Gold Assistant

Chapter 180 Uncooperative

Chapter 180 Uncooperative

Office of the Network Authority.

Wang Jun helped clean up the reports from netizens and blocked several accounts that were true. When he was about to fall asleep, he suddenly saw a message about reporting an online store.

"Pfft, this person is too funny, and he reported it to us when he bought something."

His colleague came over to have a look, and said, "Huh? I bought from this store too, and the items in it are indeed fake. I gave my wife a jade bracelet, and she was made fun of for wearing a fake one. Sigh. , the pocket money I managed to save."

"Then you didn't give a bad review?"

"Of course I did, but there are so many good reviews from others that it was washed away immediately."

At this time, the leader was standing behind them holding a thermos, "You can't ignore this kind of thing, just send a letter to this website directly. If the other party doesn't reply, you can directly contact the anti-counterfeiting office."

"It's the leader."

When Wang Jun was collecting information, he suddenly discovered that the reported IP address seemed familiar.

After checking, it turned out that it was Momo's apartment. Could it be that Momo fell in love with the jade bottle?There seem to be a few gifts from others at home, go back and look for them.

When he got home, he saw the elder sister and the second sister discussing something.

As soon as Wang Weina saw him, she smiled and waved to him.

"Junzai, come here, come here."

He immediately had a bad premonition in his heart, but he could only walk over obediently.

"Eldest sister, second sister."

Wang Weiyi patted his tense hands, "Don't be nervous, it's a trivial matter."

She pointed to the catalog in her hand and said, "It's like this, Long Teng has already ordered a batch of seafood before closing down, and it will arrive the day after tomorrow, and I have already divided it equally among the restaurants in the same business.

There are still some left, you go to Longteng to collect the goods the day after tomorrow, and then send them to Momo. "

"Really?!" The last time Shi Lekang said that he rented a house to him, nothing happened.As a result, he has no excuse to find Momo, and this opportunity is just right.

Wang Weina pinched his face and said, "Is it a little excited to think of going to meet my little daughter-in-law?"

"Hey." Wang Jun was pinched in the face by his second sister since he was a child, and he has gone from resolutely resisting to ignoring and ignoring.

"By the way, remember to tell Xiao Yaoyao when Junzai is sending him over, we're going to have lunch, so treat it as an early meeting with the parents."

Wang Jun waved his hands quickly and said, "No, no, you can't say that, the horoscope has not been written yet, second sister, you will do bad things like this."

Wang Weina just squinted and smiled at him quietly, and didn't speak any more.

He hurriedly said something else and changed the subject, "Sister, did our family receive a few jade bottles before?"

"Yes, but the shape is too exaggerated, so it is placed in the warehouse."

"Can you give that to Momo?"

"Did Momo ask you for it?" Wang Weiyi opened her mouth slightly, a little surprised.

Seeing that his sister had misunderstood, Wang Jun quickly explained. "No, no."

He has seen a colleague who was not accepted by the other party's family from dating to marriage because he didn't explain a little thing clearly. After two years, he realized that his wife had said a wrong sentence.

"I saw something when I was working today." He said about reporting the jade shop.

"Junzi, you are invading your privacy."

Only then did Wang Jun react. He felt a little ashamed, looked down at the floor, and said, "I..."

But Wang Weina patted her younger brother on the shoulder vigorously, and she seemed very happy.

"Well done, that's what you have to do to pursue the girl you like."

"Uh!" Knowing that the second sister had a different idea, Wang Jun immediately looked to the elder sister for help.

But Wang Weiyi was thinking about other things, she stood aside and didn't look at them.

"Sister?" Wang Weina called out worriedly.

"Ah." Wang Weiyi suddenly woke up.

Wang Jun also looked at her nervously. Since Jian Letai came, my sister often panicked.

But wouldn't it be a good thing to get back together with Brother Tai?

"Sister (big sister), what's wrong with you."

After thinking about it, Wang Weiyi told them what Jian Letai said.

"Exchange a jade bottle for a talisman? Is it the one my sister gave us a few days ago?"

"Well, Artest tested it himself, and Uncle Chang has already gone to change it."

"Sister, what does it mean that Momo might also want to exchange the jade bottle?"

Wang Weiyi said calmly: "How can Ah Jun be sure that the one with that IP address is Momo? Aren't they several girls living together?

And I remember you said that others can steal other people's IP addresses, right? "

"I..." Wang Jun lowered his head in disappointment.

Wang Weina patted her younger brother on the head, "Sure enough, people in love are rather stupid."

"Second sister!"

"Longteng's affairs have been arranged. I'll go to the crew tomorrow to have a look. Then I'll help you find out. Just remember to get the seafood the day after tomorrow."


When Wang Weina received a message, she frowned with some doubts.She asked: "Sister, can you help me analyze why the Zhang family and his wife don't accept the cooperation of Guyun Group?"

"Let me see." Wang Weiyi took the phone, and there was only one sentence on it, which was that Zhang's investment company rejected the cooperation plan with Guyun Group.

"I remember that Xuanzi's company is the most generous in the industry, and they have always spent a lot of money. Could it be that they really refused such cooperation because of Lili?"

"Ah? I heard from Grandma Tao that Lili is Ah Xuan's girlfriend, right, but what does this have to do with her?" Wang Weiyi and Wang Jun couldn't get around.

Wang Weina gave the two science popularization, the complicated relationship between Liu Li and Zhang's husband and wife.

"They're so unreasonable. It's obviously the fault of Zhang Dong and Hou Zhenzhen. How can Liu Li be blamed?"

"That's right, Second Sister, Liu Li is a good friend of Momo, you must help her in the future."

"Don't worry, I will help you take care of your sister-in-law and her best friend. But speaking of it, Lili's luck is pretty good. It was the first time that Zhang Dong wanted to ask her to shoot "Very Friendship". Wheesung terminates the contract.

Zhang Dong went to her for the second time, but she didn't agree, not only drove him away, but also made the incident known to everyone. "

Wang Jun was a little puzzled, "There have been scandals, what kind of good luck is this?"

"You don't know, Duan Zhenyong, the male lead of "Very Friendship", was arrested for taking drugs, as was the former female lead Hou Zhenzhen, and the current female lead is also under investigation.

If Lili had taken over the filming of this movie before, she would be the one who was unlucky.Some people without industry ethics don't care about the truth of the news, they only put up sensational headlines to attract attention. "

"So that's it, big sister, then you must remind Momo tomorrow."

Wang Weina smiled and pinched his face again, "That's not necessary, I saw it with Kang Zi and Xiao Yaoyao that day, and they probably have prepared countermeasures.

And "Pursuit" will have a special issue report on this matter tomorrow, so nothing will happen. "

 ()Thank you for your support, I will persevere and continue to work hard~≧3≦

(End of this chapter)

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