Gold Assistant

Chapter 206 We know each other?

Chapter 206 We know each other?

This person, sometimes he can't help talking about it, even if he thinks about it.

After Tao Chengxuan worked hard for many days, he failed to settle the matter of L matter with Zhang and his wife.

The other party always procrastinates with some vague reasons and refuses clearly. This keeps procrastinating, wasting a lot of their time and energy.

When his subordinates came to ask him with a stack of materials, he looked out the window at the continuous flow of vehicles downstairs and decisively chose to give up.

"That's the end of this plan, no need to follow."

Li Tezhu looked at him in surprise. The research on Substance L will bring new breakthroughs to the skin care industry. If it is taken down by others, Gu Yun's status will be lost.

Tao Chengxuan chuckled, "Arrange it and let everyone rest for two days. It's been a hard time."

"Yes." Knowing that the matter had been decided, Special Assistant Li didn't hesitate, and immediately went out to convey the news.

Thinking of what Xiaoya said, Tao Chengxuan immediately picked up his suit jacket and walked out.

He drove the car to the film and television city, adjusted his suit and hairstyle in the parking lot, and then walked to the filming location of the crew.

As soon as he walked out of the parking lot, he heard a woman's voice behind him.

"Brother Chengxuan, why are you here? Are you here to see me?"

The voice was a little strange, Tao Chengxuan turned around to see who it was, after all he was called brother.

Unexpectedly, it was Qin Yi and Luo Yuan holding her arm.

The moment Tao Chengxuan turned around, Qin Yi immediately showed the sweet smile that he thought was the most beautiful.

It was only when the other party's eyes rested on her hand that Qin Yi remembered that she was still holding Luo Yuan's hand.

She explained in a panic, "Uh, I almost sprained my ankle just now, so Mr. Luo helped me back to the set."

Tao Chengxuan raised his eyebrows, this lie is really lame, but it has nothing to do with him.He showed a thoughtful expression, and asked suspiciously: "We know each other?"

Upon hearing this, Qin Yi lost all color on her face, twitched the corners of her mouth, and said with a dry smile: "Brother Chengxuan, you really know how to joke, I'm Yiyi."

"I'm sorry, I don't remember." He looked at the watch in his hand, and didn't even say polite words, "I still have something to do, goodbye."

Qin Yi just looked at him like this, turned and left with a fruit basket in hand.

A flash of anger flashed in Luo Yuan's eyes, this woman actually disregarded the relationship in front of his face and went to hook up with other men.He suppressed his anger, pretended to be cool and asked: "Yiyi, who is that person?"

Qin Yi, who was in a rage, didn't bother to pay attention to Luo Yuan, and walked to the film crew alone.She was wondering why Tao Chengxuan appeared here. Could it be that he was going to see Liu Li?

Thinking of this, she became even angrier. Liu Li is just an actor, so why not!
Tao Chengxuan actually said that he didn't know himself!
After returning to the set, she kept her face dark, so that everyone would stay away from her when they met her, so as not to encounter bad luck.

Tao Chengxuan found the crew of "Summer Palace Chronicle" with the fruit blue, called Zhan Minghui, and someone came to pick him up.

After greeting Zhan Minghui, he began to look around, but did not find Liu Li.

He turned around and said, "Where's Lili?"

"I just said why did you come, she is changing clothes, ready to shoot a scene."

"Oh." After Tao Chengxuan finished speaking, he sat down on Zhan Minghui's chair to rest, not polite at all.

"I heard from Xiaoya that you have been busy with the new substance recently. Have you solved it?"

Tao Chengxuan looked at the other side of the scene, there were always people coming and going in that place, Liu Li and the others might also come out from there.

He didn't want to miss any chance to see her.

"That plan has been cancelled."

"Cancel? Don't you value that new substance?"

"The Zhangs are just stalling for time, they have no intention of signing a contract with Gu Yun."

Zhan Minghui thought for a while, "Are they trying to increase their status?"

Tao Chengxuan nodded, "Apart from Gu Yun, they are still talking with Qin's company and the Pearson family in Country F, but I think they will choose Qin's in the end."

"Why? Whether it's financial resources or industry status, aren't Gu Yun and the Pearson family better?"

Tao Chengxuan knocked on the director's chair with his hands, and said with a smile: "That Mrs. Zhang is ambitious, and Gu Yun and Pearson cannot be controlled by her current strength."

"By the way, why is Qin Yi here? I saw her in the parking lot just now."

"She also invested in a film, and she was filming next door."


"It's the play I told you about copying us last time."

"Is that movie being filmed? Why hasn't this matter been resolved? Didn't Le Kang find out very early?"

"Xiamen has already reported the information, but I don't know why there is no result yet."

Xue Yao and his group walked over, with Mi Jiawen and Zhang Xiaojiao walking in front.

When they saw Zhan Minghui and Tao Chengxuan, Zhang Xiaojiao exclaimed in a low voice and pointed forward with her finger.

"Wow, there are two handsome guys over there."

The others looked in the direction she said, and Zhan Minghui stood leisurely aside, with his head slightly tilted forward, looking intently at Tao Chengxuan.

Tao Chengxuan was sitting on the director's chair, raising his head and talking to him with a smile. The sun shines through the leaves next to them, casting colorful light on the two of them. The picture is very beautiful.

"Why do I see pink bubbles between them? Are they a couple? I've heard that there are actually a lot of them in the entertainment industry."

Zhang Xiaojiao grabbed Mi Jiawen excitedly, and said happily.

After seeing this picture, everyone had the same thought in their hearts.

They all sighed at the same time: It's no wonder that Tao Chengya was suspicious before. Seeing such a scene on the scene, they also felt that the two of them were not together, which was a bit wasteful.

Zhan Minghui quickly saw them, "They are here."

A group of girls are hiding in the corner, pointing at him and whispering to Tao Chengxuan, can they not notice?
As soon as Tao Chengxuan saw Liu Li, he immediately stood up.He just stood casually, but his gestures revealed an elegance.

"Wow, that man stood up, he is so tall, do you think they match well!"

Liu Li couldn't bear to let Tao Chengxuan continue to be misunderstood, she whispered to Zhang Xiaojiao: "At the beginning, the director of our film crew, Zhan Minghui, was standing, and the one sitting was the president of the film crew's sponsor, Gu Yun."

"Hey, isn't the CEO very busy? Why is he free to come to the set?
what!Investing in his film for the one he loves, this is the CEO's article! "

After getting the latest news, Zhang Xiaojiao didn't stop thinking about their identities.

Everyone secretly glanced at Liu Li, and there was nothing wrong with Zhang Xiaojiao's words.

Tao Chengxuan saw that they had been standing in the corner and couldn't come over, and remembered what grandma said, you must take the initiative in chasing people, so he mentioned Guolan and walked towards them.

"Ah, the CEO is coming, what does he want to do?" Zhang Xiaojiao's eyes were shining with excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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