Gold Assistant

Chapter 172 Consultants

Chapter 172 Consultants
Xia Tian also came to the scene today.

She smiled and told Director Fu her evaluation of the two, and Director Fu also laughed heartily because of their performance, feeling much better than yesterday.

Director Fu watched the part directed by Zhan Minghui last night, and decided to hand over the directing rights of the crew to him, and he sat aside and acted as a consultant.

When I accepted the filming at the beginning, it was because I didn't find a suitable person, so I took the top job myself.

Now that he has a good candidate, he lets go.

He discussed with Xia Tian, ​​and then put Zhan Minghui's name on the director's position, and his name on the consultant's.

The atmosphere between Ye Xingqing and Yang Yi was well established, the play was over, Zhan Minghui then called a stop, and asked the stage manager to arrange the next scene.

An Mo and Liu Li came to them.

Seeing them, Xia Tian immediately frowned, and circled around the two of them.

"Why are you wearing weird clothes, and the makeup seems too heavy, making people look old."

Liu Li said: "Sister has something to do, so she will be late, but our vision is fine today."

"Well, but this dress, as you said, is indeed a little weird, doesn't it match very well, it's even weirder when Lili and I stand together." An Mo tugged at his belt.

Director Fu also looked over, his good mood disappeared immediately, and he said in a bad tone: "It is true, you are dressed like this today, some masters and servants are not distinguished, what about Shi Li? How does she do things?!"

Liu Li and An Mo didn't expect that Director Fu would be dissatisfied before the small report was filed and the eye drops were taken.

Judging by his expression, he was really angry.

"I went to find her just now, and those people said that she had something to do and left early."

Shi Xiaonan immediately stepped forward to speak, she was considered an outsider, so there was no need to be too shy about speaking.

Xia Tian also knew what happened yesterday, so he smoothed things over, "Then let the clothing assistant take a look."

She didn't have a good impression of the Shi Li siblings, but after their father had an accident, Director Fu's son and daughter-in-law also had accidents.

The elderly believe that there is a causal relationship, so they want to treat them kindly.

In order to prevent Director Fu from thinking about sad things again, those two people should try to ignore them as much as possible, but the premise is that they will no longer be demons.

"I'll look for it." Shi Xiaonan immediately turned around to look for someone.

Jiang Hao was preparing for the next scene. Seeing what happened to Liu Li and the others, he walked over to watch.

Mi Jiawen said that Xue Yao and the others helped them to be the male and female protagonists, so he must be grateful and do as much as he can in the crew.

Jiang Hao also agreed very much, so he went to see if he could help.

Ye Xingqing and Yang Yi also walked over.

At this time, Xue Yao called and said that she might not be able to go to the set today, and asked Liu Li and An Mo how the filming was going.

Liu Li said that everything was fine, and let her go to work, don't think about filming.

Xia Tian said worriedly: "Oh, this makeup is a big problem. Xiaoyao's transformation was too good in the early stage. If such a situation arises in the future, I can't just let you play like this?"

Because of Xue Yao's make-up and pearls in front, and the human in the back, it's awkward no matter how you look at it.

"Well, Momo and I also thought about this problem, so we decided to learn from my sister, and if something happens, we can still make it ourselves."

After hearing this, Xia Tian was also a little excited.

"Okay, I want to learn too! In the past, I didn't need to go out, and it didn't matter if I wore a plain face, but if I want to continue to be a screenwriter in the future, I'm afraid I have to meet a lot of people, and I still need some makeup."

Jiang Hao thought that after Xue Yao helped Mi Jiawen put on makeup, she became suitable for filming, so he hurriedly said, "There is also Wenzi, Wenzi also said that she wanted to learn."

Everyone laughed out loud when they heard how anxious he was to fight for his girlfriend.

"Wen Zi is not here, you can distribute dog food, amazing." Xia Tian looked at him teasingly.

Jiang Hao blushed from being teased by everyone, but he was still very happy that his relationship was recognized.

Soon Shi Xiaonan brought the clothing assistant over.

But it can be heard from a distance, the costume assistant is shouting: "What are you doing! Didn't you say that the two sets of costumes are fine in the morning? Sister Shi has already matched them. Where are you taking me again? Be gentle, you Violent woman."

Hearing the words "violent woman", everyone invariably thought of the kick that Shi Cheng was kicked, which was only one percent of the force.

So everyone shivered involuntarily.

Shi Xiaonan brought the people in front of everyone and pointed at Liu Li and An Mo.

"Is this the costume you said Shi Li matched?"

The clothing assistant stepped forward and turned around. When she was in the back, she quietly took out her mobile phone and looked at the photos for comparison.

Then she said: "Yeah, that's how she wears it in the morning."

"What's on your phone?"

Zhan Minghui saw her flipping over her phone and immediately asked a question.

"I... I'm afraid I won't be able to remember, so I will take pictures of every outfit that Sister Shi puts together, so that I can make adjustments later."

The clothing assistant quickly explained and handed out his mobile phone.

Zhan Minghui took the phone and showed it to Director Fu. The matching photos inside were indeed what Liu Li and An Mo were wearing now.

"This Shi Li is getting more and more outrageous, Minghui, how is the new stylist?" Director Fu reprimanded Shi Li's behavior today loudly.

"Akang said that he hasn't found it yet."

Director Fu frowned and looked at the clothing assistant, but shook his head again.Today, everyone found that the two sets of clothes were inappropriate, but she thought there was no problem, which shows that the level is not very good.

The clothing assistant didn't know that he had missed an opportunity, and kept his head down, praying in his heart that this matter would pass quickly, so that they could go to Shi Li if they had any questions.

Director Fu sighed and said, "For the time being, that's all we can do. If you stick around for a few more days, I'll also ask old friends if they can introduce you."

Shi Li never expected that her plan would die before it was carried out, and she would not even be able to keep her job.

Zhan Minghui continued to film Jiang Hao's scenes, while Xia Tian followed Liu Li and the others back to the dressing room to see how to adjust the two outfits.

Seeing that there was no one in the dressing room, An Mo took the opportunity to turn on the phone and show it to Xia Tian. It contained the looks that Min Shasha had adjusted for them, and told Xia Tian what happened after they found something wrong with the clothes.

"Why didn't you take it out just now? That way Shi Li can be replaced directly."

"After all, Sasha is only a junior. If she was to work as a stylist right away, I'm afraid she will be timid and people in the crew will not accept it. So we want her to start as a clothing assistant slowly."

After hearing this, Xia Tian nodded. Her book fan, who can edit, also came to help the crew as an intern, and she also understood the problems involved.

"That's good, let her learn slowly. I heard that many outstanding students go too fast, lose themselves, and end badly."

(End of this chapter)

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