Gold Assistant

Chapter 115 Secret Hands

Chapter 115 Secret Hands
After Lin Weiyan was released on bail by Li Jinghui, they went back to his place together.

Li Jinghui saw Lin Weiyan slumped on the sofa, looking listless.Can't help feeling suspicious, he said to Lin Weiyan seriously: "Weiyan, did you touch something you shouldn't touch?"

"I do not have."

"Then what's going on? Why are you pestering Liu Li if you're not filming well in the crew? Shi Lekang has already warned us."

"What is Shi Lekang! Chen Ting is already disabled." Lin Weiyan roared without anger.

Li Jinghui pinched his brows with a headache, "The identity of Shilekang's gold medal agent is not supported by Chen Ting, it is his own background and ability. And even if Chen Ting is not an actor, it doesn't matter to him at all. He is the Chen family people."

Hearing this, Lin Weiyan sat up straight, pointed to the north with his finger, "The Chen family?"


"He must be sick. The young master shouldn't come here to act."

Li Jinghui sighed helplessly, the second young master of the Lin family, you are not the same.If he hadn't known him since he was a child, he wouldn't have let Lin Weiyan join his company.

"I have already asked for leave from the crew for you. You should have a good rest these days."

Lin Weiyan, who was momentarily surprised by Chen Ting's identity, responded weakly. "understood."

Before Li Jinghui left, he took another look at Lin Weiyan. Although the police had experience that he had never taken drugs, he knew that there would be new types of drugs on the market from time to time, and some of them were unknown to the police and could not be detected.

To be on the safe side, he still notified Lin Weiyan's eldest brother in G City.If it weren't for the unfinished filming of "Top of Shu Mountain", he really wanted Lin Weiyan to go back directly.

At noon the next day, Lin Weiyan, who heard someone knocking on the door, opened the door and found his elder brother standing outside.

"Brother, why are you here?" He let his elder brother into the room in surprise.

Lin Weijie frowned when he saw his younger brother's look of not waking up.It's already noon now, but my brother is still sleeping. This life is too bad.

"I heard Ah Hui tell you about your entry into the police station last night."

"He actually filed a complaint?!"

"Sit." Lin Weijie pointed to the sofa opposite.

Lin Weiyan was afraid of his elder brother since he was a child, so he had to sit down obediently.

"You really didn't touch those things?" Lin Weijie thought the same as Li Jinghui, suspecting that he used a new type of drug that the police didn't know about.

After he received a call from Li Jinghui yesterday, he received an anonymous video, which showed Lin Weiyan in front of the cinema.

Lin Weiyan's state was so abnormal at that time, they really couldn't think of any other reason besides taking drugs.

"No, I really don't! Why don't you even believe me, brother." Lin Weiyan stood up excitedly.

"Sit down." Lin Weijie was still very calm, and did not change his face according to his younger brother's mood changes.

Lin Weiyan who sat down obediently argued again, "Brother, I really didn't touch those things."

"What happened to you that day?"

Lin Weijie played the video on his phone for him.

Seeing himself in the video, he was also very surprised, "How could I be like this? It's like hitting an evil spirit."

Hit evil?Lin Weijie remembered some old things at home.

"Have you contacted anyone from Second Aunt recently, or received anything from her?"

"Second aunt?" Lin Weiyan recalled, "She sent me some fish maw a few days ago, and I asked the part-time worker to help me stew it and eat it."

Lin Weijie pondered, "Did you do these unusual things after eating it?"

"From what you say, it seems to be true." He looked up at his elder brother in surprise.

Before Lin Weiyan came back from a break, he specially asked the part-time worker to help cook the stew. After eating, he went to the hospital to find Liu Li the next day.Because he forgot to mention that the part-time worker stewed fish maw every day, and he drank it for three days.

"Do you still have those fish maws?" To prove his suspicion, there must be evidence.

"I've finished eating, brother, is there really something wrong with those fish maws?"

"You were young at the time, so you may not remember. The second uncle cheated on a female employee of a company before. He was about to divorce the second aunt, but then the female employee suddenly went crazy and was sent to a mental hospital. Someone He said he saw Second Aunt had dinner with her."

"Brother, do you suspect that Second Aunt has something that can make people go crazy, that she has done something to me? But she has been kind to me since she was a child..." At this moment, he suddenly remembered what Xue Yao said that day in the hospital.

If his elder brother falls and he cannot inherit the family business, the Lin family will be handed over to his cousin.

He seemed to wake up, "Brother, we can't let that bitch get away with it."

Because the second aunt dotes on her younger brother very much, even better than her own son, so the younger brother kisses her very much.

Lin Weijie originally thought it would take some effort to convince his younger brother, but he didn't expect his attitude to change so quickly.

After relaying what Xue Yao guessed in the hospital that day, Lin Weiyan said angrily: "I have to remind my parents about this, who knows if she will use those things on them."

Lin Weiyan wished he could go back to City G immediately and expose his second aunt's true colors, but it's a pity that his filming has not yet finished.

"I'll investigate this matter. Have you found the daughter of the Mo family?"

Lin Weiyan had a headache when he heard about this cheap fiancée. Before he saw those messages, he deleted them all, so he didn't have the heart to find someone.

"I didn't find it. I asked many people, but there was no news about her." The things in the hospital and the movie theater were enough to bother him, so he didn't want to find any fiancee.

Lin Weijie looked at the watch in his hand, "Have you not eaten today? Go for a full body check first, your health is important."

"it is good."

Maybe it was because she was sleeping in a strange room, even though she had played the soothing song, Xue Yao still couldn't fall asleep.

Since you can't sleep, let's talk about what happened recently.

It is said that Song Kai has been fired from "One Hit Must Hit" because he gave false information to Mrs. Zhang and concealed things about Zhang Dong and Hou Zhenzhen.

It was only later that I heard that he took refuge in Liu Zongze, a famous playboy in the entertainment circle, and he is doing well so far.

Thinking of this, Xue Yao couldn't help cursing, "It's really a disaster for thousands of years."

Lin Weiyan, who is also a scourge, issued a statement that due to physical reasons, after filming "Top of Shushan", he will temporarily quit the entertainment circle to recuperate.

Some of his fans were very excited, saying that the idol looked very healthy, not sick at all, the agency must have known that he was going to set up a studio, so they suppressed and hid it.

Another group of fans left a message silently, expressing that they are waiting for him to come back.

In fact, after Lin Weiyan went for a full-body examination, he found some problems. There were some unidentifiable chemical substances in his body.

For this reason, the two brothers were very nervous, and the doctor suggested that they could go to the laboratory to find out what it was.

 Thank you for your rewards and votes, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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