Chapter 251 There is a turning point.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Yushi and Lin Jie returned to Chengfei's apartment and walked into the door of the apartment.Liu Yushi complained. "It's so hot outside, I'm going to take a shower first!"

After speaking, she went straight into the bathroom.

Looking at her tall and graceful figure, Lin Jie smiled.

After a while, he reckoned that Liu Yushi was already taking a shower.

So he walked into the room.

Attention everyone, this is a professional-level demonstration, and idlers are not allowed to enter!
Both Liu Yushi and Lin Jie were a little tired, and they lay down on the soft latex mattress.

Liu Yushi leaned against Lin Jie's chest, then suddenly bit him, leaving a row of teeth marks on his chest.

Complained softly: "Huh! You bad guy, you know how to bully me!"


How could this peerless beauty with fair skin, beautiful skin and long legs still play tricks like this?

At first glance, she seems to be acting like a baby.Taking revenge on Lin Jie, he bit Lin Jie just now during the free kick training in the bathroom.

But in fact, this is not the case.

She deliberately left a row of teeth marks on Lin Jie's chest.

In this way, when Lin Jie returned to Donghai City and practiced free kick with other girls, wouldn't he be discovered?

rest assured!

Lin Jie's physical strength is 10 times that of ordinary people.

The recovery ability is naturally more than 10 times that of ordinary people.

A row of tooth marks like this may take a month or two for ordinary people.Lin Jie, it will disappear in three days!
After I return to Donghai City, I can just stop looking for girls for at most three days.

After three days, the row of teeth marks disappeared naturally.

At this moment, Liu Yushi didn't realize at all that Lin Jie had discovered her little thoughts, and she was still lying in Lin Jie's arms, a little complacent.

Of course, she was complacent, not just because her little things weren't discovered.It was also because Lin Jie didn't pay attention to her and left these marks on his body.

According to the love strategies on the Internet, some scumbags pay great attention to these small details.

It is impossible to grow strawberries without tooth marks!

Because after leaving these traces, he will definitely be discovered when he picks up other girls.

Before you can implement this skill, you will be blocked.

But Lin Jie didn't stop him, and he didn't care, which showed that he wasn't a scumbag.

This is not nonsense.

Our Brother Jie is a peerless good man, how could he be a scumbag?
Lin Jie hugged Liu Yushi, stroking her hair, and Liu Yushi was in Lin Jie's arms like a cat.It seems that she also likes this feeling very much.

Although her height difference reached 1.7 meters six.But she also wants to be like a little bird!


at the same time.

Imperial City Sandaokou Police Station.

Suddenly, three spirited guys rushed into the police station.And everyone looked flustered and hurried.

The police officers in the police station were a little stunned when they saw this scene.

I wonder if these guys have gone the wrong way?

Usually these spirited guys are not willing to deal with police officers, and they usually walk around when they see police officers.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here?" a police officer asked.

"We surrender ourselves!"

"Officer! We're going to report the crime."

"Officer! Help us, we have to surrender."

The three spirited boys said in a panic.

This scene made the police officers a little confused.

I thought to myself, did these spirited guys drink fake alcohol, or did they drink too much medicine, or did they break into the police station live broadcast to live broadcast the fire?

A police officer sternly said, "Let me warn you first. If you dare to come to the police station to disturb our work, you will be detained for three days at least, and at most 15 days. You better think clearly."

"Can we be detained? Then you detain us quickly!"

"Then take us away, I want to go to jail!"

"Finally I can go to jail, I'm finally saved!"

police officer:"???"

What happened to these three spirit boys?

Looking at their appearance, they didn't look like they were drunk, and they didn't smell like alcohol, and they didn't hide the camera. They didn't look like they were broadcasting live. Could it be that they were really drugged?
I have never seen anyone break into the police station directly and say that they want to go to jail!

"These guys are in trouble!" Immediately, several police officers surrounded them.

Those three spirited guys, instead of trying to get in the way or run away, let them catch them directly and very actively.

"Send these guys to a drug test to see if they have taken too much drugs! This world can meet anyone!" The police officer complained.

These guys are really ignorant and fearless, dare to break into the police station directly to make trouble?

The three of them were soon pressed to go for a drug test, and the results came out soon, and it was found that none of them had taken drugs.

The police officers started to take it seriously and asked them why they surrendered.

Originally, he thought that these three spirited guys were here to make trouble. After all, in this era, there are even people who commit suicide live broadcast for the sake of traffic.

It is not impossible to break into the police station live.

However, when they were asked why they turned themselves in, they found a big problem.

Because of these three spirits, the guy was actually related to the car accident that happened today!
Such a situation immediately attracted the attention of the entire police station.

Police officer Zhou, who was still handling the case at the crossroads, rushed back immediately, and he wanted to question the three people in person.

Originally, he was very suspicious of Lin Jie, because that case had too many connections with Lin Jie, but he couldn't find any evidence, not even the slightest clue.

But now, the appearance of these three spirited guys seems to have brought a turn for the case.

Maybe these three people are the breakthrough point of this case. Following these three people, we can follow the clues and find out the final principal!
Police officer Zhou suddenly lifted his spirits.

Immediately drove back to the police station.

(End of this chapter)

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