Gold Assistant

Chapter 133 Amulet

Chapter 133 Amulet

"Xiaobai, get out of the way."

Ah Yi carried Xue Yao to the bed first, then turned around and put Chen Ting next to her.

"Miss Yao, she..." After Ah Er finished a simple examination for Xue Yao, he considered what to say.

Chen Ting and Xiao Bai looked at him silently, Ah Yi asked anxiously, "How is it?"

Ah Er expressed his judgment with some uncertainty, "She seems to be just asleep."

The three of them looked down at Xue Yao, who had her eyes closed. Her expression had returned to normal, as if she felt everyone's gaze, she frowned and moved towards Chen Ting.

Then she stretched out her hand to grope beside her, and when she touched Chen Ting's clothes, she immediately grasped them tightly, smiled contentedly and fell asleep.


At this time, all the haze on Chen Ting's face dissipated, and he gently wiped away the blood from the corner of Xue Yao's mouth.

Xue Yao's habit of sleeping while clutching her clothes was something he got used to.She was sleepy when she was young, but she didn't allow him to go away, so he had to take off his coat and stay.

The juniors also laughed and said that fortunately Yaoyao is a girl, otherwise the seniors would have broken their sleeves every day.

"Master, what should we do now?" Ah Yi and Ah Er didn't ask him why they knew about Xue Yao, after all, they also experienced some things that cannot be explained by science.

Chen Ting looked at the door that was kicked down, "Fix the door first."

Ah Yi and Ah Er went to find the door and came back to change it. Xiao Bai stood guard at the door of the room. He looked at Chen Ting who was sitting in the living room with puzzled eyes.

His little head couldn't understand what happened today. The world of adults is too complicated, but as long as my sister is fine.

Not long after, Ah Yi and Ah Er came back with a door on their shoulders, and quickly replaced the door. The proficient speed made people suspect that they had done it many times.

Before Liu Li and the others came back, everything was restored to its original state.

After Xue Yao woke up, she looked at the clothes in her hands, what's going on?Could it be that she went to harass the male god again?

"Ah, what should I do? The male god won't think I'm a pervert." She covered her face with her clothes, and even her earlobes turned red.

no!She must reverse her image in the mind of the male god.

She jumped onto the bed, picked up the drawn talisman and checked it.

Although the talisman paper is just ordinary white paper, the effect seems to be ok, with a 10-day use period.

But how to send it to the male god?

You can't take the talisman carelessly, walk up to the male god and say that you have drawn a talisman for him and let him use it to recover his body.

Others will treat her as crazy and send her to No. 600 Wanping South Road.

She stared blankly at the talisman for a while, then suddenly thought of a way to find out the amulet she gave when she bought the materials for making talismans.

Fold the talisman, put it in the amulet, and take out the two pajamas before.

After knocking on the door of 602, Ah opened the door, without saying anything, and asked her to go to Chen Ting directly.

This made Xue Yao very uneasy, what did she do today, Ah Yi stopped talking to her.

It feels a little square, and a little bit of a loss!

She hugged her clothes nervously and walked to Chen Ting's room.

As soon as Xiao Bai saw her, he immediately rushed over and hugged her leg tightly.Shouting sullenly: "Sister."

"Did Xiaobai study obediently today?" After speaking, he gently stroked his soft hair.

"Yes." He raised his head to say something.

Chen Ting stared at him holding Xue Yao's hand, and said coldly, "Come back."

Xiaobai turned his head and glared at him, then reluctantly sat in front of the computer and continued typing on the keyboard.

"I, I'm here to return the clothes. Although I don't remember what happened today, I'm sorry." Xue Yao mustered up the courage to speak out in one breath.

"Nothing happened today." Under Xiao Bai's gaze, Chen Ting opened his eyes and spoke nonsense.

Xue Yao didn't know what to say, so she picked up the amulet on her clothes and handed it to Chen Ting, who then reached out to take it.

The moment he touched the amulet, a warm and gentle energy was transmitted from the palm of his hand to his whole body.

He is very familiar with this energy. When she was injured in the past, she always put the talisman on everyone's forehead immediately, saying that it is best to transmit the energy of the talisman from the head to the body, and it is not allowed to take it off until the injury is not healed.

To her, this is a small punishment for not taking good care of the body.

But at that time, with the help of the elixir, the injury could be healed in one or two hours, and everyone didn't care about such punishment.

It's just that the energy of this talisman today is very weak.

Thinking of the reason why she fainted today, Chen Ting frowned. It turned out that all this was for him.

"This was opened by the master. It is very good for the body. It is very rare! Everyone said that the master is very spiritual, so it must be kept close to the body. It is best not to leave the body except for taking a bath..."

Xue Yao was afraid that he would turn his head and put it somewhere else, wasting the energy in the talisman, and said a lot of reasons.

"it is good."

After Chen Ting finished speaking, he put the amulet in his pocket.

She was still thinking about why she could continue to persuade Chen Ting not to refuse, but when she heard his answer, she didn't expect that he actually kept it close to her body.

Could it be that his injury is really like the rumors on the Internet, there is no hope of recovery at all, so he began to pin his hopes on illusory things?
After thinking for a while, Xue Yao felt that she was too hypocritical.

Obviously, he had said so many reasons to let him keep the talisman close to his body.Now he did what he asked, but he was suspicious there.

"By the way, and... that amulet, I have to take it back every ten days and let the master recite it once. Then I will ask the master to consecrate another amulet in exchange for it."

After saying the reason for changing characters, Xue Yao couldn't help scolding herself in her heart, what a bad reason.

"it is good."

Chen Ting once again answered in the affirmative.

Uh, male god, why are you so easy to deceive, you can't do this, what should you do if you meet a bad woman!
Xiaobai stared sadly at the location of the amulet in Chen Ting's pocket, he took out the peach amulet hanging around his neck, and put it in Xue Yao's hand.

"Xiao Bai, what's wrong?"


Xue Yao immediately understood what he meant, and hung it up for him with a smile, "You don't need to consecrate this one."

Xiaobai bowed his head in aggrieved silence, Xue Yao patted his forehead and said immediately: "I will ask Master to give Xiaobai an amulet as well."

"No trouble?" Xiaobai remembered that Yuan Lan said that Xue Yao was not in good health, so he couldn't always bother her.

"No trouble."


After saying goodbye to the two, she went back, completely unaware of the strange smell of gunpowder between Chen Ting and Xiao Bai.

When she returned to the room, she found that the tools for drawing talismans hadn't been packed away, and they had to be dealt with before Liu Li and the others came back.

Seeing that the aura of the spirit animal blood in the small porcelain plate had all dissipated, it made her feel distressed for a while. "Waste, what a waste!"

She picked up the porcelain bottle that fell on the floor, thinking whether to fill another bottle now, or wait until next time?Due to the problem of the carrier, the talisman can only be stored for ten days after it is drawn. If it is drawn now, the energy in the talisman will disappear.

But maybe you can try it in the space to see if it can be stored for a longer time.

 Thank you for your rewards and votes, Salt will work hard, okay~~\(≧3≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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