Gold Assistant

Chapter 195 Brother Mo

Chapter 195 Brother Mo

Xue Yao saw that the clams and razor clams in the box were spitting water, they were very fresh.

She swallowed her saliva, fresh ones are delicious!
It's just that she has a headache. Both of these are going to spit sand, and there is not enough time now.

"Try this."

She took out a bag of sea salt and a large bucket of water from a small space, and adjusted the ratio to soak the clams and razor clams in it, and let them spit out the sand first.

In 602, Xiaobai felt a little bored listening to the adults discussing the press conference and the attack on Chen Ting, so he said something to Chen Ting.

"Brother-in-law, I'm going to my sister's side."

Brother-in-law?Where is Xiaobai's sister?Everyone looked at the two of them suspiciously.

Chen Ting ignored everyone's questioning eyes and pointed to the box next to him, "Bring the Kampot pepper in the box to your sister."

It was specially sent by his friends in Cambodia to help.


Xiaobai happily took the pepper and walked to 601 happily.

"The spice that goes best with seafood, Kampot pepper known as the 'little gem'?" Wang Jun was a little surprised. Chen Ting, who never cared about his appetite, knew this.

Wang Weina pushed away her younger brother who was always unable to grasp the important point, her eyes gleamed with gossip.

Except for the scandal with Shi Lekang, Chen Ting has never had any emotional entanglements with others.

Hearing the news at the scene, she was really excited!

Even if you can't tell others, it's good to satisfy your gossip heart.

"The elder sister that Xiaobai said is Xiao Yaoyao?"

When she came to Cengfan last time, she knew Xiaobai's different names for the girls in 601. He only called Xue Yao sister, and everyone else had their names.

"Hey, I'll go, Ah Ting, are you so quick?"

But Shi Lekang always felt that this was a bit weird, he recalled Xue Yao's appearance, "No, Xiao Yao'er is just like usual these days, she doesn't look like she is in a relationship."

Chen Ting raised his eyebrows, "Do you have an opinion?"

"No! How could it be. But if the boys from the special task force come this way, there is no hope. They were still talking about chasing our little Yao'er in the morning. Ah, no, it's the younger siblings."

Wang Weina quickly came to her senses from her deep thinking, "It's not because you heard them say that you want to chase Xiao Yaoyao, so you deliberately asked Xiaobai to change his words and shouted to everyone, but in fact Xiao Yaoyao didn't know about it. Bar?"

A look of surprise flashed in Chen Ting's eyes, she was really perceptive, so she smiled and nodded.

Shi Lekang and Wang Jun were stunned, and there was such an operation.

Wang Jun said in a trembling voice: "You, what you did is really... really despicable!"

At this time, Xiaobai came back with a plate of exquisite snacks, pushed open the door and said loudly: "Brother-in-law, sister said that today's dinner may be late, so let's eat the snacks first."

"Okay, help me say thank you to Xiaoyao."

"En." When Xiaobai was about to turn around and leave, Wang Jun grabbed him and refused to let him go.

Xiaobai's eyes widened, and he raised his head to look at him suspiciously.

"Xiaobai, do Brother Jun a favor?"


"You will call me brother-in-law Mo in front of everyone in the future, and next time I will bring you a set of games I made, which is very fun."


Everyone was silent, you said just now that people did this despicably, now you even used bribes to make Xiao Bai change his mind, isn't it even more despicable? !
Wang Weina patted Wang Jun's shoulder vigorously, "Junzi, well done, beautifully done!"

Xiao Bai turned to look at Chen Ting, saw him nodding and said, "I don't want games."

"Ah...then what do you want? How about I take you to a big meal after Longteng's decoration is finished?"

"I want the code for your home saver."

"Huh?" Wang Jun looked at him dumbfounded, and dug his ears, suspecting that he had heard wrong.

Xiaobai immediately said: "Just now there was a brother outside who asked me when Sister Mo would come back. He wanted an autographed photo."

When Xiaobai passed by just now, a team member did ask Xiaobai for help, but he asked for his autographed photo for his mother.

Hearing this news, an alarm sounded in Wang Jun's mind immediately, level one alarm!Level [-] alert! !Level [-] alert! ! !

"Okay, I'll bring it to you tomorrow!"

Anyway, he has already researched a new system, and will soon replace the one he is using, and let Xiaobai play with the replaced one tomorrow.

Such a young child probably wanted this system because he read some hacker novels on the Internet and found it interesting.

Xiaobai stretched out his little finger, Wang Jun was taken aback for a moment, and then stretched out his own little finger.

"Hanging on the hook is not allowed to change for 100 years. I recorded it. You can't deceive children."

Wang Jun has three black stripes across his forehead. Is his credibility so low?
"Oh, Xiaobai, you are so cute, let sister Na kiss you."

Wang Weina had met Xiaobai before, and felt that he was always in a daze. She never thought that when they met again, he would become so eccentric, it was so cute.

Xiao Bai hurriedly took off his shoes and climbed onto the bed, hiding behind Chen Ting, "A man and a woman can't kiss each other."

"Hahaha, if you hide behind Ting Tsai, aren't you afraid that I will throw your brother-in-law down too?"

Xiao Bai poked his head out from behind Chen Ting, "My brother-in-law belongs to my sister, you...don't mess around."


Everyone burst into laughter when they heard this.

Shi Lekang also pointed at Chen Ting and said, "Ah Ting, you are protected by Xiaobai."

601 in the kitchen.

Xue Yao is seriously handling octopuses as big as grapefruits.

Due to the problem of time and the number of diners, she decided to use the most primitive method to deal with the octopus, which is boiled and sliced.

But octopus can be as hard to bite as rubber if not handled properly.

She carefully rinsed off the mucus from each octopus under the tap, and then threw it into the large pot of boiling water next to it.

After 30 seconds, pick it up, put it under the faucet again while rinsing, and peel off the purple-red skin on the octopus.

At this time, Liu Li and the others came back, and as soon as the door was opened, Liu Li rushed to the kitchen and pulled Xue Yao, looking left and right.

Xue Yao also cooperated to show them around a few times, and everyone found that she was fine, so they were relieved.

"Do not worry."


Liu Li stepped forward and hugged her tightly, and said softly, "Sister, don't go to these live press conferences in the future, okay?
This time is more dangerous than Xie Lin's press conference last time. "

"But in the future, you may also hold events, such as endorsement signings, TV dramas, movie shooting ceremonies, etc. Can't I go to see them?
Don't worry, these two times were accidents, haven't I been fine all the time? And the effect of the amulet is not fake. "

It took Liu Li a long time to respond: "Alright then."

Hearing her strange voice, Xue Yao immediately asked, "What's the matter? Is Lili not feeling well?"

"No, my sister is very fishy."

The others laughed when they heard it, and An Mo also stepped forward to give her a hug.

"Hahaha, it smells like the sea, Lili let it go."

"No, I want to hug for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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