Gold Assistant

Chapter 125

Chapter 125

The waiting room was full of people, and there was a lot of excitement. Many people were warming up at the scene, and they all tried their best to join the crew. This was really beyond Xue Yao's expectations.

Soon she saw Jiang Hao and Mi Jiawen in the crowd, and she wanted to know what was going on with them, so she walked quietly to them.

"Haozi, don't be nervous. You are Xia Xia's favorite at school. Even if you lose the lead role, there will definitely be other roles suitable for you." Mi Jiawen carefully helped Jiang Hao tidy up his clothes.

Jiang Hao grabbed her hand and kissed her, "I know, don't you really want to give it a try? As you said, even if you lose the leading role, there may be other roles."

Mi Jiawen blushed and pulled her hands back, "There are so many people here, you have to protect your image now, I heard that many fans don't like their idols to have girlfriends."

"Never mind them, it's you, not them, who will spend my life with me in the future." Jiang Hao looked at Mi Jiawen affectionately.

Xue Yao, who was eavesdropping on the side, felt that she had been stuffed with dog food for no reason.

But the state of the two of them made her very puzzled.If they love each other so much, why did Jiang Hao end up with Xie Lin in the book?

Could it be that he stepped on two boats with one foot?I heard that many playful people have good acting skills.

Just when she was guessing wildly, a beautiful girl came to the two of them. "Wenzi, Haozi, you are so early."

Mosquitoes, mice...these are two evils, they deserve to be a couple.But who is it?Some familiar.

"Xiao Lin, you are here."

This is Xie Lin?Xue Yao pretended to warm up and took a few steps to take a look at Xie Lin.Now she looks much better than the photos and school videos, mainly because her skin has improved, and she doesn't need to wear heavy makeup to cover her bad skin before.

Mi Jiawen looked Xie Lin's face from side to side, "Xiao Lin's skin is getting better and better, and he will be more confident in taking the role."

"Xiaolin, please help persuade Wenzi, since Xia Da has given her the chance to audition, don't waste it, go and try."

Xie Lin smiled, with a trace of sarcasm in his eyes, "That's right, anyway, if you have a chance, if you don't succeed, take it as an opportunity to learn."

Mi Jiawen is still a little hesitant. Her appearance is not the awl face that the entertainment industry likes now. She has been rejected many times before and has lost confidence.

"I... well, I'll try again." Mi Jiawen, who originally wanted to refuse, saw the encouragement in Jiang Hao's eyes and decided to try again.

A flash of disdain flashed in Xie Lin's eyes, but he said, "Come on, Wen Zi."

"Hmm." Mi Jiawen nodded vigorously.

Xue Yao, who watched the whole process, felt that things were a little strange.Jiang Hao looked at Mi Jiawen with affectionate eyes, and Xie Lin didn't feel in love with Jiang Hao at all.

Could it be that she guessed wrong, these two people have no relationship?Or is it that the acting skills of the two of them overwhelmed all of this?

Xue Yao shook her head, their acting skills are not so good, there must be something wrong.

It may be that she was watching too intently and was discovered by the three of them.

Jiang Hao took the initiative to ask: "What's the matter?"

"I just think you guys look familiar, where have you met?" Xue Yao had no choice but to chat with them.

"Is it on Huada's website?" Mi Jiawen said with a smile.

"Yes, I remembered. So you two are really a couple. I've seen the video of your cooperation. It's a good match."

Jiang Hao grinned happily, "Thank you."

Xue Yao pretended to look into the distance, "My friends are here, I wish you a smooth audition."

"You too."

Xue Yao ran to the door of the waiting room like a gallop, let out a long breath, and patted her heart. Fortunately, she listened to An Mo's lectures to Liu Li every day, and also learned a little acting skills.

At this time, a man in casual clothes was hovering at the door of the waiting room, peeking at the situation inside from time to time.

The security guard at the door asked him, "Are you here for an audition? Please show your number plate."

After hearing the security guard's question, the man was taken aback for a moment, and said somewhat restrainedly: "I... don't have a number plate."

The security guard said politely: "I'm sorry, but you can't go in without a number plate."

"I know, I just want to try my luck."

Unexpectedly, the two started chatting like this. It turned out that the security guard was also a person who came to City B with the dream of being an actor to work hard.It's just that his appearance is good-sounding, honest, and bad-sounding, he has no characteristics, but his acting skills are not bad, so he has always been an extra.

But extras can't support themselves, so they still work as temporary workers. This security job is like this.

The two introduced themselves to each other, the security guard's name was Ye Xingqing, and the man in casual clothes was called Yang Yi.

Xue Yao was shocked when she heard their names.

Ye Xingqing was described in the book as an extra who won the Best New Actor Award after being appreciated by a great director, and whose acting skills surpassed those of newcomers in the world.

Didn't expect to meet him here.

In addition, Yang Yi is a variety show celebrity who will be invited by various variety shows in the future, because he has a quick response and agility, and he is also very humorous. Everyone likes to watch the shows he participates in.

But this is not the reason for Xue Yao's surprise. At the end of the story in the book, Liu Li was entangled with black material, which greatly affected the box office of the movies she participated in. Later, in order to increase the publicity of the movies, she appeared on many variety shows.

I often meet Yang Yi on these shows, and he always secretly helps Liu Li who is excluded by the host.When Liu Li had an accident, he would also ask for help.

I found out later that when Yang Yi first debuted, he had no chance to express himself because of his appearance and height.Once when Liu Li participated in a variety show to promote a TV series, he needed a person to cooperate to pass the test.

Liu Li chose Yang Yi, who had been standing outside the camera all the time. As a result, the combination of her and Yang Yi was the fastest to break through the checkpoint that day, and even set the fastest record for that checkpoint. It was not until a long time later that they were combined by a pair of athletes break in.

When the host asked her why she chose Yang Yi, Liu Li said: "Before the opening, I saw him test those levels, the speed was unbelievable, in fact, I dragged him down, otherwise he could be faster. "

The host immediately expressed disbelief, because there are many places in that level that require the cooperation of two people to pass.

Liu Li smiled and said, "Try it and you'll know."

So the host asked Yang Yi to try it out. As Liu Li said, he cleared the level faster by himself.This paragraph was cut into the tidbits of the show, allowing more people to know Yang Yi.

When many celebrities appeared on the show, they appointed Yang Yi as their assistant. Gradually, he gained everyone's friendship and became popular.

Yang Yi is a grateful person. He has always worked hard to repay those who helped him, let alone Liu Li who was the first to help him.

 The third update is complete~ ok~
(End of this chapter)

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