Gold Assistant

Chapter 166 Enemy Attack

Chapter 166 Enemy Attack
Shi Xiaonan said uncharacteristically serious: "If there is a normal express tracking number, address, etc., it's fine. But there is nothing on this box, so it's a bit weird. Who knows what's inside."

My cousin just sent a message telling her to be more vigilant recently.

"Okay, I'll just be more careful."

Xue Yao put her ear on the box and listened carefully to the sound inside, "There is no sound of the second hand, so it should not be a bomb."

"But the time bombs now use electronic timers, so they won't go off like that." An Mo raised his hand and spoke to tear down Xue Yao's station.

Xue Yao: "..."

"Also, and, generally, in this kind of plot, the time bomb is not used, but the kind that will explode after impact."

Xue Yao again: "..."

She glanced at An Mo, this little girl must have returned to her childhood, why does she feel a little skinny recently.

An Mo was a little shy when Xue Yao looked at her, and immediately lowered her head obediently, "Sister Yao, don't stare at me like this, I will be shy."

"..., this was sent by Ah Yi, there should be no problem."

After she finished speaking, she went back to her room and took out a knife specially used to open express delivery, and cut off the packing tape on the box.

Liu Li and the others clutched the pillow nervously, their eyes fixed on her hand and the knife in her hand, which made Xue Yao nervous too.

She glanced at An Mo again, it was all caused by this little girl.

The knife cut carefully on the packing tape, and nothing happened as expected.

The three of Liu Li actually showed a little bit of disappointment, it must be that life is too comfortable!
Xue Yao opened the box and saw the jade bottle inside, with its exquisite shape and the brilliance produced by the light, even if she didn't know how to identify it, she could tell that it was the best jade.

"Wow! So beautiful."

"Sister, there is a letter."

Xue Yao opened the letter, which contained handwritten content, to the effect that these jade bottles were given to her as containers for spirit beast blood, and they could be exchanged for amulets, with the signature SHI at the bottom.

Last time she complained to SHI about how poor the storage space was, and took away her spirit beast blood.I really didn't expect SHI to be so considerate, and specially sent her a jade bottle.

Huh?It didn't come by courier, so Ah Yi has seen him? !Be sure to ask tomorrow what SHI looks like.

The handwriting is so beautiful, the person must also be very handsome.

When the other three of them saw these jade bottles, they were amazed at first, but then lost interest.

If it was jewelry made of jade, they might look at it for a while, but these jade bottles are just decorations and useless.

"Sister, Momo and I went to watch the script."

"Sister Yao, I'm going back to my room to practice."

Soon, only Xue Yao was left in the hall again, but this time she didn't feel lonely at all because of the jade bottle!

She carried the box back to her room, carefully took out a jade bottle and pasted it with a talisman, nothing happened.And she didn't know if it was an illusion, but she felt that the jade bottle seemed to have become more shiny.

Hee hee, the best jade bottle, it can store the spirit beast blood properly.

The next day, Xue Yao asked Liu Li and the others to go to the set first, and she would go there later.

After everyone had left, she put away the furniture and spread newspapers.

This time she chose a vindictive chicken, which was smaller than a long-eared rabbit by visual inspection in a large space.

She has already thought about making these meat into dried meat and selling them online.

When she released the fighting chicken, she found that it was indeed much smaller than the jackrabbit.

She opened its mouth carefully, took out the superalloy scissors, and tried to make a wound on its tongue.

Half an hour later, Xue Yao was sweating profusely, and a small wound appeared on the tongue of the fighting spirit.But this was enough for Xue Yao, she immediately used the jade bottle to collect the blood of the spirit beast.

In a short while, the five jade bottles were filled.

It's just that there is still a lot of spirit beast blood in this fighting spirit chicken, but there is no suitable container, so she has to reluctantly put it into the big space and contribute it into energy again.

She originally wanted to drink all the remaining spirit beast blood, but she seemed to have seen someone die because of too much aura in her body exploding, so she just let it go.

After affixing the lid of the jade bottle with a magic talisman, she tidied up the hall and released the furniture.

Looking at the five bottles of spirit beast blood, she felt a little eager to move. Should she draw a talisman first and try the effect of this spirit beast blood.

Just thinking about what happened last time, she was a little worried again.

"Forget it, I have to go to the set later, come back tonight and draw again."

When she was about to go out and walked to the gate, a faint ominous feeling rose in her heart.

This feeling made her shiver. Although there was no systematic prompt, she knew it was a sign of approaching danger.

She cautiously took out various talismans, and suddenly her phone rang, and it showed that it was a call from a male god.

"Hey, Brother Ting."

"You immediately put amulets on every door and window, and don't come out when you hear any sound."

"it is good."

Xue Yao could hear the urgency in his tone, and immediately agreed without asking.

After hanging up the phone, she stuck amulets on all the doors and windows as Chen Ting said.

After a while, a muffled hum came from outside the door.

She walked carefully to the entrance, gently opened the cat's eye, and looked out through a small slit.

I saw that the door of 602 was open, and there was a man in a silver-gray suit lying outside the door.He was shot by an arrow, and the rising and falling chest proved that he was still alive.

He had a pistol in his hand, but within half a minute both the man and the gun were dragged away.

Because of the angle, Xue Yao couldn't see who dragged it away, but she saw the man in the suit.

He is a foreigner with a square face, wide forehead, thick eyebrows and big eyes. His skin is a healthy wheat color, but he is not very handsome, so Xue Yao, who is somewhat blind to foreigners, forgot his appearance in a while. .

She has seen this kind of scene before. In the world of the second mission, before the queen ascended the throne, it was basically staged every ten days.

However, the weapons everyone used at that time were relatively advanced, such as laser swords or laser guns.

Fortunately, because of genetic modification in that interstellar world, basically everyone is handsome or beautiful. Otherwise, she, who is severely face-blind to foreigners, might have to check the system information every time she sees a person.

No one came out from 602, Xue Yao couldn't see what was going on inside, so she couldn't help worrying.

Although she knew that with the effect of the talisman, those people would not be able to hurt Chen Ting, but her heart still tugged.

After all, Huaguo has gun control, and only law enforcement agencies can issue guns, and even Wang Jun, an Internet policeman, is not qualified.

But she didn't expect Chen Ting and the others to have bows and arrows. This is indeed a relatively good weapon at present.

The outside became quiet again, only the pool of blood outside the door marked what happened just now.

Suddenly another fully armed man moved towards this side with a gun raised.

He seemed to have noticed Xue Yao's gaze, and looked towards 601.

Xue Yao stood up quickly, gently covered the cat's eyes with her fingers, and put her ear against the door to listen to the movement outside.

(End of this chapter)

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