Gold Assistant

Chapter 229 Brothers together

Chapter 229 Brothers Go Together
When a group of gangsters walked into the set, they found that there was no one around.

"Boss, why is there no one? Did you go to the wrong place?" Ah Chang walked up to their boss and asked.

"I just stepped on the scene yesterday, it's right here, you guys split up to see what's going on."


After the gangsters assigned directions, they walked carelessly into the crew.

In the end, it was discovered that all the crew members gathered together to eat.

Xue Yao and the others felt something was wrong, they listened attentively and discovered this situation, they looked at each other and then dispersed.

A Yao and Yang Yi noticed their anomalies first, and immediately stepped forward to inquire.

At this time, the gangsters divided into two sides and quietly surrounded the square.

Their boss came out and stood in front, looking down on everything and said: "Where is Shi Cheng, hand over Shi Cheng."

As the director, Zhan Minghui stood up and said, "Shi Cheng is now at No. 330 Huajie, on the 18th floor."

The gangsters were taken aback for a moment, this script is wrong.

Shouldn't we first ask who they belong to?They are still waiting for the registration number. It is uncomfortable to be stuck in this way!

The main purpose of their visit this time, the first is to let HSBC take the blame, and the second is to make something happen for the crew.

"Shut up, be honest, we HSBC is the owner and debtor, as long as you hand over Shi Cheng now, I will let you go, if you don't hand over, hehe."

The boss who took the lead spoke out in one breath, and his younger brothers all looked at him with admiration.

The name was finally announced smoothly, and the next step is to pretend to be X.

And the people in the crew all looked at Zhang Xiaojiao and A Yao.

Shi Xiaonan and the others who were already preparing to make a move retreated back so that Zhang Xiaojiao and A Yao could figure out the situation, or clean up the situation.

Zhang Xiaojiao's purpose for coming to the crew has long been explained to everyone, because she wants to learn the process of various things.

Zhang Dahu decided to transform as early as a year ago. At that time, he had already started to withdraw all the funds one after another, and did not release any new funds.

And the lending of money is completely prohibited. If the people on the opposite side are really from HSBC, it is someone who has violated the regulations to lend and collect money.

Since she came to the set, Zhang Xiaojiao asked not to bring bodyguards because it is very safe here.It's just that Zhang Dahu was still a little worried, so he let Ayao follow alone.

Zhang Xiaojiao took a look at the other party, she was really unfamiliar, so she pushed A Yao out.The other party may not know her, but it is impossible not to know A Yao who has been by Zhang Dahu's side all the time.

A Yao thought for a long time, but still couldn't figure out who the other party was, could it be someone's new younger brother?Frowning, he asked, "Which hall are you from?"

The leading boss looked at A Yao, why did he feel that the other party seemed to have seen him somewhere...

Ah Chang stepped forward and asked, "Boss, what's wrong?"

The leader shook his head.

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, A Yao felt very embarrassed, and asked again: "Who is your boss?"

A Chang immediately said arrogantly: "This is brother Yao from HSBC, stop talking nonsense, if you can't hand over Shi Cheng, don't blame us for being rude."

Zhang Xiaojiao stood behind A Yao, looked straight at the leader, excitedly tugged at the corner of A Yao's clothes, and said with a smile, "He is whiter than you used to be."

Everyone heard their conversation, compared the faces of the two of them, and it was true that brother Yao's face was paler than when they first met A Yao.

When the crew was filming before, an extra actor suddenly fell ill and couldn't come, so Zhang Xiaojiao suggested that Ayao be on top, but his skin was a bit pale, so he wasn't suitable for that role.

In the end, Xue Yao and Min Shasha's skillful hands turned him into a bronze color, and Ayao's whole temperament changed, it was different from before.

He also likes this new look very much, so he went to the beauty salon to get a bronze color.

After hearing Zhang Xiaojiao's words, A Yao showed an embarrassed expression, "Cough, cough, miss."

"Boss, they are ignoring you too much!"

The opposite 'Brother Yao' felt familiar again, but still didn't care.

With a gloomy face, he raised the baseball bat in his hand and pointed it at Ayao. "I advise you not to push yourself forward, and obediently cooperate with handing over Shi Cheng, otherwise we, HSBC, will not let your crew go."

Looking at the other party's appearance, A Yao already guessed that the other party was deliberately impersonating them, and asked impatiently: "Who asked you to impersonate HSBC."

A group of gangsters on the opposite side looked at each other, how did he know.

'Brother Yao' didn't think too much, looked around, and then used a baseball bat to sweep everything next to him to the ground.

All the plates and jars there were overturned, and the contents were scattered all over the floor.

A hot and sour taste rushed into everyone's nasal cavity, stimulating their taste buds, and the saliva was constantly secreted.

Zhang Xiaojiao shouted excitedly first, and she pointed to the pink and white section on the ground.

"Ah!! The hot and sour lotus root made by Xiaoyao, I want to take it home for Laodou!"

Everyone looked at the things on the ground with regret, and then they all gritted their teeth and stared at the gangsters.

'Brother Yao' suddenly felt his scalp go numb, and after he calmed down, he looked at the crew deliberately and coldly.

He waved a baseball bat and said fiercely: "If you don't hand over Shi Cheng, you will end up like this."

When Xue Yao noticed something was wrong, she had already called the police, and the police should be here soon.She thought about it, and planned to say something to delay it.

Try not to make a good shot here, so as to prevent things from being harassed and turning into a fight.

So she stood up and asked, "Did Qin Yi ask you to come here?"

"What Yi, what Qin, we don't know each other. If you don't hand over Shi Cheng, you're going to make things difficult for us at HSBC."'Brother Yao' glanced at them dissatisfied.

The women present all looked delicate, and they couldn't find the female bodyguard who had been reminded.As for the man, the man in front of him was a little threatening.

He shouted to his younger brothers: "Let's go together."

Xue Yao and the others looked at each other helplessly. Since the police cannot be dragged over, let's make a quick decision.

'Brother Yao' raised his baseball bat and swung it at Ayao who looked the strongest.

With a bang, the baseball bat pierced the air.

A Yao just moved slightly to the side, and the menacing baseball bat was swung in the air.

'Brother Yao' frowned, and immediately swung the baseball bat again to hit Ayao.

I saw that A Yao lifted the baseball bat lightly with his strength, and he swung the baseball bat to another place. He stretched out his hand and punched 'Brother Yao', and 'Brother Yao' fell to the ground with his stomach in his arms.

He didn't expect to meet such a difficult person, and when he heard the wailing and women's screams around him, he calmed down, it doesn't matter if you are good alone, he has a group of brothers.So he shouted: "Brothers, go up together and restrain him."

(End of this chapter)

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