal man, he can't stand it, right?

Lin Jie said: "I said it was not premeditated, do you believe it?"

"Hmph, I believe you, you onmyoji, the first time I saw you, I thought you had bad intentions!" Liu Yushi snorted softly.

Lin Jie kissed the other party and said. "If you don't believe it, don't believe it, it's already reached this point anyway!"

The two came to the bedside in the bedroom, only then did Lin Jie find out.

There was a snow-white bath towel on the bed in the bedroom.

He thought to himself, isn't Liu Yusi, a big beauty, too cute?

She didn't expose the other party, lest the other party become angry and bite herself off.

Late at night, a red plum blossom blooms on the bath towel.

At around six o'clock the next morning, Lin Jie noticed that his nose was a little itchy. He opened his eyes and saw that Liu Yushi was really teasing him with the tip of his hair.

Why did this little girl wake up so early?And it seems to be a little refreshed.

Has she forgotten the fear of being dominated by Brother Jie last night?

Brother Jie, were you super awesome last night?

"Yu Shi, stop making trouble, I still want to sleep for a while." Lin Jie said, interacting with the other party's little panda again.

Only then did Liu Yushi quiet down.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, the two of them woke up together.

Lin Jie yawned, and then asked Liu Yushi, "What would you like to eat in the morning? Our apartment has a 24-hour restaurant, and you can order food and deliver it at any time."

After all, this Chengfei apartment is a five-star apartment.The service is very well done.

As Lin Jie said, he directly opened the housekeeper app of Fade Chen's apartment on his mobile phone, and found the dishes in the restaurant.

Then he gave the phone to Liu Yushi.

Let her choose what she wants to eat.

When he handed over the phone again, the danger perception did not give an early warning.

In other words, giving the other party your own mobile phone should not cause any impact, right?
At least it won't fail in time management!
(End of this chapter)

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