Gold Assistant

Chapter 219 Eating is not the point

Chapter 219 Eating is not the point
Then several people followed Tao Chengxuan into a high-end restaurant.

Tao Chengxuan took Liu Li to a relatively bright place in the restaurant, and he didn't choose a corner.

Xue Yao was very satisfied with his approach, after all, he and Liu Li had just started.

Xue Yao dragged Shi Xiaonan to a corner and sat down, where he could see them.

With the ear strength of the two of them, they can hear their conversation without saying a word, which is better than a bug.

The lighting in the restaurant is a romantic dim yellow, accompanied by beautiful piano music, the air is filled with romantic atmosphere.

After Tao Chengxuan asked Liu Li, he ordered a salad, corn soup and pan-fried salmon for the two of them.

Xue Yao also ordered the same dishes as them. Tao Chengxuan would choose this place as the place for the first date. He should have done some research beforehand, so he ordered all the signature dishes of this restaurant.

It's rare to eat out, and she must have something special. She has some expectations.

Because he had to drive later, Tao Chengxuan didn't order any wine, he looked at Liu Li silently, and when he was about to say something, Liu Li's cell phone rang.

"I'm sorry." Liu Li picked up the phone and looked, it was Roy's call.

She asked in French, "Roy, what's the matter?"

Hearing Roy's name, Tao Chengxuan, who originally wanted to avoid it, immediately listened seriously.

After Xue Yao strengthened her physique, she also learned some French. After all, if Liu Li wanted to go abroad, she would go with her, and she couldn't be blind.

If someone secretly said bad things about Liu Li, it would be very troublesome if she didn't understand.

So far, he has only learned a little bit, but he can barely understand what Liu Li said.

Roy was on the other side of the phone, happily looking at the ticket in his hand, which he finally asked his sister to help buy.

"LILI, I have two tickets for Marie Youngs' farewell concert tonight, and I'd like to invite you to go with me."

Liu Li opened her mouth slightly when she heard it, and said in embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Roy, I've promised my friends to go see it together."

"Ah, why is this? I asked my sister to help me buy it after a lot of hard work. I'm leaving here soon, Lili, can you accompany me?" Roy was very depressed when he heard this.

"Sorry, how about that, are you free tomorrow? I'll accompany you to visit City B."

Hearing what she said, Roy knew it was over, so he had to settle for the next best thing and said, "Okay, then it's settled, please accompany me to see the legendary emperor's house tomorrow."

Roy felt a little better because of this invitation.

"okay, see you tomorrow."

When Tao Chengxuan heard that Liu Li rejected Roy, he was very thankful that he made an appointment early.But Lili rejected Roy for him, does it prove that his status in Lili's heart is higher than Roy's?
After all, he knew Lili later than Roy. Although Lili said that he was a younger brother, he still felt a little worried about gains and losses.

He always had a feeling that the fate between him and Lili was hard-won, and if he didn't hold on tightly, it might be easily lost.

After Liu Li hung up the phone, she said apologetically, "Sorry, it's a friend's call."

Tao Chengxuan decided to cut to the chase and said, "Is that the boy I met last time? I heard his name carefully just now."

He deliberately accentuated the word juvenile.

"Well, it's him. He's about to leave Huaguo, and I was too busy with filming before, so I didn't spend time with him."

"Oh, where do you want to go with him?"

"He said he wanted to visit the Forbidden City."

Tao Chengxuan, who was looking for an opportunity, immediately beamed when he heard this.

"The Forbidden City has limited daily passenger flow, have you made an appointment in advance?"

"Ah? What should I do then?"

Liu Li didn't know anything about it. She and her sister had been here for so long and had never been there.

"Gu Yun has some places to visit every year, I will take you in to have a look tomorrow."

Tao Chengxuan made a timely request for accompanying him.

"Really!" Liu Li was a little disappointed when he heard the current limit, but when Tao Chengxuan said that there was a quota, he immediately became excited.

But she thought about Tao Chengxuan's words carefully, that kind of quota should be for Gu Yun to entertain distinguished guests.

"Is that quota very precious, and will it cause inconvenience to your company?"

"Don't worry, Roy is a member of the Pearson family. Even if his sister is in power, it is beneficial to Gu Yun to befriend the Pearson family. I really hope that Lili will give me this opportunity."

Liu Li didn't expect Tao Chengxuan to say that, so she agreed with a smile.

At this time, the dishes they ordered were also served, and the two began to taste.

Xue Yao and Shi Xiaonan also started to eat. They were so much looking forward to it, but now they are so disappointed. The taste of the food here is not amazing.

Liu Li also had the same doubts, but before she asked, Tao Chengxuan spoke out first.

"I heard from Xiaoya that your cooking assistant is very good, and there is probably no chef around here who can match her.

Since they are all similar, I chose this one, at least we can still enjoy beautiful music. "

Hearing his praise for her sister, Liu Li nodded happily, "Well, my sister's cooking is the best."

When Xue Yao heard this, she silently added points to her brother-in-law.

Seeing Liu Li's reaction, Tao Chengxuan immediately ticked Tao Chengya's wife-chasing plan.

In fact, he didn't know if the nearby restaurants had delicious food, but he just wanted to find a reason to praise the people around Liu Li according to his sister's plan.

Several people continued to eat, while Ah Si in the other corner was editing information quickly while eating.

[Young master, your brother-in-law seems to be a master at picking up girls. He has even booked a date for tomorrow. ]
[However, I don't have a good eye for choosing a restaurant. ]
[I'm going, it turns out that the recruitment is here, young master, you must learn from it. ]
[This trick is too high, I think Miss Yao is also very disappointed. ]

Chen Ting looked at it for a long time, but Ah Si didn't send what kind of move it was, so he had to send a message to ask.

[Yo, master, you are nervous. ]
[Don't worry, no matter how Miss Yao looks at it, she's just happy to be praised, she won't like President Tao. ]
Next, he used a dozen pieces of information to describe a very simple matter.

Chen Ting knocked on the table, this method is indeed very useful, Xiao Yao is also a person who protects his weaknesses.

In the past, when someone praised him or his juniors, she would celebrate with a lot of delicious food, even if they had been fasting for many years.

The serving of western food is relatively slow, and it took almost two hours to finish this meal.

Liu Li put down the knife and fork, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and asked with a smile, "It's still a long time before the concert, what should we do next?"

Tao Chengxuan smiled, got up and helped her pull out the chair, "There happens to be an exhibition of ancient musical instruments upstairs, you can go and kill some time."

"Okay." Liu Li was very interested in this exhibition.

Xue Yao and Shi Xiaonan immediately paid the bill and followed them to the exhibition upstairs.

"Sister Yao, it seems that President Tao knows Lili's preferences very well."

"Yeah, that's too weird."

(End of this chapter)

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