Gold Assistant

Chapter 235

Chapter 235
After hearing Xue Yao's exclamation, everyone looked at her.

Shi Xiaonan, Ah San and Ah Si came to her side in the blink of an eye, staring at the person in front of them.

"Sister Yao, what's wrong?" Shi Xiaonan asked in Xue Yao's ear.

The waiter whose mask was removed lowered his head in embarrassment, and the wig on his head fell to the ground.

Xue Yao looked at her coldly and said, "Shi Li, what are you doing here?"

"Why is that waiter Shi Li?"

"What is she doing here?"

"A woman disguised herself as a man and sneaked in. What do you want to do?"

Shi Li said in a low voice: "After I was kicked out of the set by you, I lost my job and had to do odd jobs everywhere."

Brother Yun squeezed over and said angrily: "You can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. It was you who left the crew without saying anything. I also called you many times, but no one answered. .”

"You lost my brother, I won't go find him, who will find him, rely on you?! You only bully us, bully others..."

Seeing that she couldn't win, Shi Li started to piss off.

Zhan Minghui stepped forward and said again: "Shi Cheng is now at No. 330 Huajie, on the 18th floor."

Shi Li stopped howling and looked at him blankly.

"..." Everyone was silent, this address couldn't be true, could it?They always thought that Director Zhan was just talking casually to coax those bastards.

Director Fu came over, and when he was about to speak, Xue Yao interrupted him, picked up a glass of wine, stared into Shi Li's eyes, and asked, "What did you add to these cocktails?"

Shi Li avoided her gaze, and said nervously, "This is the cocktail prepared by Long Teng, how do I know what's in it? If you want to ask, you should ask Long Teng's people."


Xue Yao responded lightly, then communicated with Shi Xiaonan with her eyes, and called out again, "Shi Li."

Shili looked up at her.

Shi Xiaonan rushed over immediately, tapped her mouth with his hand, and Xue Yao quickly poured the cocktail on her hand into her mouth.

Caught off guard, Shi Li was forced to drink the cocktail, and she cursed: "&%&%...¥%##"

Those words were so rough that everyone around them frowned.

Not long after, Shi Li stopped cursing, looked at the people around her with dazed eyes, and then began to make an indescribable sound that made people blush.

When Shi Li started to tear off her clothes and moved her body towards everyone, Shi Xiaonan decisively knocked her on the back of the neck, knocking her out.

Seeing this scene, everyone's scalps were numb. It was only after Shi Li drank the wine that she became what she is now.

If Xue Yao didn't find something wrong with these wines...

Wang Weiyi came over and said to them: "I checked just now, and someone arranged for her to come in, maybe Zhou Kun's people."


Unexpectedly, Zhou Kun, who was already in prison, could do such things.

"Our restaurant was negligent this time." Wang Weiyi looked at everyone apologetically.

Before they could respond, someone shouted with a mobile phone: "Everyone, look at the scarf, someone sent a strange message, and it was also on the trending search."

"What information? What does it have to do with us?"

The first person to find out immediately ran over with his mobile phone.

"Director Zhan, look."

Everyone immediately took out their mobile phones to watch.

Senior informant: [The latest news is that a certain costume crew held a wrap-up banquet in a five-star restaurant today, but secretly held a psychedelic party. 】

[What is a psychedelic party? ]
[It’s the kind of party that takes drugs and messes with OX. ]
[Oh, which crew is it?]
[No picture, no truth, bad review! ]
[Today's wrap-up banquet at the five-star hotel? It seems like I guessed which crew it is. ]
[Upstairs, tell me quickly, this kind of thing is only meaningful if it is shared. ]
[Not even a V is certified, so what I say doesn't have much credibility. ]
[Can't guess, what will happen if you have the guts to give a little more hint. ]
[+1 for guessing. ]
[That’s the one where the male and female protagonists are both newcomers. ]
[I guessed it too, it's the one that shows off delicious food at every turn. ]

Seeing those people's pretentious replies and bringing "Summer Palace Chronicle" into it, everyone's expressions changed immediately.

Soon Wang Weina received a call from an informant. After she answered the call, her face was covered with a layer of cold frost.

"Someone reported to the media that we are holding a psychedelic party here, and those reporters are already rushing here."

"Look, everyone, there is new news."

Another piece of information appeared on the hot search list.

Entertainment Reuters: ["Summer Palace Chronicle" has been filmed a few days ago and is currently in post-production. It is reported that today there will be a wrap-up banquet in Longteng. I wish the work a good rating. 】

[what?Isn't Longteng under renovation? ]
[I heard that the decoration has been completed and is ready to open. ]
[Longteng is a five-star restaurant, right...]
[Oh my god, ancient costumes, five-star restaurants, the one I saw just now could not be...]
[Impossible, how can there be a crew who all attend that kind of party. ]
[Cut, another one with no pictures and no truth. ]
[The one who has not certified V is probably someone who came to touch porcelain. ]
[Sit well and wait for the real hammer. ]
[What Pengci, I heard that some media have already taken photos, but they were suppressed and not published. ]

When Chen Kele saw the comment on the scarf, he was so angry that he spit out the Coke in his mouth.

"You guys, you want to blackmail me, Moli every day, it's too hateful!" She tapped on the keyboard angrily, replying to every slanderous comment, defending her idol.

The same happens with other fans as well.

But there are more people who are waiting and watching, although they don't believe that their idol will do such a thing.But the other party said that there will be a real hammer, and they are all waiting for clarification from the crew.

In the Longteng banquet hall, everyone looked at Zhan Minghui, wondering what to do next.In today's incident, it is obvious that someone deliberately put them on stage.

Let Shi Li add ingredients to the drink first, and then expose the matter through the scarf to stir up the matter, and wait for the media to arrive, just when the effect of the medicine is exerted, and then take indecent photos.

If this matter goes smoothly, everyone present will be tainted from now on regardless of whether they have been tricked or not, and Long Teng will also be devastated.

Not only Wang's enterprise, but even Gu Yun will be affected, after all, their president and eldest lady are here.

This is a poisonous plan to kill birds with one stone.

For this reason, everyone couldn't help looking at Shi Li on the ground. If she really succeeded, the consequences would be too terrible. Thinking of this, everyone wanted to step forward and kick her a few times.

"I'll contact Lekang first, and talk about how to deal with it?" Zhan Minghui picked up his cell phone and dialed Xeroxkang's number.

A security guard ran in nervously, "Miss, there are some reporters outside the restaurant, they insist on rushing in."

Wang Weiyi frowned and said, "Let everyone stop outside the restaurant first, and no matter what those reporters ask, don't talk."


At this time, the door of the banquet hall was suddenly opened, and everyone turned to look at the door. How could someone come in at this time, didn't they stop it?
(End of this chapter)

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