Gold Assistant

Chapter 119 Alien Beast

Chapter 119 Alien Beast
Xiaobai will go back to the hospital for mental treatment on Thursday and Friday, Yuan Lan will follow him to take care of him, and An Mo will not be back until tomorrow morning, so Xue Yao is the only one left in 601 tonight.

Prepare the dinner in advance and send it to the opposite side, and tell Ah Er that she has something to do tonight, so the dinner is made earlier, and it is enough for him to wait for dinner time to heat it up.

After returning to the room and closing the door, she happily took out the potato chips and coke that she had bought for a long time but had never had the chance to enjoy from the small space.

These two are taboos for weight loss, high-calorie snacks, and should not be eaten in front of Liu Li and An Mo, or they will cause hatred.

Open the bag of potato chips, pour all the potato chips into a large bowl, pour a glass of Coke, and click on the novel website.With everything ready, Xue Yao began to enjoy the rare leisure time tonight.

She grabbed a handful of potato chips with her left hand and put them into her mouth, chewing them with a crackling bite. They were so fragrant and crispy, but a little salty.She picked up the cup and poured more than half of the cup of Coke into her mouth, washing away the salty taste in her mouth, so happy!
Staring at the screen, pointing to the next page with his right hand, he saw that the heroine in the novel picked up a ring from the fairy world, and began to reach the pinnacle of ginseng.

In that ring is a spiritual planting space with mountains, waters and fields. Anything can be planted in it, and the most important thing is that it is full of spiritual energy.

Thinking of aura, Xue Yao put down the potato chips in her hand and sighed deeply.

She found a physical technique that can shape the body before. When practicing, she must cooperate with the spiritual energy, and let the spiritual energy circulate in the body for a week.

There is no aura in this small world, and once you exercise, it will absorb the energy of your body. Fortunately, after she took it out, she found the problem after just doing one movement, otherwise she might turn into a human being and die directly.

It would be great if her spaces could be like the Lingzhi space in the novel.

Alas, thinking of the compartments where things can only be stored, she felt a little heartbroken.For this reason, she grabbed another handful of potato chips and put them in her mouth, and continued to read the novel, when she saw that the hostess made the ingredients in the space into spiritual food that could replenish aura.

Xue Yao immediately took out a white radish collected by the original owner and stared at it seriously.Before, she thought that these ingredients were particularly delicious, just because the quality of the space grid improved.

Now I want to improve the quality of ordinary things, usually because I have stayed in a place with aura for a long time.It's just that she hasn't noticed the fluctuation of the spiritual energy after watching it for a long time. Could it be that she guessed wrong?

She set her sights on the second space, where there were many strange beasts, but they were too large, so she never had a chance to take them out.

The place I live in is big enough now, and there is no one there tonight, maybe... I can take it out and try.

Xue Yao opened the door, ran to the hall with some expectation, put all the furniture into the space, and then spread several layers of newspapers on the floor.

Open the second large space, and try to find a relatively small beast.

When she found a strange animal that looked like a rabbit but had very long ears, a term 'long-eared rabbit' appeared in her mind.

"Jack-eared rabbit? It seems that its meat tastes good, and its blood contains some aura. But in which world did you eat it?" She thought for a long time, but she had no clue.

"Forget it, the rabbit should be smaller."

She stood at the edge of the hall and let the jackrabbit out.

Then a giant rabbit appeared in the hall, and the red eyes of the rabbit happened to be in front of her eyes, which made her scream out in fright, and then immediately covered her mouth with her hand.

Everyone in 602 heard her scream, and Ah Yi immediately said, "Master, I'll go and have a look."

"Go." In fact, when Chen Ting heard the voice, he had already checked it with his spiritual sense, but he still felt a little worried because he didn't see it with his own eyes.

Qin Yi deliberately wore a pink bubble skirt today, and also put on peach blossom makeup to make herself look younger.She already knew from Mrs. Qin that Tao Chengxuan was not gay.

This is good news, but there is also bad news, that is, he already has a girlfriend, and it is Liu Li who became popular on the Internet and took the Hua Yun commercial.

She thinks that her appearance is only a little bit different from Liu Li, mainly because she usually dresses more maturely, so today she specially made a girlish look.

She believed that Tao Chengxuan would definitely choose himself with the background of the Qin family when his appearance was almost the same.

After receiving the notice from the servant at home, Tao Chengxuan had already entered, and she immediately walked out from the second floor.

When Qin Yi walked down the stairs slowly, there was an eerie silence in the audience, and everyone looked at her dully.

"Oh my god, did she offend the stylist?" Tao Chengya lowered her voice, screaming at a volume that only they could hear.

Qin Yi's appearance is relatively mature, suitable for some more mature attire, which still looks a bit charming.Today's style can't be said to be ugly, but it just gives people a strong feeling of 'pretending to be tender'.

After walking down, Qin Yi looked past everyone and turned to Tao Chengxuan. She walked over with a smile, and softly called out, "Brother Chengxuan."

That whining voice made Liu Li shudder and goosebumps all over his body.

"Is it cold?" Tao Chengxuan immediately unbuttoned his suit, trying to take off his clothes and put them on for Liu Li.

Liu Li immediately pressed his hand, "It's okay, don't you want to give a gift? It's impolite to be disheveled."

"Maybe it's because the air-conditioning inside is too strong. I'll take Lili to the garden to get some fresh air. Brother and Brother Minghui come to us after delivering the gifts."

"Chengxuan, Xiaoya and I will go for a walk first."

"Well, wait for me."

Tao Chengya observed the reactions of the people in the room. Today, the task of letting everyone know that her brother has a girlfriend has been more than half completed.

But judging from Qin Hong and Qin Yi's performance today, it is clear that they have not given up their fantasy of marriage.She knew that some elders in the Qin family had mouths that were not very virtuous.After Liu Li passed by, they didn't know how they would arrange it.

So after his brother finished speaking, he pulled Liu Li out.

Everyone else in the room had heard that the Tao and Qin families intended to marry, but when they saw Tao Chengxuan and Tao Chengya coming in, they were surrounded by companions, so they showed expressions of preparing to watch a show.

After Qin Yi appeared on the stage and called Brother Chengxuan, everyone who watched the show felt that they were shocked.Looking at the female companion next to Tao Chengxuan and listening to her voice, everyone felt that Tao Chengxuan was very right in not choosing Qin Yi.

Qin Yi, who was ignored by them, saw the situation, and smoke came from his nostrils.But there were still some people watching the show in the room, she could only suppress the fire.

"Brother Chengxuan, grandpa is in the study on the first floor. I'll ask someone to take you there." Qin Yi already knew that her route today was wrong, but as long as she corrects it in time, there is still a chance. After all, the Qin family's family background is not An internet celebrity might be better than that.

 The third watch is completed~ I will chatter with my hips crossed for a while~ Meme~
  Every time I watch Xiao Bu eat potato chips and drink Coke, I want to try this.

(End of this chapter)

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